Battles (Kitab Al-Malahim)   Dawud :: Book 37 : Hadith 4278   Narrated 
  The Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) said: Allah will raise for this community at 
the end of every hundred years the one who will renovate its religion for it. 
  Battles (Kitab Al-Malahim)   Dawud :: Book 37 : Hadith 4282   Narrated Mu'adh 
ibn Jabal: 
  The Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) said: The greatest war, the conquest of 
Constantinople and the coming forth of the Dajjal (Antichrist) will take place 
within a period of seven months. 
  Battles (Kitab Al-Malahim)   Dawud :: Book 37 : Hadith 4283   Narrated 
Abdullah ibn Busr: 
  The Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) said: The time between the great war and the 
conquest of the city (Constantinople) will be six years, and the Dajjal 
(Antichrist) will come forth in the seventh. 
  Battles (Kitab Al-Malahim)   Dawud :: Book 37 : Hadith 4284   Narrated 
  The Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) said: The people will soon summon one another 
to attack you as people when eating invite others to share their dish. Someone 
asked: Will that be because of our small numbers at that time? He replied: No, 
you will be numerous at that time: but you will be scum and rubbish like that 
carried down by a torrent, and Allah will take fear of you from the breasts of 
your enemy and last enervation into your hearts. Someone asked: What is wahn 
(enervation). Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him): He replied: Love of the 
world and dislike of death. 
  Battles (Kitab Al-Malahim)   Dawud :: Book 37 : Hadith 4285   Narrated 
  The Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) said: The place of assembly of the Muslims at 
the time of the war will be in al-Ghutah near a city called Damascus, one of 
the best cities in Syria. 
  Battles (Kitab Al-Malahim)   Dawud :: Book 37 : Hadith 4305   Narrated Imran 
ibn Husayn: 
  The Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) said: Let him who hears of the Dajjal 
(Antichrist) go far from him for I swear by Allah that a man will come to him 
thinking he is a believer and follow him because of confused ideas roused in 
him by him

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