By Adamson Rust over Rockall
Friday 14 November 2003

SOFTWARE PANJANDRUM Microsoft has sent out a document called Secure
and Dependable Computing to its customers which still contains
internal comments from the Volish people who put the Word files

In fact, a footer in one document even has the giveaway line Microsoft
Confidential - Internal Use only.

This has happened because the Vole forgot an elementary feature of its
own Word processor and didn't bother to get rid of and switch off the
comments before it sent them out.

Not that the comments are that enlightening - Microsoft wisely decided
to get rid of the phrase "built around customer IT scenarios".

But there are gems in there. For example "Windows XP Professional is
the most reliable Windows operating system yet - at least ten times
more reliable than Windows 98 SE".

Shame if you're still using the "insecure" Windows 98SE, eh?

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