
ASF GitHub Bot logged work on BEAM-7399:

                Author: ASF GitHub Bot
            Created on: 30/May/19 00:30
            Start Date: 30/May/19 00:30
    Worklog Time Spent: 10m 
      Work Description: rezarokni commented on pull request #8686: [BEAM-7399] 
Blog post on looping timers
URL: https://github.com/apache/beam/pull/8686#discussion_r288818539

 File path: website/src/_posts/2019-05-29-looping-timers.md
 @@ -0,0 +1,342 @@
+layout: post
+title:  "Looping timers in Apache Beam"
+date:   2019-05-29 00:00:01 -0800
+excerpt_separator: <!--more-->
+categories: blog
+  - rez
+  - klk
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+limitations under the License.
+Apache Beam’s primitives let you build expressive data pipelines, suitable for 
+variety of use cases. One specific use case is the analysis of time series data
+in which continuous sequences across window boundaries are important. A few fun
+challenges arise as you tackle this type of data and in this blog we will
+explore one of those in more detail and make use of the Timer API
+([blog post]({{ site.baseurl }}/blog/2017/08/28/timely-processing.html))
+using the "looping timer" pattern.
+With Beam in streaming mode, you can take streams of data and build analytical
+transforms to produce results on the data. But for time series data, the 
+of data is useful information. So how can we produce results in the absence of
+Let's use a more concrete example to illustrate the requirement. Imagine you
+have a simple pipeline that sums the number of events coming from an IoT device
+every minute. We would like to produce the value 0 when no data has been seen
+within a specific time interval. So why can this get tricky? Well it is easy to
+build a simple pipeline that counts events as they arrive, but when there is no
+event, there is nothing to count!
+Let's build a simple pipeline to work with:
+  // We will start our timer at 1 sec from the fixed upper boundary of our
+  // minute window
+  Instant now = Instant.parse("2000-01-01T00:00:59Z");
+  // ----- Create some dummy data
+  // Create 3 elements, incrementing by 1 minute and leaving a time gap between
+  // element 2 and element 3
+  TimestampedValue<KV<String, Integer>> time_1 =
+    TimestampedValue.of(KV.of("Key_A", 1), now);
+  TimestampedValue<KV<String, Integer>> time_2 =
+    TimestampedValue.of(KV.of("Key_A", 2),
+    now.plus(Duration.standardMinutes(1)));
+  // No Value for start time + 2 mins
+  TimestampedValue<KV<String, Integer>> time_3 =
+    TimestampedValue.of(KV.of("Key_A", 3),
+    now.plus(Duration.standardMinutes(3)));
+  // Create pipeline
+  PipelineOptions options = 
+    .as(PipelineOptions.class);
+  Pipeline p = Pipeline.create(options);
+  // Apply a fixed window of duration 1 min and Sum the results
+  p.apply(Create.timestamped(time_1, time_2, time_3))
+   .apply(
+      Window.<KV<String,Integer>>into(
+        .apply(Sum.integersPerKey())
+        .apply(ParDo.of(new DoFn<KV<String, Integer>, KV<String, Integer>>() {
+          @ProcessElement public void process(ProcessContext c) {
+            LOG.info("Value is {} timestamp is {}", c.element(), 
+          }
+       }));
+  p.run();
+Running that pipeline will result in the following output:
+INFO  LoopingTimer  - Value is KV{Key_A, 1} timestamp is 
+INFO  LoopingTimer  - Value is KV{Key_A, 3} timestamp is 
+INFO  LoopingTimer  - Value is KV{Key_A, 2} timestamp is 
+> Note: The lack of order in the output should be expected, however the
+> key-window tuple is correctly computed.
+As expected, we see output in each of the interval windows which had a data
+point with a timestamp between the minimum and maximum value of the window.
+There was a data point at timestamps  00:00:59,  00:01:59 and  00:03:59, which
+fell into the following interval windows.
+*  [00:00:00, 00:00:59.999)
+*  [00:01:00, 00:01:59.999)
+*  [00:03:00, 00:03:59.999)
+But as there was no data between  00:02:00 and  00:02:59, no value is produced
+for interval window  [00:02:00,00:02:59.999).
+How can we get Beam to output values for that missing window? First, let’s walk
+through some options that do not make use of the Timer API.
+## Option 1: External heartbeat
+We can use an external system to emit a value for each time interval and inject
+it into the stream of data that Beam consumes. This simple option moves any
+complexity out of the Beam pipeline. But using an external system means we need
+to monitor this system and perform other maintenance tasks in tandem with the
+Beam pipeline.
+## Option 2: Use a generated source in the Beam pipeline
+We can use a generating source to emit the value using this code snippet:
+            from(0).withRate(1,Duration.standardSeconds(1L)))
+We can then:
+1. Use a DoFn to convert the value to zero.
+2. Flatten this value with the real source.
+3. Produce a PCollection which has ticks in every time interval.
+This is also a simple way of producing a value in each time interval.
+## Option 1 & 2 The problem with multiple keys
+Both options 1 and 2 work well for the case where there the pipeline processes 
+single key. Let’s now deal with the case where instead of 1 IoT device, there
+are 1000s or 100,000s of these devices, each with a unique key. To make option 
+or option 2 work in this scenario, we need to carry out an extra step: creating
+a FanOut DoFn. Each tick needs to be distributed to all the potential keys, so
+we need to create a FanOut DoFn that takes the dummy value and generates a
+key-value pair for every available key.
+For example, let's assume we have 3 keys for 3 IoT devices, {key1,key2,key3}.
+Using the method we outlined in Option 2 when we get the first element from
+GenerateSequence, we need to create a loop in the DoFn that generates 3
+key-value pairs. These pairs become the heartbeat value for each of the IoT
+And things get a lot more fun when we need to deal with lots of IoT devices,
+with a list of keys that are dynamically changing. We would need to add a
+transform that does a Distinct operation and feed the data produced as a
+side-input into the FanOut DoFn.
+## Option 3: Implementing a heartbeat using Beam timers
+So how do timers help? Well let's have a look at a new transform:
+public static class LoopingStatefulTimer extends DoFn<KV<String, Integer>, 
KV<String, Integer>> {
+  Instant stopTimerTime;
+  LoopingStatefulTimer(Instant stopTime){
+    this.stopTimerTime = stopTime;
+  }
+  @StateId("timerRunning")
+    private final StateSpec<ValueState<Boolean>> timerRunning =
+      StateSpecs.value(BooleanCoder.of());
+  @StateId("key")
+    private final StateSpec<ValueState<String>> key =
+      StateSpecs.value(StringUtf8Coder.of());
+  @TimerId("loopingTimer")
+    private final TimerSpec loopingTimer =
+      TimerSpecs.timer(TimeDomain.EVENT_TIME);
+  @ProcessElement public void process(ProcessContext c, @StateId("key") 
ValueState<String> key,
+        @StateId("timerRunning") ValueState<Boolean> timerRunning,
+        @TimerId("loopingTimer") Timer loopingTimer) {
+    // If the timer has been set already, do not reset
+    if (timerRunning.read() == null) {
+      loopingTimer.set(c.timestamp().plus(Duration.standardMinutes(1)));
+      timerRunning.write(true);
+    }
+    // We need this value so that we can output a value for the correct key in 
+    if (key.read() == null) {
+      key.write(c.element().getKey());
+    }
+    c.output(c.element());
+  }
+  @OnTimer("loopingTimer")
+    public void onTimer(
+        OnTimerContext c,
+        @StateId("key") ValueState<String> key,
+        @TimerId("loopingTimer") Timer loopingTimer) {
+      LOG.info("Timer @ {} fired", c.timestamp());
+      c.output(KV.of(key.read(), 0));
+      // If we do not put in a “time to live” value, then the timer would loop 
+      Instant nextTimer = c.timestamp().plus(Duration.standardMinutes(1));
+      if (nextTimer.isBefore(stopTimerTime)) {
+          loopingTimer.set(nextTimer);
+      } else {
+        LOG.info(
+          "Timer not being set as exceeded Stop Timer value {} ",
+          stopTimerTime);
+      }
+   }
+There are two data values that the state API needs to keep:
+1. A boolean `timeRunning` value used to avoid resetting the timer if it’s
+   already running.
+2. A "*key*" state object value that allows us to store the key that we are
+   working with. This information will be needed in the `OnTimer` event later.
+We also have a Timer with the ID `**loopingTimer**` that acts as our per
+interval alarm clock. Note that the timer is an *event timer*. It fires based 
+the watermark, not on the passage of time as the pipeline runs.
+Next, let's unpack what's happening in the @ProcessElement block:
+The first element to come to this block will:
+1. Set the state of the `timerRunner` to True.
+2. Write the value of the key from the key-value pair into the key StateValue.
+3. The code sets the value of the timer to fire one minute after the elements
+   timestamp. Note that the maximum value allowed for this timestamp is
+   XX:XX:59.999. This places the maximum alarm value at the upper boundary of
+   the next time interval.
+4. Finally, we output the data from the `@ProcessElement` block using
+   `c.output`.
+In the @OnTimer block, the following occurs:
+1. The code emits a value with the key pulled from our key StateValue and a
+   value of 0. The timestamp of the event corresponds to  the event time of the
+   timer firing.
+2. We set a new timer for one minute from now, unless we are past the
+   `stopTimerTime` value. Your use case will normally have more complex 
+   conditions, but we use a simple condition here to allow us to keep the
+   illustrated code simple. The topic of stopping conditions is discussed in
+   more detail later.
+And that's it, let's add our transform back into the pipeline:
+  // Apply a fixed window of duration 1 min and Sum the results
+  p.apply(Create.timestamped(time_1, time_2, time_3)).apply(
+    Window.<KV<String, 
+    // We use a combiner to reduce the number of calls in keyed state
+    // from all elements to 1 per FixedWindow
+    .apply(Sum.integersPerKey())
+    .apply(Window.into(new GlobalWindows()))
+    .apply(ParDo.of(new 
+    .apply(Window.into(FixedWindows.of(Duration.standardMinutes(1))))
+    .apply(Sum.integersPerKey())
+    .apply(ParDo.of(new DoFn<KV<String, Integer>, KV<String, Integer>>() {
+      @ProcessElement public void process(ProcessContext c) {
+        LOG.info("Value is {} timestamp is {}", c.element(), c.timestamp());
+     }
+  }));
+1. In the first part of the pipeline we create FixedWindows and reduce the 
+   per key down to a single Sum.
+2. Next we re-window the output into a GlobalWindow. Since state and timers are
+   per window, they must be set within the window boundary. We want the looping
+   timer to span all the fixed windows, so we set it up in the global window.
+3. We then add our LoopingStatefulTimer DoFn.
+4. Finally, we reapply the FixedWindows and Sum our values.
+This pipeline ensures that a value of zero exists for each interval window, 
+if the Source of the pipeline emitted a value in the minimum and maximum
+boundaries of the interval window. This means that we can mark the absence of
+You might question why we use two reducers with multiple `Sum.integersPerKey`.
+Why not just use one? Functionally, using one would also produce the correct
+result. However, putting two `Sum.integersPerKey` gives us a nice performance
+advantage. It reduces the number of elements from many to just one per time
+interval. This can reduce the number of reads of the State API during the
+`@ProcessElement` calls.
+Here is the logging output of running our modified pipeline:
+INFO  LoopingTimer  - Timer @ 2000-01-01T00:01:59.999Z fired
+INFO  LoopingTimer  - Timer @ 2000-01-01T00:02:59.999Z fired
+INFO  LoopingTimer  - Timer @ 2000-01-01T00:03:59.999Z fired
+INFO  LoopingTimer  - Timer not being set as exceeded Stop Timer value 
+INFO  LoopingTimer  - Value is KV{Key_A, 1} timestamp is 
+INFO  LoopingTimer  - Value is KV{Key_A, 0} timestamp is 
+INFO  LoopingTimer  - Value is KV{Key_A, 2} timestamp is 
+INFO  LoopingTimer  - Value is KV{Key_A, 3} timestamp is 
+Yay! We now have output from the time interval [00:01:00, 00:01:59.999), even
+though the source dataset has no elements in that interval.
+In this blog, we covered one of the fun areas around time series use cases and
+worked through several options, including an advanced use case of the Timer 
+Happy looping everyone!
+**Note:** Looping timers is an interesting new use case for the Timer API and
+runners will need to add support for it with all of their more advanced
+feature sets. You can experiment with this pattern today using the
+DirectRunner. For other runners, please look out for their release notes on
+support for dealing with this use case in production.
+([Capability Matrix]({{ site.baseurl 
+Runner specific notes:
+Google Cloud Dataflow Runners Drain feature does not support looping timers 
(Link to matrix)
 Review comment:
   I also can not see this on the stage site, which is pretty odd. 
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Issue Time Tracking

    Worklog Id:     (was: 250655)
    Time Spent: 0.5h  (was: 20m)

> Publishing a blog post about looping timers. 
> ---------------------------------------------
>                 Key: BEAM-7399
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/BEAM-7399
>             Project: Beam
>          Issue Type: Improvement
>          Components: website
>            Reporter: Reza ardeshir rokni
>            Assignee: Reza ardeshir rokni
>            Priority: Trivial
>          Time Spent: 0.5h
>  Remaining Estimate: 0h

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