On 7th Grade School Text Book
Actually I was thinking that the present public outrage against the social 
studies book for 7th standard was unnecessary. However, after reading the page 
no. 24th of the book, I changed my mind. A translation of the said page is 
given below:
All this don’t affect me
Which religious group gets most affected by the different problems mentioned 
a)      Price Rise
b)      Drought (Shortage of Drinking water)
c)      Infectious Diseases
d)      Earthquake
 My finding:……………………………………………….
The child is advised to write their findings on the above question! Other than 
simply provoking the sentiments of mostly religious people of the state, what 
message this question convey? Remember, you are asking this nasty question to 
the students of the most secular state of India!
Sure, political parties are fishing from the filthy water for political gain. 
But why to create a situation for them to do this?
This, combined with other ‘objectionable’ contents, the various religious 
groups finds it as a deliberate attempt to inject Marxian / atheist ideology 
through the text books.
Postscript: replace the word “religious group” with “political party” (select 
answer from: Congress, Marist, IUML, BJP) or with “non-religious group” and try 
to give ‘my findings…….’


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