
Court Declares Qadeer Khan A Free Man

News agencies have reported that a Pakistani court yesterday ruled that nuclear 
scientist Abdul Qadeer Khan, father of the country's atomic bomb, was a free 
man, five years after he was effectively put under house arrest.The chief 
justice of the Islamabad High Court, Sardar Mohammad Aslam, made the decision 
after hearing lawyers representing government and the nuclear scientist in a 
closed doors session on Friday."The petitioner is declared a free citizen and 
writ petition is disposed off," said a written order issued by the court.Khan 
has been effectively under house arrest in Islamabad since February 2004, when 
he confessed on television to sending nuclear secrets to Iran, Libya and North 
Korea, although he retracted his remarks later.Friday's court decision comes 
just weeks after the United States unveiled sanctions against Khan, 12 
associates and three firms linked to his nuclear proliferation network.Speaking 
to reporters in the grounds of his villa in Islamabad on Friday, the scientist 
thanked President Asif Ali Zardari and Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani for 
his freedom." Asked if he would be able to move freely, he replied: "As far as 
I have been told, I will go anywhere in Pakistan without any restrictions and I 
will get whatever security that I had with me previously."If I want to travel 
abroad I will have to seek permission from the government," he said.


As we all know, Mr Kadir Khan is a great scientist who is the father of 
Pakitan’s nuclear weapon development..It ws necwssary for Pakitan to have 
nuclear capability to match India .It was not possible for Pakistan to match in 
India in conventional war fare.India now thinks a hundred times before it can 
launch an attack on Paistan.There would have been a sure war between these two 
powers after Mumbai episode  if Pakistan would not have nuclear capacity.

Abdul Qadir Khan has suffered a lot during Mosharraf regime.He ws forced to 
confess some thing because Mosharraf government thought that confession by 
Abdul Kadir Khan would make Pakistan free of US allegation that Pakistan has 
passed to others knowledge of nuclear technology.These were all rubbish to 
punish this great scientist and Pakistan.We welcome free Abdul Kadir. Khan



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