June 20, 2006

BIRMINGHAM, Ala. -- A computer possibly containing the names, Social
Security numbers and medical information for almost 10,000 people has
been stolen from the University of Alabama at Birmingham.

The computer had lists of donors, recipients and potential recipients
of the university's kidney transplant program.

UAB officials said there is no indication that the information has
been used.

This could mean that personal information of 9,800 UAB kidney patients
is out on the street and subject to possible identity theft.

The computer was stolen from the UAB School of Medicine Research
Department in February. The people affected were not notified until
June 8. UAB said that was because it took months for the school to
reconstruct the missing database.

The university said it has apologized to those affected and offered
assistance. UAB said a letter was sent to each person alerting them of
the crime and giving them the option of subscribing to a credit
monitoring company that will alert them of any suspicious activity
that might indicate identity theft.

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