Obviously ,
  the Republicans shall loose this election with any candidate
  because the USA wants to punish them , not for lying about Iraq ,
  not for invading Iraq and Afghanistan ,
  but rather for loosing the war in Iraq.
  The Democrats shall win with who ever will be the nominee,
  black of female.......and even with a black-female candidate.
  The only questions remaining , would be  :
  Would Monica Lewinsky get her Job back 
  in the Oval-office ??
  would Iraq see any kind or any sort of democracy ??
  would Israel finish up its Wall.......
  up to the Green Zone in Baghdad ??
  would Mubarak retire in 2014 ??
  would Israeli-companies be able to pump-out the oil in Darfur ??
  Would the Opium in Afghanistan get legalised 
  and then sold exclusively via Hally-Burton ??
  Would the Harriri-clan in Beirut finally define its colours ??
  Would Monsieur Bernard Kouchner get a permanent-Residence-permit 
  in Beirut ??
  would any Peace conference between Israel and Palestine 
  take place after the retirement of Mubarak ......
  or before the complete melting of the North Pole ??
  Would the Global-warming reach the Cold-war ??
  and finally
  Would anyone tell me what is the difference 
  between a Republican and  a Democrat ??
  Eng. Moustafa   Roosenbloom
  predictor of predicaments

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