Tamilnadu Muslim Munnetra Kazhagam also condemns the trend of putting the blame 
on Muslims even before the commencement of preliminary investigations in the 
blasts. In Tamilnadu Muslims were not responsible for the Bomb blasts at the 
RSS office in Tenkasi. In Maharashtra on two occasions, Bajrang Dal activists 
have lost their lives while assembling bombs at Nanded. When bombs exploded at 
Thane, Panvel and Varshi in last July, Maharashtra Police arrested activists of 
an Hindu extremists group Santhan Sanstan. Very recently two Bajrang Dal 
activists were killed while manufacturing Bombs at Kanpur. In this background, 
suspecting only a particular group as being responsible for the blasts would 
not bear necessary results.

US Muslim group suspects communal hand in Delhi blasts

Submitted by Mudassir Rizwan on 14 September 2008 - 4:43pm.

New York, Sep 14 (IANS) Indian Muslim Council-USA (IMC-USA), the largest 
advocacy group of Indian Muslims in the US, has denounced the bomb blasts in 
Delhi while suspecting that it could be the handiwork of communal forces bent 
upon polarising society in the run-up to the parliamentary polls next year.
"IMC-USA condemns this heinous act of mindless violence by cowards. Our 
sympathies are with the victims and their families," said Rasheed Ahmed, 
president of the advocacy group with 10 chapters across US dedicated towards 
safeguarding India's pluralist and tolerant ethos.
He added in the statement Saturday that increasing incidents of terrorism in 
the recent past with the general election around the corner raises suspicion of 
such blasts being orchestrated by communal forces bent on polarising the 
society to reap electoral gains.
"A thorough and transparent investigation should be made to bring the culprits 
to the book instead of rushing to hasty conclusions," he said.
Urging the police to not ignore Kanpur bomb blasts in their investigations, the 
statement said three weeks ago, the police found a large stash of bomb-making 
materials including explosive powder, timers, batteries and pellets when two 
Bajrang Dal men were killed in Kanpur while manufacturing bombs.
"If the police exclude incidences like Kanpur and Nanded bomb blasts, in which 
Bajrang Dal militants were either killed or injured making bombs, it will 
amount to a wilful cover-up," Ahmed said.
IMC-USA called upon the Indian government and police authorities to put the 
welfare and security of people ahead of communal politics and demonstrate 
political will in nabbing the perpetrators of the latest heinous crime in Delhi.
Preventing future acts of terror is possible only by conducting transparent and 
honest investigations to bring the culprits to book and not through 
indiscriminate arrests and brutalisation of young Muslims as reported by media, 
the statement read.
Following the recent blasts in Ahmedabad and Bangalore, the statement added, 
there has been an outcry by minorities and human rights activists that police 
officials were quick in scapegoating innocent Muslim youth than in seriously 
solving the growth of terror networks.
Terrorists are disciples of Satan: CIM-UK

Submitted by kashif on 14 September 2008 - 11:00am.

By TwoCircles.net news desk
New Delhi: Council of Indian Muslims—UK (CIM) has urged the Indian government 
to launch independent inquiry into the dastardly series of bomb blasts in Delhi 
in which 20 people have died and many more are injured.
“Unfortunately all the reports of such tragedies start with some gruesome 
scenes of human blood and wanton destruction and end up with condemnations and 
random arrests later their files being sent into the police archives. Unless 
and until there is a resolve on the part of the government and intelligence 
agencies to hunt the real culprits down, regardless which community they come 
from, unmask their identity and make them a lesson for anyone who is planning 
to walk on their foot steps, we won’t get anywhere.” CIM’s chairman Mohammad 
Munaf Zeena said in a statement issued here today.
“We urge the Indian government to stop the Indian police from its age old 
practice of witch hunt and control its temptation to implicate Indian Muslims 
in each tragedy. Let not anyone forget the deaths in Kanpur of two members of 
the Hindu organisation Bajrang Dal while preparing bombs. Prior to this there 
have been other incidents that were covered up by the “ever watchful” 
intelligence agencies who are over efficient in linking Muslims to each such 
incident. After previous blasts in Jaipur and Ahmadabad Indian police went on 
an arrest spree and harassed and detained innocent Muslim youths. It claimed to 
have unearthed the master mind of these blasts. If their claims were true, why 
did they fail in stopping reoccurrence of the same crime only three weeks later 
in the capital and why could they not destroy the network of the so called 
Indian Mujahideen?
'Our message to the perpetrators of this heinous crime is plain and simple: You 
have no faith. You do not believe in God because no believer would take the 
lives of innocent human beings and defile the sanctity of the holy month of 
Ramadan. You are nothing but the disciples of Satan working for satanic forces 
to defame Islam and the Indian Muslims, harm communal harmony and destroy 
Indian interests. You are nothing but the fuel of Hell fire.'
Zeena further said, “Our heart and prayers go to those who have suffered in 
this savagery. Nothing can compensate the loss of those who have lost their 
dear ones in these blasts. May the Almighty give them the courage and patience 
to endure the tragedy that has befallen upon them.”
AIMMM Statement on Delhi blasts

Submitted by kashif on 14 September 2008 - 10:41am.

By TwoCircles.net news desk
New Delhi: The All India Muslim Majlis-e Mushawarat (AIMMM) condemned the 
serial bomb blasts in various areas of Delhi today and said that these are the 
work of coward beasts who do not believe in any human value or ethics of any 
Dr Zafarul-Islam Khan, head of AIMMM, the umbrella body of Indian Muslim 
organisations, said that police and intelligence agencies should meticulously 
probe these blasts and nab the real culprits and bring them to quick and 
exemplary justice.
Dr Khan warned against attempts by some media organisations to jump to 
conclusions and mislead investigations by the competent authorities. 
Conclusions drawn within minutes of any such incident only serve as red herring 
and divert the attention from the real culprits. Dr Khan said that there are 
many internal and external forces which for a variety of reasons do not want to 
see a prosperous, powerful and secular India.
Dr Khan added that there is also a misguided force in our country which resorts 
to this kind of incidents for political gains and its activist have been caught 
red-handed in various places in the country, most recently in Kanpur. The 
possibility of the involvement of this force, which hides behind deceptive 
slogans, should also be thoroughly probed after each such incident, he said.
Dismiss Home Minister and National Security Advisor: TMMK

Submitted by kashif on 14 September 2008 - 1:40pm.

By TwoCircles.net news desk
New Delhi: Tamilnadu Muslim Munnetra Kazhagam (TMMK) condemns the heinous bomb 
blasts which rocked our national capital Delhi yesterday. TMMK shares the 
sorrow and grief of all the families who have lost their near and dear in these 
blasts. TMMK also prays to the Almighty that the injured should recover and 
resume their routine work at the earliest.
The perpetrators of this crime which was targeted at innocent crowded public 
are definitely barbarians. These criminals did not have even an iota of 
humanism in their heart. TMMK urges that the real culprits of this dastardly 
crime should be hauled and delivered the maximum punishment.
Delhi has joined the list of several cities in India which have witnessed 
serial blasts in the recent times. After the blasts in various places the 
Police arrest a few persons and dub them as the real terrorist behind the 
crime. Yet such heinous crimes are committed once again at a different 
location. Whenever such blasts take place, e mails land in Media and 
investigations are taken up based on these e mails. However in the case of the 
Ahmedabad blast the e mail was sent from Navi Mumbai from a flat owned by one 
Abishek and it originated from a computer owned by an American Ken Heywood. 
However the Central Government has allowed this American citizen to fled the 
country though the investigation in the case is going on. The arrest of 
innocent persons in the name of fighting terror and turning a blind eye on the 
real perpetrators of the serial blasts in various cities is the reason for the 
continuous blasts in various parts of the country. The Home
 Minister Mr.Shivaraj Patil and the National Security Advisor M.K. Narayan 
should bear full responsibility for the inefficient handling of the issue. 
Tamilnadu Muslim Munnetra Kazhagam urges the Prime Minister to dismiss both of 
them immediately.
Tamilnadu Muslim Munnetra Kazhagam also condemns the trend of putting the blame 
on Muslims even before the commencement of preliminary investigations in the 
blasts. In Tamilnadu Muslims were not responsible for the Bomb blasts at the 
RSS office in Tenkasi. In Maharashtra on two occasions, Bajrang Dal activists 
have lost their lives while assembling bombs at Nanded. When bombs exploded at 
Thane, Panvel and Varshi in last July, Maharashtra Police arrested activists of 
an Hindu extremists group Santhan Sanstan. Very recently two Bajrang Dal 
activists were killed while manufacturing Bombs at Kanpur. In this background, 
suspecting only a particular group as being responsible for the blasts would 
not bear necessary results.
The Lok Sabha polls are around the corner. Fascists elements who would like to 
get maximum benefit out of incidents like the blasts with the objective of the 
polarisation of the Indian socieity could have also triggered the serial blasts 
across the country. The central government should also probe this angle. The 
Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi has said that he know beforehand about the 
Delhi blasts. However Ashish Bhatia, joint commissioner of police (Crime 
Branch) of Ahmedabad has refuted his Chief Minister’s contention saying. “We 
had no inkling of any blasts in New Delhi in the near future from the 
interrogation of SIMI activists so far.” Therefore Tamilnadu Muslim Munnetra 
Kazhagam urges the Centre that the Delhi blasts should not be investigated with 
a pre meditated mindset but with an open mind and it should be probed from 
various angles so that the real perpetrators of the Crime against secular India 
are booked and punished.

With Regards



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