London Probes "Embarrassing" Terror Raids

The release without charges of all eleven people, including Pakistani students, 
detained on claims of plotting a "major terrorist plot" prompted Britain's 
terror watchdog to launch an investigation into the issue, with Islamabad 
demanding an apology. 

"I shall be requesting input into these events from all involved as soon as 
possible. This will include those arrested and their legal representatives," 
said Lord Carlile, the reviewer of terrorism legislation.

He added the probe will look into the April 8 terror raids in northwest England 
and arrests of twelve students, including eleven Pakistanis.

"The questions I shall raise will centre on the nature and extent of the use of 
the Terrorism Act 2000 and connected legislation used for the purposes of the 

Islamophobia Blamed for UK Student Arrest 
Prime Minister Gordon Brown had claimed the high;-publicized raids foiled a 
"major terrorist plot". 

But after weeks in custody, police released all students without charges.

"These people are not terrorists," Hamza Shenwari, the only Briton detainee, 
said about the Pakistani students.

"They work nine to five, they are very religious. We have got used to it here."

Shenwari, a 21-year student and a delivery driver, said British authorities are 
playing the terror card from time to time.

"The police got bad information and they are just using it to scare everyone. 
It is just scare tactics," he said.

"It has become a daft game. But now people are afraid to talk and joke in case 
they get accused of being in Al-Qaeda. It is creating paranoia."



So  much for your rights in the so called "liberal land of freedom"

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