Now that Mr. Al Gore might reconsider seriously
  the Presidency of the United  States of America .
  Now that George Bush has ran out of lies
  and US voters might have finally found out , 
  just who he really is.
  We presume that the next President in the White-house
  shall use environmentally-friendly-fuels in his B52 Bombers
  when they shall drop their  next Atomic-Bombs on Iran.
  Who knows ??..........
  One day all the US-Bombers shall be equipped with non-harmful-fuels !!!
  "A small step for nature-preservation 
  and a huge step for inhumanity !! "
  Please note also  that I it will be the first Atomic Bomb 
  dropped by a Nobel Peace Prize winner....!!
  Eng. Moustafa  Roosenbloom

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