The sunnath way of putting on your dress
  The Sunnath way of putting on your dress, is first making a supplication. 
“Alhamdu-lilahil lazi kasani ma u-wari laihi awati wa-at-jamalu bi fee 
ha-yatee”. Before doing any good work you have to say “Bismillah”. Therefore, 
man should say “Bismillah” before he starts putting on his dress. The right 
side is preferred. That is, if you are wearing a “kurta”, then you should put 
your right hand into the sleeve first and if you are going to wear a pyjama, 
then you will put your right leg in first.
  the sunnah method of covering head 
  The Sunnah method of covering your head is by wearing a ‘Topi’ or by tying an 
Imama (head-cloth) around your head. It has been mentioned in the Narrations 
about the ‘Topi’ worn by our Holy Prophet (SAWS) that it was white, 
round-shaped and worn closely on his head. His (SAWS) Imama was usually of 
black colour, about seven to10 arm-length and one arm-length wide. It has also 
been mentioned that He (SAWS) used to wear white and yellow Imamas too.
  sunnah about antimony
  Applying “surmah” (antimony) to your eyes is the Sunnath of Holy Prophet 
(SAWS). A tradition is attributed to Hazrat Ibne Abbas (RA) that the Prophet 
(SAWS) had a receptacle for keeping “surmah” and every night before going to 
sleep, He(SAWS) used to apply it three times to his eyes. He used to apply 
three times in his right eye and twice in his left eye. This is mentioned in 
many narrations. 
  Clothes of Holy prophet (PBUH)
  In “Shamaili-Tirmizi” it is attributed to Hazrat Umme Salma (RA) that the 
Holy Prophet (SAWS) gave preference to wearing “Kurta” over all other clothes
  the “kurta” of the Holy Prophet (SAWS) was made of cotton, which was not too 
long and its sleeves were not too long either. It is attributed to Hazrat Ibne 
Abbas (RA) that the “Kurta” of the Prophet (SAWS) was always above his ankles 
and his lower garment was worn upto the middle of his shin. He also used to 
wear pajamas and his “topi” was kept tight on his head with a turban wrapped 
around it.

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