The Looser,the Referee and the Winner
   before even the Match starts.......
  The Agenda of Annapolis Conference has been leaked out.......
  by my third grade cousin ,Khaled, who works there as assistant-cook
  and part-time-spy for the "C I A" ( Chemayel Inspirational  Analogies)
  Here is the full text which was distributed 
  to the participants only this morning at the breakfast:
  The Planing Committee of the
  has proposed the following points 
  for the Agenda.
  1- Agreement on the Global Warming's effects
     on the Green-Tomato's in the Jordan Valley
  2- Give a clear quota for the water-distribution 
  in Alaska and in Greenland
  3- Allow women to wear bikinis 
  in the Islands of Bikini
  4- Reduce the consumption of Tobacco 
  in Tobago
  5- Solve the malaise 
  in Malaysia
  6. Finding a non-gay-hairdresser 
  for the next
  President of the Lebanon
  7. Fix a salary-raise for Tony Blair
  within "45 minutes ".
  8- Finally ,and if time still allows , 
  decide on the colour 
  to be used to paint 
  that Separation Wall
  27Th. November 2007
  Dr. C.Rice
  on behalf of
  Dr. Haim Herzl
  Please treat this text as confidential
  because some sceptics might think  
  that we are just joking
  Sherlock Hommos

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