Github user snuyanzin commented on the issue:
    @twalthr thank you for your comment.
    I took a similar ticket in Calcite/Avatica from which the current depends 
on and I pointed this discrepancy in the [comment 
 To fix i  t the class `org.apache.calcite.avatica.util.DateTimeUtils` should 
be changed which is presented in both avatica and flink.
    At the same time different db's provide a little bit different behavior 
(please have a look at the links below)
    looks like in case of day of week extraction for Oracle, MySql Sunday = 1, 
for Postgresql Sunday = 0, for Microsoft SQL Server it depends on property set 
by user
    On the other hand there is a standard 
[ISO8601]( which also defines 
weekday, day of years e.g. This is also a part of 
    So my suggestion is within this ticket provide support for all operations 
which could come from 
[CALCITE-2303]( `dow`, 
`decade`, `epoch`, `isodow`, `isoyear`, `microsecond` and `millisecond`
    However yes you are right it is required to choose what approach for 
dayOfWeek to use. IMHO the simplest way is to use whatever Calcite/avatica 
    At the same time 
  Julian Hyde says that 
    > In short, yes, do whatever PostgreSQL does. 
    So they would like to align the behavior with Postrgresql
    About different db's day of week
    So the Postgresql's behavior is described [here 
 with Sunday = 0 + it supports ISO8601 via `isodow `and `isoyear`
    the Oracle's behavior is described [here 
 with Sunday = 1, so far have not found info about support of 8601 via 
`extract` while it is via `to_char/to_date`
    Microsoft SQL Server [allows to set up the first 
 at the same time extraction is done via `datepart` not `extract`
    MySQL [provides 
 with Sunday = 1


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