President Sarkozy has divorced his pretty woman........
  Why not ??
  What is wrong with divorcing any pretty woman ??
  I  even know many nice guys who divorced !!
  (even such a nice person, as myself , did it , far)
  But some news  many hide other news....!
  for example another piece of news 
  is claiming that President Nicola Sarkozy 
  were once on the pay-role of the Mossad !!
  The point here remains in the sizing of each news-item
  and which item is repeated frequently, and which is not ......
  Let us agree that being an ex-spy for a foreign power
  is more dramatic..............than being a divorced-president.
  So let us together  scan the international Media
  to find out which item is (or was) more frequently mentioned.
  Having said that ? I would not mind if and when
  Cecilia (ex) Sarkozy would be also a spy with a mission
  to seduce me.....for a long week-end trip to Fiji.
  But back to serious , now :
  How many Medias mentioned both cases ??
  and how often?.......each of them ?
  Look it up !!
  Sherlock Hommos
  once divorced but not a President , yet.
  29 of October 07
  PS :
  I know many people who are not Mossad-agents
  are even worse.....than Nicola Sarkozy ?

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