May 30, 2002

TOKYO, Japan (AP) -- Three workers at a major Japanese aerospace
company have been arrested for allegedly hacking into the computer
network of Japan's space agency to spy on a rival company.

Shunsuke Migita, 28, Shoichi Motohashi, 44, and Masao Amano, 40 -- all
employees at NEC Toshiba Space System Co. -- were charged with
illegally obtaining Mitsubishi Electric Corp.'s antenna designs for a
high-speed Internet satellite from a computer at the National Space
Development Agency (NASDA) in December, a Tokyo Metropolitan Police
spokesman said on Thursday.

Police believe Migita figured out the password to gain access to the
agency's computer system.

NASDA discovered the breach in February when Migita sent an e-mail to
a list of more than 80 people boasting about it. The list included
Motohashi and Amano, the agency said.

NEC Toshiba Space System, a joint venture set up by Japanese
electronics giants NEC Corp. and Toshiba Corp., is developing its own
satellite for superfast Internet connections. NEC and Toshiba have
evenly divided work on the project.

Following the discovery of the break-in, NASDA banned both NEC and
Toshiba from bidding for agency-related projects for one month.

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