Indhumathi Muthumurugesh created HIVE-28704:

             Summary: Query giving incorrect Results: CASE WHEN expression on 
Partition column and CBO enabled
                 Key: HIVE-28704
             Project: Hive
          Issue Type: Bug
            Reporter: Indhumathi Muthumurugesh
            Assignee: Indhumathi Muthumurugesh

create table t1(id string) partitioned by (month string);
insert into t1 select '1','2020-12';
set hive.cbo.enable=false;
select id from t1 where (case when month='2023-07' then false else true END);
-- output: 1
set hive.cbo.enable=true;
select id from t1 where (case when month='2023-07' then false else true END);
-- ouput: \{no result}

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