Araika Singh created HIVE-28703:

             Summary: Integral Data Type Overflow Not Enforced for JsonSerDe 
and UDFs
                 Key: HIVE-28703
             Project: Hive
          Issue Type: Bug
            Reporter: Araika Singh
            Assignee: Araika Singh

When executing the following Hive queries with JsonSerDe to create and 
manipulate a table, the data exceeding the respective type limits (TINYINT, 
SMALLINT, INT, BIGINT) is not throwing an error. Instead, it remains within the 
defined limits, bypassing SQL standard checks for strict data type enforcement.

*Steps to Reproduce:*

*// sample json: \{"tiny_value": 128, "small_value" : 32768, "int_value" : 
2147483648, "big_value" : 9223372036854775808}*

*DROP TABLE IF EXISTS json_serde1_1;

CREATE TABLE json_serde1_1 (
  tiny_value TINYINT, 
  small_value SMALLINT, 
  int_value INT, 
  big_value BIGINT
ROW FORMAT SERDE 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.JsonSerDe';

INSERT INTO TABLE json_serde1_1 VALUES (128, 32768, 2147483648, 
LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '../../data/files/sampleJson.json' INTO TABLE 

SELECT * FROM json_serde1_1;

DROP TABLE json_serde1_1;* 

*Proposed Resolution:*

Enforce stricter data type validation during data insertion for {{JsonSerDe}} 
and UDFs. This should ensure compliance with the defined column data types and 
raise errors for out-of-bound values.{*}{*}


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