
                        Celebration Of Great Hajj: High Point Of Arafat

                         7th h of December  was observed as Yamul Arafah ( the 
day of Arafah ), main day of Hajj ceremonies. About two million people attended 
Arafat  to offer Zuhr and Asr prayer there and stay there the whole of 
afternoon, listen to the Khutbah of hajj. They will complete the Hajj rites on 
10th of Zulhijjah or 8th December in Saudi Arabia.

                          Saudi Arabia has mobilized a force of 100,000 men to 
protect an estimated two million Muslim pilgrims , amid fears of attack or 
deadly stampedes. The  interior ministry said that in addition to many 
thousands of Saudis, an estimated 1.7 million of the faithful have descended on 
the kingdom from abroad to perform the annual rites. Local press reports spoke 
of a throng that could reach three million, and the official SPA news agency 
reported yesterday that everything was proceeding smoothly.The hajj is one of 
the five pillars of Islam, which the Quran says all Muslims must carry out at 
least once in their lives, if they are able to do so.Dozens of first aid 
stations lined the route, SPA reported.Devotees are spending the day in prayer 
and contemplation in the valley, transformed into a city of fireproof tents. 
The Saudi health ministry said it has put in place some 24 field hospitals with 
4,000 beds, in addition to nearly 140 health centers..

                        Hajj is a great institution, a world conference, a 
symbol of total devotion to  God, recognition of  oneness of God, blessings of 
Allah and His sovereignty ; human unity, equality  and dignity We hope Hajj 
will be completed peacefully to the satisfaction of all concerned.


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