February 26, 2008
  Dear Ms. Connell, University of Western Ontario
  Thank you for your reply. But your form letter demonstrates that you 
obviously did not read my original letter.
  Attending the Jewish National Fund Negev Dinner is the complete opposite of 
respecting diversity and tolerance. The JNF is responsible for injustice and 
suffering to many people - but I guess because those people are Palestinian 
that doesn't count.
  Several publicly funded Universities across Canada are aligning themselves 
with the JNF. This is very troubling. Grants to University programs are given 
at the same time as the President is "honoured". Apparently this causes 
  Susan Howard-Azzeh.

Helen Connell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
        Dear Ms Howard-Azzeh, I am writing on behalf of Dr. Paul Davenport and 
Western to thank you for your email February 25, 2008 regarding Dr. Davenport’s 
being chosen to stand as the 2008 Negev Dinner Honouree.
  The Negev dinner recognizes a person or an institution that has demonstrated 
leadership and commitment to diversity and to promoting tolerance. These are 
long-standing values at Western and Dr. Davenport is being honoured for his 
steadfast stewardship of them. 
  The issues in the Middle East are complex in terms of accommodating the right 
of Palestinians and Israelis to live together in peace and safety. The issue of 
the land policies of the Jewish National Fund are currently before the Israeli 
High Court where, hopefully, it will be resolved to the satisfaction of all 
  Again, thank you for sharing your views. Please know that Western and Dr. 
Davenport remain strongly committed to celebrating diversity as well as 
promoting tolerance and free speech.  It is with these principles in mind that 
Dr. Davenport is accepting the Negev award. 
  Helen Connell 


  Ralph Nader's dad to Ralph when he was 10 years old: "So what did you learn 
in school today? To believe or to think?" 

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