ASalam alikum brother and sisters   Speech , islam is complete way of life. 
This hadith of RAsool(SAW) shows a thing which is very common is us . we have 
double face ,we change our self according to our need even if we are doing some 
that is sin instead of get rid of that we try to prove that thing right . Think 
about it   Malik :: Book 56 : Hadith 56.8.21   Malik related to me from 
Abu'z-Zinad from al-Araj from Abu Hurayra that the Messenger of Allah, may 
Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, "One of the most evil of people is 
the two-faced person who shows one face to these people and another face to 
those people." 
  another bad thing which is quite common among us is lie what RAsooL(SAW) said 
about it 
  Malik :: Book 56 : Hadith 56.7.19   Malik related to me that Safwan ibn 
Sulaym said, "The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, 
was asked, 'Can the mumin be a coward?' He said, 'Yes.' He was asked, 'Can the 
mumin be a miser?' He said, 'Yes.' He was asked, 'Can the mumin be a liar?' He 
said, 'No.' " 
  Malik :: Book 56 : Hadith 56.9.22   Malik related to me that he had heard 
that Umm Salama, the wife of the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him 
peace, said, "Messenger of Allah! Shall we be destroyed while there are people 
who are salih among us?" The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant 
him peace, said, "Yes, if there is much wickedness." 
  dont u think wickendess is very  common among us pray to Allah save us and 
make us on a streght path , also try to get rid of bad thinG. ameen 

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