Pilot wrongfully accused of 9/11 ties can seek damages from Britain A
British court ruled that the government destroyed Lotfi Raissi's career by
imprisoning him for months on terror charges. *By Arthur

posted February 15, 2008 at 10:10 am EST


A British man wrongly charged with training the pilots in the Sept. 11
attacks and imprisoned for six months can claim damages from the British
government, a British court ruled Thursday. The decision has prompted
criticism of Britain's terrorist extradition policies with the United

Britain's Court of Appeal ruled, writes the *Scotsman*, that the government
should reexamine its decision to deny compensation to Lotfi Raissi, in light
of the damage it did to Mr. Raissi's career and reputation by arresting him
and publicly accusing him of aiding the perpetrators of the 9/11 attacks in
2001. Raissi, who attended a flight school in Arizona at the same time as
men involved in the attacks, was imprisoned by the British government for
four-and-a-half months on terrorism-related charges. The government released
him when it could find no
support its accusations.

Lord Justice Hooper, giving judgment today, said: "The public labelling of
the appellant as a terrorist by the authorities in this country, and
particularly by the [Crown Prosecution Service, the government's criminal
prosecutors in England and Wales], over a period of many months has had and
continues to have, so it is said, a devastating effect on his life and on
his health.

 "He considers that, unless he receives a public acknowledgement that he is
not a terrorist, he will be unable to get his life back together again."

 The judge said the appeal court, which also included the Master of the
Rolls, Sir Anthony Clarke and Lady Justice Smith, considered that there was
a "considerable body of evidence" to suggest that the police and the CPS
were responsible for what the scheme describes as "serious defaults".

 *The New York Times* writes that while the court reserved most of its
criticism for British prosecutors, it also condemned the United States for
its role in Raissi's arrest. US authorities believed that Raissi was a
terrorist and requested he be
British law enforcement.

Mr. Raissi was picked up by the police at his home near Heathrow Airport 10
days after the [September 11] attacks at the request of the United States,
the court noted. During the seven days he was questioned by the British
police, an F.B.I. agent observed "from a remote location via a television
link," the court said.

 When the seven-day holding period was up, the United States sought to
extradite Mr. Raissi after hastily filing what the court called "trivial"
charges: failure to note on his pilot's license application that he had had
knee surgery, and that, at the age of 19, he had been arrested for stealing
a briefcase at Heathrow and given a false name at the time.

 The British court said the United States had abused the extradition
process, using it as "a device to secure" Mr. Raissi's "presence in the U.S.
for the purpose of investigating 9/11 rather than for the purpose of putting
him on trial for nondisclosure offenses."

 *The Times* of London writes that, nonetheless, the court found that
primary responsibility for Raissi's treatment lay with Britain, particularly
in the case presented by British
the behest of the United States.

Mr Raissi, they said, was the "lead instructor" for the hijackers. The
courts were told there was evidence that he falsified flight logs to hide
the fact he trained Hanjour. Videotape had been found of Hanjour and Mr
Raissi together. A notebook said to belong to Abu Doha, a major terrorist
suspect, that had been found in London contained Mr Raissi's phone number.

 One by one, over the course of ten court hearings, Mr Raissi's solicitor
proved that the allegations and the evidence to support them were false, if
not fabricated. ...

 In February 2002, Mr Raissi was released from Belmarsh jail. But neither
the British nor the American authorities were prepared to say they had been
mistaken. He remained a suspected terrorist, unable to travel outside
Britain except to Algeria.

The court added that it considered "the way in which extradition proceedings
were conducted in this country, with opposition to bail based on allegations
which appear unfounded in evidence, amounted to an abuse of process."

The *BBC* reports that Raissi was elated after the court's ruling, which
declared that he should be "completely

"I am very glad. I always had faith in British justice. Surely I can expect
to hear from the home secretary with the long-awaited apology very soon."

 He said his wrongful arrest had left him blacklisted as a pilot and unable
to work. "They destroyed my life, they destroyed my career. For this I will
never, ever forgive them," he said.

Raissi says his compensatory claim may reach millions of pounds. The
Ministry of Justice said it is considering appealing the court's decision.

The *BBC* adds that Raissi's treatment has prompted calls to reexamine the
extradition treaty enacted in 2003 between Britain and the US. Raissi's
lawyer, among others, noted that if the extradition treaty had been in force
at the time of Raissi's arrest in 2001, he could have been extradited
without evidence <http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/7245677.stm> and might
have faced "execution or life imprisonment."

James Welch, legal director of the human rights organisation Liberty, said
that Mr Raissi was "lucky" to be arrested before the new laws came into

 He said: "If he had been arrested now in exactly the same circumstances
then he would simply have been whisked off to the United States.

 "Nobody is denying that there needs to be a proper extradition procedure.
But within that procedure there has to be scope for courts in this country
to see how strong the evidence is against the person they are seeking to

Liberal Democrat Home Affairs spokesman Chris Huhne also lambasted the
treaty, noting that it only allowed expedited extradition out of Britain to
the US, and not the other way. "...This Government has risked serious
miscarriages of justice by entering into an inherently unbalanced treaty
with the United States, which seriously undermines the rights of British
citizens," he said, and called for a review of the agreement.

The British Home Office said it has no plans to review the treaty.

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