By Jawan Strader
May 30, 2006

(CBS4 News) WEST MIAMI-DADE Thousands of students at Florida
International University have received notices in the mail warning
that their personal records might have been compromised because of a
computer hacker.

The postcard sized letters were sent out last week warning of the
breach that occurred two months ago. Some students were concerned
because the size of the letter might make some think it's just junk
mail. Students are also concerned because of the time that passed
before the warning was put out.

Part of the letter read as follows:

"FIU recently discovered a computer infected with malicious
software...[that] could allow an unauthorized person to gain access to
a database that contained personal information, such as student and
applicant names and social security numbers."

Not all students received the letter because not all student records
were put at risk.

However, if you did receive a warning, university officials recommend
you check your credit report with the three main credit reporting
agencies to make sure you have not become the victim of identity

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