Ah, the infamous Bernie Farber and his Brown Shirts at the Canadian Jewish 
Congress are in the news again. As he usually does Bernie Farber is trying to 
trample any exposure of the Israel-lobby in Canada by silencing those 
independent enough to document the Israeli lobby's activities. At a York 
University event Professor David Noble distributed a list of names of directors 
of the York University Foundation and their links to pro-Israel organizations. 
Is this an unreasonable act in a publicly funded academic institution mandated 
to serve the needs of all its students and the academic community without 
conflict of interest? Bernie Farber has characterized this as an act of 
anti-Semitism. Of course many of us know people of conscience in Canada whose 
reputations and careers have been ruined by the false accusation of 
anti-Semitism. It is a powerful strategy and it has worked to silence many. 
Professor David Noble however is fighting back. He has launched the libel suit 
 Congratulations David.
  Rather than hiding behind the misleading name Canadian Jewish Congress it is 
time Farber and the CJC re-named their organization to honestly reflect their 
political agenda - Canadian Zionist Congress. Farber and the CJC have learned 
well from their own historical oppressors - Farber and the CJC's strategies of 
censoring brave individuals such as Prof. Noble and of appearing at educational 
forums to shut down the sharing of facts about Israeli oppresion is reminiscent 
of the Nazi era. Farber and the CJC do not deserve the cloak of respectability 
or credibily they attempt to wear.
  Susan Howard-Azzeh

Khaled Mouammar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
  Date: Tue, 5 Feb 2008 00:17:19 -0500 (EST)
From: Khaled Mouammar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Libel suit against Bernie Farber and the Canadian Jewish Congress
To: Khaled Loutfi Mouammar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

  DAVID  NOBLE                                                                  
                    ; ;                                                         
  - and -


  Pursuant to section 5 of the Libel and Slander Act, RSO 1990, the Plaintiff, 
David Noble, hereby complains of the defamatory content of an article published 
by the Toronto Star, entitled, “Memo Stirs Controversy at York U” attached 
hereto as Appendix “A”, which continues to be published on-line as an archived 
document linked to the Toronto Star website, at the following internet address 
or URL:
  The article was originally published in print form on November 21, 2004 in 
the Toronto Star, thereafter it has been available and has continued to be 
published on-line each day until the date of this notice, i.e. January 29, 
2008.  The instant notice relates to each internet publication and 
republication of the attached article in the last six weeks. 
  The attached article is written by Prithi Yelaja and published by the Toronto 
Star, which maintains an active archived link to the article from the Toronto 
Star web site. The article can be accessed on-line for $3.95 Canadian plus 
applicable taxes.  The article refers to the Plaintiff Noble’s request for an 
apology pursuant to what he refers to as “…scurrilous attacks” [on his 
character and attempts to squelch his freedom of speech].  The article 
describes Noble’s demand as being in response to the Defendant Canadian Jewish 
Congress (CJC) statement that Noble was spreading “anti-Semitic” material on 
the York University campus.  In the face of Noble’s request for an apology, 
however, the CJC and the Defendant Farber have to date failed to retract or 
apologize for their condemnation of Noble.
  In particular, the Defendant Farber reiterates in the ongoing publication 
that Noble’s message is anti-Semitic.  Farber’s message through its explicit 
content and context identifies Noble as being anti-Semitic on the basis of 
Noble’s having distributed a flyer that lists names of directors of the York 
University Foundation and their links to pro-Israel organizations.  The 
Plaintiff complains of and identifies the most concerning statements within the 
article as follow in respect of the Defendant Farber in his capacity as 
Executive Director of the CJC: 
  The material, which appears to suggest that a small cabal of Jews runs the 
foundation, is reminiscent of classic Jewish conspiracy theories, Bernie 
Farber, executive director of the congress, said yesterday.
  The article also attributes the following statement specifically to the 
Defendant Farber:
  Not only is this absurd, it reeks of anti-Semitism… It’s bizarre, and if this 
wasn’t coming from an academic, one would laugh it off.  The fact that it’s 
coming from an academic should scare people. 
  The statements attributed to the Defendants Canadian Jewish Congress and 
Farber are harmful to the Plaintiff’s reputation in the nature of his trade and 
calling.  The Defendants’ comments falsely describe the flyer distributed by 
the Plaintiff in November 2004 as anti-Semitic, conspiratorial, harmful, 
threatening and targeted against Jews on the basis of their religion or 
ethnicity.  Moreover, in their context, the comments of the Defendants suggest 
several false conclusions and reasonable inferences may be drawn therefrom, 
which are defamatory and harmful to the Plaintiff’s reputation including the 
  1)     That the Plaintiff intentionally seeks to harm or wishes harm to come 
to Jews;
  2)     That the Plaintiff shares commonalities with other groups or persons 
who have historically persecuted Jewish people;
  3)     That the Plaintiff is not a serious academic;
  4)     That the Plaintiff is a person who lacks integrity and decency;
  5)     That the Plaintiff is an irrational person whose ideas should be 
  6)     That the Plaintiff as an academic should be feared because he is 
intent on attacking Jews and that he may continue to do so through his academic 
  7)     That the Plaintiff indoctrinates or passes on harmful, prejudicial and 
stereotypic ideas regarding Jews to the students he teaches or within the 
academe more broadly;
  8)     That the Plaintiff’s views should not be tolerated by the general 
  9)     That the Plaintiff because he is publicly condemned by the Canadian 
Jewish Congress is not welcome in social and cultural milieus of Canadian Jews.
  Contrary to the assertions of the Defendants and the inferences that may be 
drawn from their public statements contained in the article attached hereto, 
the Plaintiff has stated since November 2004 and it is a fact that the material 
complained of, i.e. his flyer, does not single out any person on the basis of 
ethnicity or religion.  
  The Plaintiff requests the Defendants named in the heading of this notice to 
immediately apologize, correct and request the Toronto Star to cease the 
continued on-line publication of the attached article.  
  The named Defendants in the heading of this notice are advised that the 
Plaintiff may initiate a legal action against them in conformity with section 6 
of the Libel and Slander Act for the publication of defamatory comments 
identified herein and as contained in the article attached hereto. 
  Dated:  January 29, 2008   
  43 Florence Street
  Ottawa, ON
  K2P 0W6
  Per: Yavar Hameed  Tel. (613) 232-2688 ext. 228  Fax. (613) 232-2680   
  Solicitors for the Plaintiff, 
  David Noble
          Memo stirs controversy at York U.    [ONT Edition]                  
Toronto Star - Toronto, Ont.     Author:  Prithi Yelaja    Date:  Nov 21, 2004  
  Start Page:  A.04    Section:  News    Text Word Count:  429                  
 Document Text                            
  A history professor is demanding an apology from a leading Jewish rights 
group and York University for what he calls "scurrilous attacks" on his 
character and attempts to squelch his freedom of speech.
  If no apology is forthcoming, David Noble said he'd consider legal action 
against the Canadian Jewish Congress and York.
  The congress has denounced Noble for spreading "anti-Semitic" material on 
  Noble handed out a memo last week listing the names of the directors of the 
York University Foundation, the school's fundraising arm, and their links to 
pro-Israel organizations.
  The material, which appears to suggest that a small cabal of Jews runs the 
foundation, is reminiscent of classic Jewish-conspiracy theories, Bernie 
Farber, executive director of the congress, said yesterday.
  "Not only is this absurd, it reeks of anti-Semitism.... It's bizarre, and if 
this wasn't coming from an academic, one would laugh it off. The fact that it's 
coming from an academic should scare people."
  Noble, who has taught at York for 15 years and is Jewish, said those comments 
are worrisome and "deeply offensive to me because my own family has suffered 
from anti-Semitism."
  "When you get these kinds of scurrilous attacks it trivializes anti-Semitism. 
I guess they didn't do their homework and find out I was Jewish."
  There will be no apology, Farber said, arguing Noble can't use that as "a 
cloak" for his actions.
  Noble spontaneously distributed copies of a memo he wrote called "The Tail 
that Wags the Dog (Suggestions for Further Research)" after a Thursday film 
screening by the student group Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights.
  It claims the foundation "is biased by the presence and influence of staunch 
pro-Israel lobbyists, activists and fundraising agencies." Noble asserted 
yesterday that the foundation is "de facto running York. They clamp down on any 
criticism of Israel."
  Pro-Arab and pro-Israel students separately agreed to denounce Noble's 
  Rabia Siddiqui of the Solidarity group said it was inappropriate "for anyone 
to single anyone out because of their race, in any circumstances."
  "It is unacceptable for any student to be exposed to this type of bigotry," 
Dori Borshiov, president of the Jewish group Hillel at York, added in a 
  A statement by university president Lorna Marsden said "York strongly 
condemns this highly offensive material," which singles out people "on the 
basis of their ethnicity and alleged political views."
  Credit: Toronto Star


  Khaled Mouammar
  National President
  Canadian Arab Federation
  Cell: 416-879-6766
    the time is always ripe to do right. Nelson Mandela

  Ralph Nader's dad to Ralph when he was 10 years old: "So what did you learn 
in school today? To believe or to think?" 

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