Should Muslims use astronomical calculations for establishing the start and end 
of Ramadan?
  Read the full article in:
  Adel Elsaie
  Here is a case where Muslims have 2 Fatwa for establishing the beginning and 
end of Ramadan. If we have Caliph for the Islamic Ummah, many of our Fiqh, 
political, fighting problems will be solved InShaa Allah. May Allah have mercy 
on us.
  Can we say that this is a case of multiple correct answers? I just pray to 
Allah SWT that no Muslim, somewhere, accuses me of not being a Muslim (Wa 
Aliyaz Bi Allah) for asking this question. Believe me I am Muslim, Al Hamd le 
  Possibility of Multiple Correct Answers
  Evidence for this is an incident in which the Prophet (SAW) witnessed the 
companions disputing, but did not rebuke them for doing so. The incident 
relates to the dispute regarding the Asr prayer on their way to Bani Qurayzah. 
The Prophet instructed the companions to go and fight the Jews. He said, "Do 
not pray until you get to Bani Qurayzah". On route to Bani Qurayzah the time 
for Asr was drawing to a close. A dispute ensued. One group understood the 
prophet's command metaphorically, thinking that the Prophet (SAW) meant hurry 
up. A party of the believers prayed there whilst the others prayed after Asr 
time when they arrived at Bani Qurayzah. 
  When they next met the Prophet (SAW) they asked him who was right and who was 
wrong. It is important to note the response. Only one of them could have been 
right, but the Prophet (SAW) did not point out who that was, rather he said, 
"Whoever performs ijtihad and errs will receive one reward. Whoever performs 
ijtihad and arrives at the correct answer gets double the reward." 
  Had it been haram to differ, the Prophet (SAW) would have rebuked those 
differing from the correct opinion and praised those who were right. This 
example teaches us to tolerate opposing Islamic opinions which are arrived at 
by those qualified to do so after performing ijtihad. 
  The scholars in the past recognized this; "The most learned amongst the 
people is also one who is most knowledgeable of the difference amongst the 
people" (Ghazali, Shawkani, Abu Zahrah)
  Before performing Ijtihad it is a prerequisite for a scholar to be aware of 
all the differences on the issue at hand.
  Should they follow the European Council even though they use astronomical 
  The Fiqh Council of North America
  Read the full article in:
  Adel Elsaie

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