Right Honorable George Galloway MP
Anaheim, April 7, 2009

George Galloway delivered a historic speech in Anaheim California on April 7, 
2009 to a 1000-strong audience in which he announced the formation of Viva 
Palestina USA and its plans for a large aid convoy to break the siege of Gaza. 
Galloway also announced that this aid convoy will be led by himself and Vietnam 
Veteran Ron Kovic. Since then, Viva Palestina efforts have sprung up around the 
US in an effort to make this US Convoy a reality.

A DVD of Galloway's historic April 7, 2009 speech has been produced 
professionally by Al-Awda's Media Center.

To request a copy of this DVD and any of Al-Awda's Media Center professionally 
produced DVD's listed below, simply go to http://al-awdacal.org/cdvd.html and 
follow the instructions. All proceeds are directed to Al-Awda's Media Center. 
Work at the Media Center is currently underway to produce DVD's from the 
Seventh Annual International Al-Awda Convention which took place May 22-24, 

Other DVD's and CD's

Archbishop Atallah Hanna
Anaheim, May 17, 2008

This DVD presents the inspiring speech (30 min) in Arabic with English 
subtitles of Archbishop Atallah Hanna as filmed at the Sixth International 
Annual Al-Awda Convention. The convention was held in Anaheim California May 
16-18, 2008 to mark the 60th Year of the Nakba and Struggle to Return.

Born in the village of Rami in Galilee, Archbishop Theodosios "Atallah" Hanna 
is a distinguished Arab nationalist and spiritual leader for Palestine. He is 
Archbishop of Sevastia of the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem. He is 
also the designated spokesperson for the Greek Orthodox Church for all of 
Palestine. The Archbishop is a member of the Arab Nationalist Congress as a 
representative of Palestine, and has received numerous awards for his work to 
strengthen Arab unity and for being a powerful spokesperson for the Palestinian 
cause. This DVD was produced by Al-Awda's Media Center. Minimum donation $20.00 
plus $5.00 shipping per copy.

Supreme Justice Dr. Sheikh Taiseer Al Tamimi
Anaheim, May 17, 2008

This DVD presents the motivational speech (20 min) in Arabic with English 
subtitles of Supreme Justice Dr. Sheikh Al Tamimi as filmed at the Sixth 
International Annual Al-Awda Convention.

Dr. Sheikh Al Tamimi was born in the old city of Al-Khalil (Hebron) in 1952. He 
was assigned as Palestine's Supreme Judge of Sharia Courts in 2002. And in 
2003, he was appointed the Head of the Higher Council of Sharia Jurisdiction 
and Head of the Supreme Sharia Court in Palestine. He is also the Head of the 
Inter-religious Dialogue Committee in Palestine and Head of the Committee for 
Defending the Islamic and Christian Holy Places in Jerusalem. He is also the 
Head of the committee for defending and protecting Al-Khalil City. Dr. Sheikh 
Tamimi is an outspoken advocate regarding the Palestinian Right to Return. This 
DVD was produced by Al-Awda's Media Center. Minimum donation $20.00 plus $5.00 
shipping per copy.

Dr. Salman Abu Sitta
Anaheim, May 17, 2008

This DVD presents the highly educational speech (36 min) in English of Dr. 
Salman Abu Sitta's as filmed at the Sixth International Annual Al-Awda 

Dr. Salman Abu Sitta is General Coordinator of the Right of Return Congress, is 
the Founder and President of The Palestine Land Society and a former member of 
The Palestine National Council. Dr. Abu Sitta is a world-renowned researcher on 
refugee affairs, and the author of numerous articles and books on Palestine and 
Palestinian refugees, particularly "the Atlas of Palestine 1948" and the 
"Return Journey" atlas. This DVD was produced by Al-Awda's Media Center. 
Minimum donation $20.00 plus $5.00 shipping per copy.

The Inalienable Rights of Palestinian Refugees
to Return (CD)
by Dr. Salman Abu Sitta

Important Highly Educational PowerPoint Presentation (with sound). Microsoft 
PowerPoint Version 2002 on Windows 2000 or Windows XP needed. For sound, 
computer speakers may be sufficient. --- Minimum donation is $10.00 plus $5.00 

Dr. As'ad AbuKhalil
Anaheim, May 17, 2008

This DVD presents the highly educational speech (22 min) in English of Dr. 
As'ad AbuKhalil as filmed at the Sixth International Annual Al-Awda Convention.

Dr. AbuKhalil was born March 16, 1960 in Tyre, Lebanon and grew up in Beirut. 
He received his BA and MA from The American University of Beirut in Political 
Science. He came to the US in 1983 and received his PhD in comparative 
government from Georgetown University. He taught at Tufts University, 
Georgetown University, George Washington University, Colorado College, and 
Randolph-Macon Woman's College. He also served as a Scholar-in-Residence at 
Middle East Institute in Washington DC. Dr. Abu Khalil has served as free-lance 
Middle East consultant for NBC News and ABC News, an experience that served 
only to increase his disdain for mainstream US media. He is now professor of 
Political Science at California State University, Stanislaus and visiting 
professor at UC, Berkeley. Minimum donation $20.00 plus $5.00 shipping per 
copy. Proceeds directed to Al-Awda Media Center.

Dr. Ilan Pappé
Anaheim, May 16, 2008

This DVD presents the highly educational speech (36 min) plus question and 
answer segment in English of Dr. Ilan Pappé as filmed at the Sixth 
International Annual Al-Awda Convention.

Dr. Pappé is professor of History at Exeter University in England. He is one of 
the world's leading historians of the Middle East. Among his publications are: 
Britain and the Arab-Israeli Conflict (1988), The Making of the Arab-Israeli 
Conflict (1992), The Modern History of Palestine: One Land Two Peoples (2003), 
The Modern Middle East (2005) and The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine (2006). He 
is the fulcrum of a group of historians and political scientists at the 
Cornwall Campus at Exeter University working on 20th century ethno-politics. He 
has published extensively on the history of the Arab-Israeli conflict and his 
experiences have resulted in some very incisive thought on what it is to be a 
historian and the methodology of historical enquiry. Minimum donation $20.00 
plus $5.00 shipping per copy.

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