GitHub user breautek added a comment to the discussion: Details on Google 
Play's Photo and Video Permissions policy - READ_MEDIA_IMAGES and 

> cordova-plugin-file

The latest versions of these plugins do not use the `READ_MEDIA_*` permissions 

See the [Camera 
 and [File 
 notes for more information.

It's particularly important to check the release notes of the Camera plugin as 
it does introduce breaking changes that may affect your application and may 
require additional action, depending on how the camera plugin is being used.

It's recommended to use the latest version the File plugin as it contains fixes 
related to co-interaction with the Camera API, ensuring consistent behaviour 
between Android and iOS platforms.

> cordova.plugins.diagnostic

This isn't a plugin maintained by Apache, so you'll need to reach out to that 
plugin's author(s).

> Is there anything I, as a developer, need to update or modify in my app's 
> implementation when using these plugins to remain compliant with the policy?

Generally speaking, READ_MEDIA_* permissions are only necessary if the nature 
of your application requires broad access to those kind of media assets. e.g. 
if you're application is a gallery app, then having READ_MEDIA_IMAGES 
permission might make sense and you can provide Google with reasonable 

Historically, Cordova required the `READ_MEDIA_*` permissions because we used 
older APIs that required broad consent to use, for legacy reasons. But from a 
library perspective, it's not safe to assume that the application fits the 
criteria that is acceptable to use these permissions. Therefore we (Apache) has 
since refactored to use modern practices so that we don't need broad 

The main breaking point here is the application no longer has persistent access 
to all media files. If you pick images from the photo album/gallery, the 
application is granted temporary access to that specific file that the user has 
picked using the photo picker. Therefore the application will need to make a 
copy if necessary to retain access to that asset. A prime example of this is if 
you're letting the user pick a profile picture for your application.

Some applications may not need to retain a copy and can safely use the image 
directly as is. For example, an image editing application might temporary use 
the picked image, and only save the modified result. So it all depends on the 
nature of your application here.

Also to note that currently there are some other Apache plugins that isn't 
mentioned but are still using `READ_MEDIA_*` permissions, their refactors are 
still a work in progress.

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