Github user iemejia commented on a diff in the pull request:
    --- Diff: flink-contrib/docker-flink/ ---
    @@ -1,80 +1,75 @@
    -#Apache Flink cluster deployment on Docker using Docker-Compose
    +Apache Flink cluster deployment on docker using docker-compose
    -###Install Docker
    +# Installation
    +Install the most recent stable version of docker
    -if you have issues with Docker-Compose versions incompatible with your 
version of Docker try
    +Install the most recent stable version of docker-compose
    -`curl -sSL | sudo sh`
    +# Build
    -###Install Docker-Compose
    +Images are based on the official Java Alpine (OpenJDK 8) image and run
    +supervisord to stay alive when running containers. If you want to build the
    +flink image run:
    -curl -L`uname 
-s`-`uname -m` > /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
    +    sh
    -chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
    -###Get the repo
    -###Build the images
    -Images are based on Ubuntu Trusty 14.04 and run Supervisord to stay alive 
when running containers.
    +    docker build -t flink .
    -The base image installs Oracle Java JDK 1.7 and SSH client & server. You 
can change the SSH password there or add your own key and adjust SSH config.
    +If you want to build the container for a specific version of 
    +you can configure it in the respective args:
    -- Run `./`
    +    docker build --build-arg FLINK_VERSION=1.0.3 --build-arg 
HADOOP_VERSION=26 --build-arg SCALA_VERSION=2.10 -t 
"flink:1.0.3-hadoop2.6-scala_2.10" flink
    +# Deploy
     - Deploy cluster and see config/setup log output (best run in a screen 
    -`docker-compose up`
    +        docker-compose up
     - Deploy as a daemon (and return)
    -`docker-compose up -d`
    +        docker-compose up -d
     - Scale the cluster up or down to *N* TaskManagers
    -`docker-compose scale taskmanager=<N>`
    -- Access the JobManager node with SSH (exposed on Port 220)
    +        docker-compose scale taskmanager=<N>
    -`ssh root@localhost -p 220`
    +- Access the Job Manager container
    -or on Mac OS X with boot2docker
    -`ssh root@$(boot2docker ip) -p 220`
    -The password is 'secret'
    +        docker exec -it $(docker ps --filter name=flink_jobmanager 
--format={{.ID}}) /bin/sh
     - Kill the cluster
    -`docker-compose kill`
    +        docker-compose kill
     - Upload a jar to the cluster
    -`scp -P 220 <your_jar> root@localhost:/<your_path>`
    +        for i in $(docker ps --filter name=flink --format={{.ID}}); do
    +            docker cp <your_jar> $i:/<your_path>
    +        done
     - Run a topology
    -`ssh -p 220 root@localhost /usr/local/flink/bin/flink run -c <your_class> 
<your_jar> <your_params>`
    +        docker run -it --rm flink:latest flink run -m <jobmanager:port> -c 
<your_class> <your_jar> <your_params>
    --- End diff --
    Yes, you are right, I hesitated about this, if you noticed, I added a third 
option apart of jobmanager/taskmanager to let the image open ended, my goal was 
in part that people could start an container with flink as a client, or for any 
other use. However this can be confusing (because people mostly expect to send 
ther local jar, but I will change it as you suggest in the README, and advanced 
users can do as they wish.

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enabled and wishes so, or if the feature is enabled but not working, please
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