bismillah ir rahman ir raheem
asalamualikum wa rahma tullahi wabaraka tuhu
i hope allah kept everyone upon best state of health and emaan.

alhamdulillah at least i have someone to ask for this favor, i really need
this favor, if anyone is able to help, that would be great, please email me

i ttotally need help with some MAT-LAB work, it is from calculous level 3,
in college of CUNY.
*MatLab Final Examination 2008<>

it is a take home exam, i have to hand in by next monday, if anyone could
help me with these 3 problems that would be great.
our matlab help room will be closed so i won't be able to get help from it.
that's sad, otherwise i could just get it from the tutors of matalb.
.this is the matlab notebook:

jazak allahu khayr.
was-salamualikum wa rahma tullahi wabaraka tuhu

Nasreen As-Thuriayaa As-Salafiyah

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