Children Right Must Be Ensured : This Has High Priority


                        Press has reported  that the Chief Adviser Fakhruddin 
Ahmed has  underscored the need for changes in the mindset and sincere work to 
ensure overall development of children.
                        "Laws and charters for the welfare of children would 
not work if we don't bring changes to our mindset and work sincerely for them," 
he said at a function marking the World Child Day and Child Rights Week 
2008.Fakhruddin Ahmad  said the question should come to the minds of all: 
'Can't we do something for the welfare of children from one's respective 
position?'"One question rises in my mind: Are all children of our country in 
good condition? The answer is: No, they are not."He said: "How a child will 
become a good citizen without proper education and proper physical and mental 
                        The Women and Children Affairs Ministry organised the 
function at the Osmani Memorial Auditorium in the city. 
                        The chief adviser formally opened the Child Rights Week 
2008. The theme of the week is: Creating a Protective Environment for Child 
Development. The Child Rights Week 2008 is being observed in the country from 
October 14 to 20 instead of September 29-October 5 in view of the holy Ramadan, 
Eid-ul-Fitr and Durga Puja. Addressing the function, Chief Adviser Fakhruddin 
Ahmed said ensuring safety and welfare of children and protecting their health 
is vital to the nation's future.He called upon guardians, well-off people, 
civil society members, child welfare-oriented government and non-government 
institutions to take more effective initiatives for the welfare of 
children."Let us work collectively to ensure a good future for the next 
generation," he said.  "The urgency to make a safe and good environment for 
today's children -- the future of tomorrow -- will have to be felt by all of 


                        We think that the Chief Advisor has made someery 
important points in this regard. We agree with all the points mentioned by 
him.We however emphasise the need for a more comprehensive education for 
children ( from class-1 to class 8 ) which must include very effective moral 
content.They must learn , apart from formal religious education, about great 
moral figures in  history such as Muhammad (sm), Abubakr, Umar al Khattab, 
Aysha, khadija and Fatima ( ra), Jesus, Buddha , Gandhi  and some other great 
moral figures. They do not require to  know celebrities, they require to know 
morally sound people through h their literature, history and religious courses. 
Their life can influence deeply the young minds.


                        Another thing, not only the physical environment but 
also moral environment should be purified, bad literature, bad films, bad 
advertisements have to be controlled. The TV is playing very bad role in this 
regard, their good work is destroyed by their other bad program. We have to do 
something about it 





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