
Hive QA commented on HIVE-23525:

Here are the results of testing the latest attachment:

{color:green}SUCCESS:{color} +1 due to 1 test(s) being added or modified.

{color:red}ERROR:{color} -1 due to 288 failed/errored test(s), 13112 tests 
*Failed tests:*
TestAccumuloCliDriver - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestAcidOnTez - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestAcidTableSetup - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestActivePassiveHA - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestAlterTableMetadata - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestAuthorizationPreEventListener - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely 
timed out) (batchId=209)
TestAuthzApiEmbedAuthorizerInEmbed - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely 
timed out) (batchId=177)
TestAuthzApiEmbedAuthorizerInRemote - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely 
timed out) (batchId=178)
TestAutoPurgeTables - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestBeeLineDriver - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestBeeLineWithArgs - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestBeelineConnectionUsingHiveSite - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely 
timed out) (batchId=211)
TestBeelinePasswordOption - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=211)
TestBeelineWithUserHs2ConnectionFile - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file 
(likely timed out) (batchId=211)
TestBlobstoreCliDriver - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestBlobstoreNegativeCliDriver - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely 
timed out) (batchId=239)
TestCLIAuthzSessionContext - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=221)
TestCachedStoreUpdateUsingEvents - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely 
timed out) (batchId=177)
TestCleanerWithReplication - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=183)
TestClearDanglingScratchDir - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=208)
TestClientSideAuthorizationProvider - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely 
timed out) (batchId=210)
TestCompactor - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestCompareCliDriver - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestContribCliDriver - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestContribNegativeCliDriver - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=234)
TestCopyUtils - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestCreateUdfEntities - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestCrudCompactorOnTez - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestCustomAuthentication - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestDBTokenStore - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestDDLWithRemoteMetastoreSecondNamenode - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file 
(likely timed out) (batchId=183)
TestDFSErrorHandling - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestDanglingQOuts - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestDbNotificationListener - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=227)
TestDruidRecordWriter - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestDruidSerDe - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestDruidStorageHandler - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestDummy - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) (batchId=225)
TestDummy - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) (batchId=237)
TestDynamicSerDe - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestEmbeddedThriftBinaryCLIService - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely 
timed out) (batchId=214)
TestEncryptedHDFSCliDriver - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=125)
TestEncryptedHDFSCliDriver - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=126)
TestEncryptedHDFSCliDriver - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=127)
TestEncryptedHDFSCliDriver - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=128)
TestEncryptedHDFSCliDriver - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=129)
TestErasureCodingHDFSCliDriver - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely 
timed out) (batchId=130)
TestExportImport - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestFileUtils - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestHBaseNegativeCliDriver - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=235)
TestHCatClientNotification - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=227)
TestHCatHiveCompatibility - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=227)
TestHCatHiveThriftCompatibility - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely 
timed out) (batchId=227)
TestHDFSPermissionPolicyProvider - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely 
timed out) (batchId=210)
TestHS2AuthzContext - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestHS2AuthzSessionContext - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=222)
TestHS2ClearDanglingScratchDir - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely 
timed out) (batchId=215)
TestHS2ImpersonationWithRemoteMS - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely 
timed out) (batchId=215)
TestHadoopAuthBridge23 - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestHadoopFileStatus - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestHiveAuthFactory - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestHiveAuthorizerCheckInvocation - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely 
timed out) (batchId=210)
TestHiveAuthorizerShowFilters - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=210)
TestHiveDruidQueryBasedInputFormat - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely 
timed out) (batchId=244)
TestHiveDruidSplit - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestHiveHistory - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestHiveMetaStoreAlterColumnPar - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely 
timed out) (batchId=178)
TestHiveMetaTool - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestHiveMetastoreTransformer - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=175)
TestHiveProtoEventsCleanerTask - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely 
timed out) (batchId=178)
TestHiveServer2 - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestHiveServer2SessionTimeout - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=222)
TestHiveSessionImpl - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestHs2ConnectionMetricsBinary - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely 
timed out) (batchId=222)
TestHs2ConnectionMetricsHttp - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=222)
TestHs2Hooks - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestHs2HooksWithMiniKdc - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestHs2Metrics - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestHttpCookieAuthenticationTest - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely 
timed out) (batchId=212)
TestImproperTrustDomainAuthenticationBinary - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file 
(likely timed out) (batchId=212)
TestImproperTrustDomainAuthenticationHttp - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file 
(likely timed out) (batchId=211)
TestInformationSchemaWithPrivilegeZookeeperPlain - did not produce a TEST-*.xml 
file (likely timed out) (batchId=215)
TestInformationSchemaWithPrivilegeZookeeperSSL - did not produce a TEST-*.xml 
file (likely timed out) (batchId=214)
TestJdbcDriver2 - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestJdbcGenericUDTFGetSplits - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=215)
TestJdbcGenericUDTFGetSplits2 - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=215)
TestJdbcMetadataApiAuth - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestJdbcNonKrbSASLWithMiniKdc - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=238)
TestJdbcWithDBTokenStore - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestJdbcWithDBTokenStoreNoDoAs - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely 
timed out) (batchId=238)
TestJdbcWithLocalClusterSpark - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=221)
TestJdbcWithMiniHA - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestJdbcWithMiniHS2 - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestJdbcWithMiniKdc - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestJdbcWithMiniKdcCookie - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=238)
TestJdbcWithMiniKdcSQLAuthAll - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=238)
TestJdbcWithMiniKdcSQLAuthBinary - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely 
timed out) (batchId=238)
TestJdbcWithMiniKdcSQLAuthHttp - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely 
timed out) (batchId=238)
TestJdbcWithMiniLlapArrow - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=217)
TestJdbcWithMiniLlapRow - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestJdbcWithMiniLlapVectorArrow - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely 
timed out) (batchId=221)
TestJdbcWithMiniLlapVectorArrowBatch - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file 
(likely timed out) (batchId=218)
TestJdbcWithSQLAuthUDFBlacklist - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely 
timed out) (batchId=221)
TestJdbcWithSQLAuthorization - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=222)
TestJdbcWithServiceDiscovery - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=218)
TestKillQueryZookeeperManager - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=215)
TestKuduCliDriver - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestKuduNegativeCliDriver - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=224)
TestLlapInputSplit - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestLocationQueries - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestMTQueries - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestMetaStoreAuthorization - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=176)
TestMetaStoreEventListenerInRepl - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely 
timed out) (batchId=183)
TestMetaStoreLimitPartitionRequest - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely 
timed out) (batchId=183)
TestMetaStoreMetrics - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestMetaStoreMultipleEncryptionZones - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file 
(likely timed out) (batchId=175)
TestMetastoreAuthorizationProvider - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely 
timed out) (batchId=210)
TestMetastoreHousekeepingLeader - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely 
timed out) (batchId=175)
TestMetastoreHousekeepingLeaderEmptyConfig - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file 
(likely timed out) (batchId=177)
TestMetastoreHousekeepingNonLeader - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely 
timed out) (batchId=177)
TestMetastoreVersion - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestMiniDruidCliDriver - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestMiniDruidKafkaCliDriver - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=228)
TestMiniHS2 - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) (batchId=223)
TestMiniHS2StateWithNoZookeeper - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely 
timed out) (batchId=212)
TestMiniHiveKafkaCliDriver - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=237)
TestMiniHiveKdc - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestMiniLlapLocalCliDriver - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=100)
TestMiniLlapLocalCliDriver - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=101)
TestMiniLlapLocalCliDriver - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=102)
TestMiniLlapLocalCliDriver - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=103)
TestMiniLlapLocalCliDriver - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=104)
TestMiniLlapLocalCliDriver - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=105)
TestMiniLlapLocalCliDriver - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=106)
TestMiniLlapLocalCliDriver - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=107)
TestMiniLlapLocalCliDriver - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=108)
TestMiniLlapLocalCliDriver - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=109)
TestMiniLlapLocalCliDriver - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=110)
TestMiniLlapLocalCliDriver - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=111)
TestMiniLlapLocalCliDriver - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=112)
TestMiniLlapLocalCliDriver - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=113)
TestMiniLlapLocalCliDriver - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=114)
TestMiniLlapLocalCliDriver - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=115)
TestMiniLlapLocalCliDriver - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=116)
TestMiniLlapLocalCliDriver - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=117)
TestMiniLlapLocalCliDriver - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=118)
TestMiniLlapLocalCliDriver - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=119)
TestMiniLlapLocalCliDriver - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=120)
TestMiniLlapLocalCliDriver - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=121)
TestMiniLlapLocalCliDriver - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=122)
TestMiniLlapLocalCliDriver - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=123)
TestMiniLlapLocalCliDriver - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=124)
TestMiniLlapLocalCliDriver - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=50)
TestMiniLlapLocalCliDriver - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=51)
TestMiniLlapLocalCliDriver - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=52)
TestMiniLlapLocalCliDriver - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=53)
TestMiniLlapLocalCliDriver - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=54)
TestMiniLlapLocalCliDriver - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=55)
TestMiniLlapLocalCliDriver - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=56)
TestMiniLlapLocalCliDriver - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=57)
TestMiniLlapLocalCliDriver - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=58)
TestMiniLlapLocalCliDriver - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=59)
TestMiniLlapLocalCliDriver - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=60)
TestMiniLlapLocalCliDriver - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=61)
TestMiniLlapLocalCliDriver - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=62)
TestMiniLlapLocalCliDriver - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=63)
TestMiniLlapLocalCliDriver - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=64)
TestMiniLlapLocalCliDriver - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=65)
TestMiniLlapLocalCliDriver - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=66)
TestMiniLlapLocalCliDriver - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=67)
TestMiniLlapLocalCliDriver - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=68)
TestMiniLlapLocalCliDriver - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=69)
TestMiniLlapLocalCliDriver - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=70)
TestMiniLlapLocalCliDriver - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=71)
TestMiniLlapLocalCliDriver - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=72)
TestMiniLlapLocalCliDriver - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=73)
TestMiniLlapLocalCliDriver - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=74)
TestMiniLlapLocalCliDriver - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=75)
TestMiniLlapLocalCliDriver - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=76)
TestMiniLlapLocalCliDriver - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=77)
TestMiniLlapLocalCliDriver - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=78)
TestMiniLlapLocalCliDriver - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=79)
TestMiniLlapLocalCliDriver - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=80)
TestMiniLlapLocalCliDriver - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=81)
TestMiniLlapLocalCliDriver - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=82)
TestMiniLlapLocalCliDriver - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=83)
TestMiniLlapLocalCliDriver - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=84)
TestMiniLlapLocalCliDriver - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=85)
TestMiniLlapLocalCliDriver - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=86)
TestMiniLlapLocalCliDriver - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=87)
TestMiniLlapLocalCliDriver - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=88)
TestMiniLlapLocalCliDriver - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=89)
TestMiniLlapLocalCliDriver - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=90)
TestMiniLlapLocalCliDriver - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=91)
TestMiniLlapLocalCliDriver - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=92)
TestMiniLlapLocalCliDriver - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=93)
TestMiniLlapLocalCliDriver - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=94)
TestMiniLlapLocalCliDriver - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=95)
TestMiniLlapLocalCliDriver - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=96)
TestMiniLlapLocalCliDriver - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=97)
TestMiniLlapLocalCliDriver - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=98)
TestMiniLlapLocalCliDriver - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=99)
TestMinimrCliDriver - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestMmCompactorOnTez - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestMultiAuthorizationPreEventListener - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file 
(likely timed out) (batchId=210)
TestMultiSessionsHS2WithLocalClusterSpark - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file 
(likely timed out) (batchId=221)
TestNewGetSplitsFormat - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestNewGetSplitsFormatReturnPath - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely 
timed out) (batchId=221)
TestNoSaslAuth - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestOperationLoggingAPIWithMr - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=214)
TestOperationLoggingAPIWithTez - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely 
timed out) (batchId=213)
TestOperationLoggingLayout - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=214)
TestParseNegativeDriver - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestPartitionExpressionProxyDefault - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely 
timed out) (batchId=177)
TestPasswordWithConfig - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestPasswordWithCredentialProvider - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely 
timed out) (batchId=226)
TestPigHBaseStorageHandler - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=227)
TestQOutProcessor - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestQueryDisplay - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestRemoteHiveMetaStoreDualAuthCustom - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file 
(likely timed out) (batchId=238)
TestRemoteHiveMetaStoreDualAuthKerb - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely 
timed out) (batchId=238)
TestRemoteHiveMetaStoreKerberos - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely 
timed out) (batchId=238)
TestReplAcidTablesBootstrapWithJsonMessage - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file 
(likely timed out) (batchId=185)
TestReplAcidTablesWithJsonMessage - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely 
timed out) (batchId=202)
TestReplAcrossInstancesWithJsonMessageFormat - did not produce a TEST-*.xml 
file (likely timed out) (batchId=194)
TestReplChangeManager - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestReplIncrementalLoadAcidTablesWithJsonMessage - did not produce a TEST-*.xml 
file (likely timed out) (batchId=197)
TestReplScenariosWithStrictManaged - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely 
timed out) (batchId=196)
TestReplTableMigrationWithJsonFormat - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file 
(likely timed out) (batchId=200)
TestReplWithJsonMessageFormat - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=186)
TestReplicationOfHiveStreaming - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely 
timed out) (batchId=181)
TestReplicationOnHDFSEncryptedZones - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely 
timed out) (batchId=208)
TestReplicationScenarios - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestReplicationScenariosAcidTables - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely 
timed out) (batchId=204)
TestReplicationScenariosAcidTablesBootstrap - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file 
(likely timed out) (batchId=182)
TestReplicationScenariosAcrossInstances - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file 
(likely timed out) (batchId=198)
TestReplicationScenariosExternalTables - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file 
(likely timed out) (batchId=193)
TestReplicationScenariosExternalTablesMetaDataOnly - did not produce a 
TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) (batchId=208)
TestReplicationScenariosIncrementalLoadAcidTables - did not produce a 
TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) (batchId=205)
TestReplicationWithTableMigration - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely 
timed out) (batchId=189)
TestReplicationWithTableMigrationEx - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely 
timed out) (batchId=199)
TestRestrictedList - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestSSL - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) (batchId=216)
TestSSLWithMiniKdc - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestScheduledQueryIntegration - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=211)
TestScheduledReplicationScenarios - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely 
timed out) (batchId=208)
TestSchemaTool - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestSchemaToolCatalogOps - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestSemanticAnalyzerHookLoading - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely 
timed out) (batchId=208)
TestSequenceFileReadWrite - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=227)
TestSerdeWithFieldComments - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=175)
TestServerSpecificConfig - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestServiceDiscovery - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestServiceDiscoveryWithMiniHS2 - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely 
timed out) (batchId=222)
TestSplitSupport - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestStatsReplicationScenarios - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=206)
TestStatsReplicationScenariosACID - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely 
timed out) (batchId=187)
TestStatsReplicationScenariosACIDNoAutogather - did not produce a TEST-*.xml 
file (likely timed out) (batchId=188)
TestStatsReplicationScenariosMM - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely 
timed out) (batchId=192)
TestStatsReplicationScenariosMMNoAutogather - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file 
(likely timed out) (batchId=184)
TestStatsReplicationScenariosMigration - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file 
(likely timed out) (batchId=191)
TestStatsReplicationScenariosMigrationNoAutogather - did not produce a 
TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) (batchId=201)
TestStatsReplicationScenariosNoAutogather - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file 
(likely timed out) (batchId=203)
TestStorageBasedClientSideAuthorizationProvider - did not produce a TEST-*.xml 
file (likely timed out) (batchId=210)
TestStorageBasedMetastoreAuthorizationProvider - did not produce a TEST-*.xml 
file (likely timed out) (batchId=210)
TestStorageBasedMetastoreAuthorizationProviderWithACL - did not produce a 
TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) (batchId=226)
TestTableLevelReplicationScenarios - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely 
timed out) (batchId=190)
TestTenantBasedStorageHierarchy - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely 
timed out) (batchId=178)
TestTezPerfCliDriver - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestTezPerfConstraintsCliDriver - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely 
timed out) (batchId=230)
TestThriftCLIServiceSecurity - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=212)
TestThriftCLIServiceWithAllAndBinary - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file 
(likely timed out) (batchId=212)
TestThriftCLIServiceWithAllAndHttp - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely 
timed out) (batchId=214)
TestThriftCLIServiceWithBinary - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely 
timed out) (batchId=214)
TestThriftCLIServiceWithHttp - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=214)
TestThriftCliServiceMessageSize - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely 
timed out) (batchId=212)
TestThriftHttpCLIServiceFeatures - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely 
timed out) (batchId=212)
TestTransactionalValidationListener - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely 
timed out) (batchId=178)
TestTriggersMoveWorkloadManager - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely 
timed out) (batchId=218)
TestTriggersNoTezSessionPool - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=215)
TestTriggersTezSessionPoolManager - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely 
timed out) (batchId=221)
TestTriggersWorkloadManager - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=218)
TestTrustDomainAuthenticationBinary - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely 
timed out) (batchId=212)
TestTrustDomainAuthenticationHttp - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely 
timed out) (batchId=212)
TestWarehouseExternalDir - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestXSRFFilter - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestZookeeperTokenStorePlain - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=178)
TestZookeeperTokenStoreSSLEnabled - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely 
timed out) (batchId=178)

Test results: 
Console output: https://builds.apache.org/job/PreCommit-HIVE-Build/22532/console
Test logs:

Executing org.apache.hive.ptest.execution.TestCheckPhase
Executing org.apache.hive.ptest.execution.PrepPhase
Executing org.apache.hive.ptest.execution.YetusPhase
Executing org.apache.hive.ptest.execution.ExecutionPhase
Executing org.apache.hive.ptest.execution.ReportingPhase
Tests exited with: TestsFailedException: 288 tests failed

This message is automatically generated.

ATTACHMENT ID: 13003658 - PreCommit-HIVE-Build

> TestAcidTxnCleanerService is unstable
> -------------------------------------
>                 Key: HIVE-23525
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HIVE-23525
>             Project: Hive
>          Issue Type: Sub-task
>            Reporter: Zoltan Haindrich
>            Assignee: Peter Varga
>            Priority: Major
>         Attachments: HIVE-23525.1.patch
> from time to time this exception happens
> {code}
> 15:03:41  [INFO] 
> 15:03:41  [INFO] -------------------------------------------------------
> 15:03:41  [INFO]  T E S T S
> 15:03:41  [INFO] -------------------------------------------------------
> 15:03:42  [INFO] Running 
> org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.txn.TestAcidTxnCleanerService
> 15:04:10  [ERROR] Tests run: 5, Failures: 1, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time 
> elapsed: 25.582 s <<< FAILURE! - in 
> org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.txn.TestAcidTxnCleanerService
> 15:04:10  [ERROR] 
> cleansAllCommittedTxns(org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.txn.TestAcidTxnCleanerService)
>   Time elapsed: 9.952 s  <<< FAILURE!
> 15:04:10  java.lang.AssertionError: expected:<6> but was:<7>
> 15:04:10      at 
> org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.txn.TestAcidTxnCleanerService.cleansAllCommittedTxns(TestAcidTxnCleanerService.java:107)
> 15:04:10  
> 15:04:10  [INFO] 
> 15:04:10  [INFO] Results:
> 15:04:10  [INFO] 
> 15:04:10  [ERROR] Failures: 
> 15:04:10  [ERROR]   TestAcidTxnCleanerService.cleansAllCommittedTxns:107 
> expected:<6> but was:<7>
> 15:04:10  [INFO] 
> 15:04:10  [ERROR] Tests run: 5, Failures: 1, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0
> 15:04:10  [INFO] 
> 15:04:10  [ERROR] Failed to execute goal 
> org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-surefire-plugin:2.20.1:test (default-test) on 
> project hive-standalone-metastore-server: There are test failures.
> 15:04:10  [ERROR] 
> 15:04:10  [ERROR] Please refer to 
> /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/hive-c/standalone-metastore/metastore-server/target/surefire-reports
>  for the individual test results.
> 15:04:10  [ERROR] Please refer to dump files (if any exist) 
> [date]-jvmRun[N].dump, [date].dumpstream and [date]-jvmRun[N].dumpstream.
> 15:04:10  [ERROR] -> [Help 1]
> 15:04:10  [ERROR] 
> 15:04:10  [ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven 
> with the -e switch.
> 15:04:10  [ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug 
> logging.
> 15:04:10  [ERROR] 
> 15:04:10  [ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible 
> solutions, please read the following articles:
> 15:04:10  [ERROR] [Help 1] 
> http://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/MAVEN/MojoFailureException
> {code}

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