In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.
Asalam O Alaikum
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(١۲) الْدرسُ الْثَّانِي عَشَرَ - Lesson 12


In this lesson we will learn the following things Insha'Allah:

In the first part of the lesson, we will learn how to have a dialogue in Arabic

We will also learn how to convert a masculine verb into a feminine verb (see 



Gender (Grammatical Term):

He went
الْفِعْلُ الْمُذَّكَرُ

Masculine Verb

She went
الْفِعْلُ الْمُؤَنَثُ

Feminine Verb

You (masculine) went
الْفِعْلُ الْمُذَّكَرُ

Masculine Verb

You (feminine) went
الْفِعْلُ الْمُؤَنَثُ

Feminine Verb

We will also learn the feminine form of the Relative Pronoun. We have already 
learnt the masculine form of the Relative Pronoun الَّذِيِ in Lesson 09 section 
004  We know that a relative pronoun is a pronoun used to show the reference or 
relation between the nouns. The Relative Pronoun is called الإِسْمُ 
الْمَوْصُوْلُ in Arabic. If the pronoun refers to a human being it is to be 
translated "who" and if it refers to non human beings it is translated "which".

Relative Pronoun
الإِسْمُ الْمَوْصُوْلُ

Who (for human beings)

Which/That (for non human beings)


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