Homeless Muslim Women's Shelter Needs Your Support!

Muslimat Al-Nisaa Fulfills Pledge to Community, Home Includes Self-Sufficiency 

By: Farkhunda Ali
Muslim Link Staff Writer

An idea, which was originally born of necessity almost five years ago, has now 
become a reality.

She traveled throughout the Masajid, Islamic Centers, and Muslim organizations 
in the tri-state DC Metropolitan Area getting people to understand and support 
her project.

She said she does not want to remember how many times she was turned down.  The 
lesson she learned is to always stick to the plan, ask for Allah's guidance, 
and be persistent in a mission.

That is exactly what she did.  She came up with the idea five years ago.  She 
put her idea into a written proposal three years ago.  Since then she's been 
networking with Muslims to get their financial support, volunteers, and 
professionals to help her establish a full-fledged Islamically conducive Muslim 
shelter, a home for the homeless Muslim women and children.

Now, her vision has been fulfilled.

After becoming aware that homelessness exists in the Muslim community and is as 
serious of a problem as in other faiths, the DC Muslims raised their support 
for this cause, therefore enabling her to fulfill her life-long dream. Asma 
Hanif, director of the Baltimore-based Muslimat Al-Nisaa Health, Education, 
Social, and Shelter Services held an open house for its first Muslim Women's 
Center (MWC) recently opened in the heart of the Gwynn Oak Community - a 
Baltimore suburb.

The shelter was given the name MWC because it provides home-economics training, 
Islamic education, vocational/occupati onal training, resources to GED and 
Diploma programs, access to information for further education, three warm 
meals, laundry area, clothing, counseling, library, health and nutrition 
counseling, medical services and a warm clean place to sleep.

Muslimat Al-Nisaa always provided shelter services, but this is the first time 
they've secured a physical location to house homeless women in one home.

"It is not just a place for them to sleep comfortably.  Our goal is to get them 
prepared to stand up on their own feet," said Hanif.

MWC is a three-level house with a huge backyard and a fenced-inn front yard.  
The seven bedrooms, five bathrooms along with meeting and dining areas with 
fully equipped kitchen allow space for 15-25 women depending on the size of 
their families.  The shelter welcomes any Muslim woman and her children from 
anywhere in the US.

MWC only takes in women who have made an agreement to take advantage of the 
various trainings offered by the program to become self-reliable.  While 
gaining from the resources of the shelter, these residents are also expected to 
give back to the community in some way. For example, some residents have 
already assisted Hanif in taking care of a disabled Muslim in the community.  
This MWC sits in close proximity to a neighborhood Masjid.  Within a 5 mile 
radius, every other home is owned by a Muslim family, rented by Muslims, or 
advertised for sale by Muslim landlords.

"The set up is really nice.  It is a genuine place protecting the dignity of 
the Muslim woman," said Khalid Karimullah, secretary of the Board of Directors 
at the Muslim Community Center (MCC) in Silver Spring, Maryland.  "They are not 
just providing shelter to waste time, they are actually getting these sisters 
to pursue a plan-a life plan," he added.

Karimullah promised his support to the shelter.  He also plans on making more 
Muslim leaders aware about this project to gain additional support.  "This is a 
responsibility of the Muslims by birth to support the converted Muslims," he 
said.  Karimullah believes that new Muslims need the help of other Muslims 
because of the isolation they face by accepting Islam.  "Our Muslim women may 
have lost jobs or become victims of domestic violence after accepting Islam.  
It is our obligation to protect them," said Karimullah.

In order to sign the contract for a five-year lease agreement, some noble 
Muslim men contributed financially to ensure the shelter will have monthly 
allowance to pay its expenses.  The donations helped significantly.  However, 
the shelter relies on regular monthly pledges.

Eventhough it is not enough, the MWC has individuals and organizations that are 
helping with the monthly operational costs of the shelter.  Other organizations 
and individuals are providing manpower, training programs, counseling, and 
other resources.

Hanif gets canned goods from local community members which helps to operate a 
food pantry serving any needy Muslims.  Food and health services are provided 
to any Muslim in need.  Several Masajid in Maryland have donated money, 
clothing, computers for the educational and job trainings, and food for the 
daily operation of the MWC.

"There may be other organizations in Baltimore providing shelter, however, 
without a comprehensive program, after 30-90 days, they will either turn their 
homeless Muslim women back onto the streets or they will end up at Muslimat 
Al-Nisaa's doorsteps," said Faiza Muhammad, MWC Assistant Director.

These professionals in the medical, business, educational, social service, and 
health field are working together to help these women reach self-sufficiency 
within six months.  The shelter provides training for CPR, childcare provider, 
nursing assistant, basic computer education, GED programs, high school diploma, 
and employment opportunities within Muslim owned businesses.

"Our goal is for everyone to have a plan. If not, we will help them develop 
one," added Muhammad.

"It is a beautiful haven for homeless Muslimahs, a place they can find a roof 
over their head, a place they can keep their dignity and practice their Islam 
while being homeless.  It is a place where these sisters can transition to a 
state of independence through training, coaching, and career counseling," said 
Ayman Nassar, member of the Shura at Dar Al-Taqwa in Ellicott City, Maryland.  
Nassar also serves on the Community Affairs Liaison.

Nassar said Muslims need to first start making regular zakat payments where it 
is most needed.  Second, he added that Muslims can also help by providing their 
professional expertise to the residents of the shelter.  His plan is to get 
more Muslims' support either financially or by their time for this project.

"In my opinion, the reality is that anyone can provide shelter, but the 
restoration of self-esteem, the instillation of self-worth is the real 
challenge.  Inshallah Muslimat Al-Nisaa's programs, with the help of the 
community, will strive to meet those challenges," said Hanif.

Their future plan is to obtain enough donations to purchase the current 
property being leased for the shelter.


Muslimat Al Nisaa
5115 Liberty Heights Ave, Baltimore, MD 21207
(410) 466-8686  fax (410) 466-5949

As Muslims, it is our obligation to help our brothers and sisters in humanity 
so please spread this link to your family members, co-workers, and friends so 
that WE can make a difference.

May Allah (SWT) reward you all for your donations and spread His mercy upon you 
as you have to His creation.

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