Reagan                 the Wall               and today......
  As a great tradition of the Republicans especially ,
  and US Presidents generally , 
  great moments request great speeches.
  Do you remember President Roro Reagan , when standing in Berlin
  in front of that Wall ??
  he said : Mr. Gorbachev please tear down that wall !!
  Obviously , George Wall Bush being a Republican
  and also a US President he would have to produce now
  something , or anything historical fit to the occasion
  of his historical visit today, to the Stolen-Land..........
  His speech-writer is not accompanying him to Israel
  so I was asked instead,  to write him an appropriate speech
  fit to Jerusalem and fit to that Wall around it......
  not the Wall of the Old-city but the other Wall
  the one which holds back the sick children 
  and holds back the pregnant women too.
  So , anytime now , you will see George W Bush 
  on your TV screen ,making another historical speech,
  just like Reagan did ..
  He will say ,during that speech tomorow , 
  in front of that Wall........loud and clear :
  Mr. Abbas , please tear down that Wall !!
  Of course , 
  because the USA blames the Palestinians for that ugly Wall.....
  Israelis have the right "to defend themselves"
  but the Palestinians are not allowed 
  to stand in front of.............. the Israeli-Bullets !!
  Eng. Moustafa  Roosenbloom
  a Devil's speech-writer
  10Th. day in 2008
  one side is occupied    and    the other side is stolen.
                                        The naive , between the Bad and the 

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