--- On Tue, 2/9/08, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Subject: IslamOnline NewsLetter
Date: Tuesday, 2 September, 2008, 1:09 PM

 #H1l{color:#000000;font-size:10pt;font-family:Verdana;}News Letter

ISLAM-ONLINE. NET - http://www.islam-online.net
2 th Ramadan1 1429 ,2 th September 2008
Newsletter Volume 8, Number 34


Assalamu aleykum Islam-Online Members!


In this issue:
1)  Live Fatwa & Live Dialogues
3) Ramadan
4)Art & Culture --Welcome Oh Ramadan (Nasheed)
5) Family --Tips for Working Women in Ramadan
6) Youth 4 the Future --Charity Activities in Ramadan: Discover the Real Value!.
7)Living Shari'ah--Differences on the Beginning of Ramadan: Why?.
8)Helth & Science -- Can Planet Earth Ever Have Rings?
9)Reading Islam--Achieving Piety Through Fasting.

1)  Live Fatwa
Guest : The Da`iyah, Zienab Mostafa 
Subject :Ramadan & Women Issues
Data: Thursday,Sep 4 ,2008
Time:Makkah From.         14:00...To... 15:30
        GMT       From...       11:00...To...12:30

- Recent Dialogues
Guest :Altaf Husain 
Subject :Making the Most of Ramadan at Work & School


Ramadan Brings Peace to Tribal Pakistanis
America's Largest Tarawih
Morocco Mosques Shine Up for Ramadan
Religion Booms on British TV
Nigerian Divorces 82 Wives
Death Threats for UK Top Muslim Cop
Mosque Adds to California Ramadan Joy

Ramadan Monday in Most Countries

- World in Pictures.
   More News..

3) Ramadan--


The Real Competition

Allah Knows the Secrets of All Hearts

In Paradise, the righteous will be given to drink of a pure drink, securely 
sealed with a seal of musk Their drink is absolutely pure, free of any unwanted 
additions or particles of dust. Describing it as securely sealed…

The basis of this insincerity is the assumption that nobody will know their 
secret thoughts. Therefore, guilty people may act as if they were innocent, 
despite their sins or wrong doings. In an ignorant society, people do not 


4) Art & Culture -- Welcome Oh Ramadan (Nasheed)
Welcome oh Ramadan You are honored Oh month of the Qur'an It is Ramadan Oh one 
who sleeps Stand up and declare The oneness of Allah The oneness of Allah...

5) Family -- Tips for Working Women in Ramadan
Nothing seems to stop for this all important time of the year. Everyone else 
seems to be able to slow down and make time to be in a state of fast and not 
just simply stop ating and drinking. Then you have a job to go to, children and 
a husband tocater for, an family and friends - all who make their demands on 

6)Youth 4 the Future --Charity Activities in Ramadan: Discover the Real Value!  
 Ramadan is the month of mercy, and time in which we need to focus more on 
charitable activities. To know more about the significance of charity work in 
Ramadan, listen to IslamOnline.net's Youth 4 the Future interview with Altaf 
Hussien, a social worker in the US. Don't miss out!

7)Living Shari'ah--Differences on the Beginning of Ramadan: Why?  
It is unbecoming of Muslims to differ on the beginning or ending of the blessed 
month of Ramadan especially if the difference comes from Muslims living…

8)Helth & Science --Can Planet Earth Ever Have Rings?
Four planets out of the eight that make up our Solar System are graced with a 
permanent set of rings around them. Of them, the Lord of the Rings title is 
preeminently held by Saturn. Could our planet have possessed a similar set of 
rings at some point in its past history? Or could it do so in the future?

9) Reading Islam--Achieving Piety Through Fasting.
When Muslims fast together in the month of Ramadan, it builds an atmosphere of 
virtues and brotherhood. They come closer to their Creator and also come closer 
to each other. Unity, peace, harmony, brotherhood and sisterhood are the fruits 
of piety.

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have any comments please share them with us through the following 

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