
Sha'ban is the name of the eighth month of the Islamic lunar calendar. It is
named so because in this month the Arabs used to disperse (tasha''aba) in
search of water, or it was said that they dispersed to carry out raids and
forays. Others maintain that it is so called because it sha'aba (branches
out or emerges) i.e. it appears between the months of Rajab and Ramadan.

Sha'ban is between Rajab and Ramadan, two very important months. Fasting in
Sha'ban is a preparatory fast for Ramadan. If an individual begins fasting
in Sha'ban he or she will have become used to fasting and will feel strong
and energetic when Ramadan comes.

Sha'ban paves the way for Ramadan and deeds performed during this month,
such as fasting, reciting from the Holy Qur'an, and giving charity, are
lifted to up the Most Exalted, Allah. Habeeb ibn Abi Thaabit used to say,
when Sha'baan came, "This is the month of reciters (of the Qur'aan)." When
Sha'baan came, 'Amr ibn Qays al-Malaa'i used to close his store and devote
his time to reading the Qur'aan.

It is also important to fast in Sha'ban because many people do not pay
attention to it, as it is between two important months. People become so
preoccupied with those two that they neglect fasting in Sha'ban and
according to a hadeeth, it is preferred (mustahab) to do acts of worship
during a time where people are negligent.

However, to avoid adding extra days to the fast of Ramadan, fasting on the
'day of doubt' is prohibited. The 'day of doubt' is the day when people are
uncertain whether Ramadan, sighting of crescent moon, has commenced or not."
Ammaar said: whoever fasts on this day has disobeyed Abu'l-Qaasim
(sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam).

*Hadith 1:*
Abu Hurairah (radiullaho anho) reported the Messenger of Allah,(sallAllaahu
alayhi wa sallam), as saying:''Rajab is the month of Allah. Shabaan is my
month and Ramadan is that of my Ummah. Shabaan removes the sins of man and
Ramadan  purifies him completely.'

*Hadith 2*
The messenger of Allah (sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam) said:''Between Rajab
and Ramadan is the sacred month of Shabaan. People are unmindful about
it,yet the deeds of man are to be presented to Almighty Allah in it. It is
for this reason that l desire my deeds to be presented when I am in a state
of fasting.

* Hadith 3*
 The Holy Prophet (sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam) also said: ''Shabaan enjoy
superiority over the months as l have superiority over all the Prophets
{peace be upon him}.

*Hadith 4*
 The Holy Prophet (sallAllaahu alayhi wa salla) also said:''when the month
of Shabaan  approaches you, cleanse your souls to receive the blessed month
of  Ramadan. Rectify your intentions, for verily the greatness of Shabaan is
like my greatness is over all the Prophets. Take heed Shabaan is my month
and anyone who observes one fast in it, my intercession will become lawful
for him.''

'Aa'ishah (radiullaho anha) said: "The Messenger of Allaah, (sallAllaahu
alayhi wa sallam) used to fast until we thought he would never break his
fast, and not fast until we thought he would never fast. I never saw the
Messenger of Allaah fasting for an entire month except in Ramadaan, and I
never saw him fast more than he did in Sha'baan." (Narrated by al-Bukhaari,
no. 1833; Muslim, no. 1956).According to a report narrated by Muslim (no.
1957), "He used to fast all of Sha'baan, he used to fast all but a little of

 *Shab-e Baraat-The night of Acquittal: *
Commentators of the Holy Quran are unanimous that the night which the Qur'an
calls 'the blessed night' is the fifteenth night of Sha'ban. On this
glorious evening, the decent of the Qur'an began from the Divine Tablet to
the worldly heaven.

*Some hadith regarding 'the blessed night' are:*
  *Hadith 1*
 Mother of the believers Aisha {radiullaho anha}states that the  Messenger
of Allah (sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam) said:''Verily Almighty Allah
pervades the worldly heaven with a special glance of compassion and forgives
more followers of my ummah than all the hair of the sheep of Bani Kalb.''

* Hadith 2:*
Abu Baker Al Sideeq (radiullaho anho) says that the Messenger  of Allah
(sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam) said:'' Spend the Night of Baraat in offering
nafl Prayers and observe the fast on the fifteenth day. Without doubt it is
a night full of blessings and excellence. Allah Almighty proclaims on the
night ''Is there anyone who is desirous of peace and security that l may
grant him peace and safety? Is there anyone who seeks sustenance that l may
grant him sustenance? Is there anyone who seeks this and this, that l may
grant him  that? This proclamation and beneficence continue until the break
of dawn.''

* Hadith 3 *
 In another Hadith it is reported that''the hearts of believers who keep
alive the two nights of Eid and the fifteen nights of Shabaan,ie by engaging
in  Zikar of Allah,will not experience death on that day when every heart
will be dead.

 *Hadith 4 *
It is reported by Ayesha, (radiu Allahu anha) that the messanger of Allah
(sala Allahu alhi wasallam) said:"oh Ayesha! Do you know what happens on
this night? i.e the night of Baraat. She answered"please inform me what
takes place on this night. The master of both worlds replied:" on this night
Almight Allah records all the names of those who are to be born in the
coming year,and those who would be dying in it,the deeds of man are raised
to Him on this night and the sustenace of man descends in it"

*By Marwa Afifi *

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