"If  good befalls you, it grieves them; but if some misfortune overtakes you, 
they rejoice at it. But if ye are constant and do right, not the least harm 
will their cunning do to you; for Allah Compasses round about all that they do" 
Surat A'ali Imran,  (the House of Imran), III, v. 119

"I call on the Israeli army to crush these Palestinian terrorists who are at 
Iran's beck and call; chase the rebels of Hamas, annihilate  its lunatics and 
demented leaders who are disguised as men of faith, crush them and exterminate 
them  and teach them a lesson which they will never forget  just as you taught 
the terrorist Hizbullah  a harsh lesson in 2006….So deliver Gaza from the grip 
of Hamas.  These Palestinians, wherever they go, they take with them terror, 
corruption, trouble, tumult and ingratitude…..!" 

These words were not written by Israeli propagandists or Zionist apologists 
seeking to justify the recent Israeli blitzkrieg in Gaza. They are actually the 
words of a Kuwaiti Arab columnist who has apparently sold his soul to the devil.

I say "sold his soul to the devil" because when a human being transforms 
himself into a willful liar in the service of evil, that person, knowingly or 
unknowingly,  loses his morality and eventually loses his humanity as well.

I don't know for sure what  makes such people undergo such a diabolical 
metamorphosis. It could be mental weakness, or a  certain psychological defect 
that they have failed to overcome, or even a mental dysfunction. However,  
treachery  always goes hand in hand with moral depravity and lack  of 

Needless to say, a writer, or even a commoner, who gleefully  rejoices over the 
extermination of children, as we saw recently in Gaza,  has obviously banished  
himself from the realm of humanity.

Unfortunately, there is a number of  so-called Arab  writers who seem to  have 
devoted themselves to besmirching  and vilifying  Hamas and other Arab 
resistance movements, as if the right thing to do were to succumb to Zionism, 
the  Nazi-like movement that has been murdering Palestinians, destroying their 
homes, stealing their land and dispersing them to the four winds. 

Indeed, instead of standing up for justice and identifying with the oppressed 
against the oppressor, as every noble human being should do, these wicked  
mercenaries have decided to curry favor with the Nazis of our time probably  in 
the hope of receiving a certificate of good conduct or a citation of honor from 
Zionist entity. Or perhaps they hope that international Zionist circles might 
press award-granting bodies in the West to reward them for their treasonous 

Well, they have. The Israeli Foreign Ministry has already prepared  a list of 
"honor" of Zionized  Arab writers who are doing a "marvelous job" on Israel's 

Just watch the Zionist media  these days and see how often these lowly traitors 
are quoted by Zionist spinners and hasbara operatives.

This shows beyond doubt that these gullible little men  have fully swallowed up 
the Zionist narrative,  bait, hook, line and sinker. 

I understand that many of these writers are shockingly ignorant of the facts. 
However, there are others who know the facts very well but lack the 
intellectual honesty and moral rectitude to stand up for the truth. 

A few years ago, one of these so-called writers based in London was quoted 
heavily by much of the American and Israeli media when he claimed that "not all 
Muslims are terrorists but all terrorists are Muslims."

Well, I don't know what was this so-called writer smoking or drinking when he 
uttered this colossal mendacity, a canard that has more to do with mental 
diarrhea  than with any genuine intellectual activity.

Didn't that little man learn in school in Saudi Arabia that "defending one's 
home, country and honor is a duty binding on  all Muslims"?  Couldn't  he bring 
himself to understand  that a foreign occupation is actually an act of rape, 
and that  just as rape victims have every right to fight and resist their 
attackers,  so do people languishing  under occupation have a similar right to 
resist their occupiers, oppressors and tormentors?  Did he forget that even in 
America, his real god, or more correctly the god of his god, they say "give me 
freedom or give me death." 

More to the point, couldn't  that weak-minded charlatan realize that the 
invasion, occupation and destruction of sovereign nations by the US, along with 
the murder of hundreds of thousands of people, represented and embodied terror 
in its ugliest forms?   
I understand that certain Arabs dislike Hamas because of ideological hostility. 
However, I never thought in my life  that an Arab and Muslim bearing the name 
of Abdullah or Abdul Rahman would urge Israel to annihilate  Palestinians and 
express the wish he was  an Israeli soldier slaughtering Palestinian and 
Lebanese  children. 

Well, moral depravity, it seems, has no limits.

I do know that the vast majority of Arabs are men and  women of honor who stand 
soul and heart with their Palestinian brothers and sisters. This graceful 
solidarity manifested itself in the massive demonstrations which took place 
recently from Mauritania to Bahrain, mostly against the wishes of the 
tyrannical regimes. 

In fact, it was this huge show of support and identification with our struggle 
that kept us going all these difficult days, facing and absorbing the genocidal 
onslaught by the Nazis of our time.

Some primitive Sheikhs in certain countries issued edicts against organizing 
demonstrations to protest Israeli atrocities in Gaza. They  argued that holding 
demonstrations constituted an imitation of non-Muslims and was therefore 
incompatible with the Islamic Sharia . 

Well, what kind of Sharia are these   talking about? Don't they know that it 
was the Prophet Muhammed (pbuh)  and his companions who held the first 
demonstration in Islam in order to challenge the hegemony of the  idolaters of 

Moreover, if these Ulema are really concerned about "Halal and Haram," (virtue 
and vice), why don't they speak up against the rampant promiscuities in their 
respective countries? Why don't they speak up against the hundreds of 
pornographic  and semi-pornographic TV stations  which are owned and operated 
by decadent emirs who claim to be Muslim while doing the works of Satan?

Why don't they speak up against their respective regimes' disgraceful 
submission and subservience to Zionist-controlled America?

Is spreading moral permissiveness and pornography compatible with Islam? Is 
subservience to the US, Israel's guardian-ally, compatible with the laws of the 

Answer me if you can,

In conclusion, I say we must isolate and expose these treacherous writers and 
mouthpieces of Zionism.  In fact, they are being exposed, not the least by 
Israel which enthusiastically publishes their silliness and trivialities.

Well, if Israel is your ultimate admirer, then you don't need to tell us who 
you are. The tree is known by its fruit.



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