Forwarded from: William Knowles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

By Dibya Sarkar 
Dec. 6, 2004

Members of the House Select Homeland Security Committee have 
recommended establishing a new assistant secretary position within the 
Homeland Security Department to better integrate and coordinate 
cybersecurity issues. 

The recommendation is one of six suggestions listed in a new 41-page,
bipartisan report [1] that was released today by the committee's
cybersecurity subcommittee. The report stated that although DHS
officials have created the National Cyber Security Division and
several other coordination entities, "now is the time to build 
toward more robust capabilities."

It also stated DHS officials need to exert more effort to work with
the private sector and across critical infrastructure sectors in
addition to state and local governments. Specifically, the report 
said officials should:

* Create an assistant secretary position within DHS' Information 
  Analysis and Infrastructure Protection Directorate to improve 
  integration within the department and coordination of best 
  practices, risk assessments and warnings across government and the 
  private sector. 

* Develop a comprehensive and detailed program about current and 
  future plans, implementation guidance and staff recruitment, 
  retention and assignment goals. They should also provide budget 
  information that would be linked to the national strategy. 

* Update the outreach, coordination and information sharing plan with 
  the private sector, considering different needs of groups and 
  innovative mechanisms for information sharing. 

* Improve performance on cybersecurity risk assessments and 
  remediation activities that would include a plan for 
  Internet-related recovery. They should also improve coordination with 
  "cyber first responders" across the government and private sectors. 

* Identify specific initiatives in which DHS' cybersecurity division 
  and the National Communications Systems, a two-dozen member federal 
  interagency group that coordinates and plans for national security 
  and emergency communications during crises, can work together 
  because of their similar missions. Officials should advance the 
  convergence of voice and data technology. 

* Support research and development and educational activities to 
  improve products and services that are user-friendly. 


"Communications without intelligence is noise;  Intelligence
without communications is irrelevant." Gen Alfred. M. Gray, USMC
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