Github user anandsubbu commented on the issue:
    Thanks much @nickwallen for giving it another spin!
    Hey @MohanDV , let me know if my below explanation makes sense. @nickwallen 
, would you have any thoughts on this?
    > @MohanDV , as a part of my commit, I have moved all the UI related 
elements from REST to the PCAP config tab.
    > In my understanding, the following parameters are not directly related to 
the PCAP core service, but are functionally related to REST (used by the PCAP 
query panel UI):
    > * pdml.script.path
    > * base.path
    > * base.interim.result.path
    > * final.output.path
    > * page.size
    > * yarn.queue
    > * finalizer.threadpool.size
    > For this reason, I did not move these properties out of the 
    > > @MohanDV Changing a REST Setting triggers Ambari to Restart PCAP 
    > With my current changes, modifying any config setting in the PCAP tab 
will require restarting both Metron PCAP and Metron REST services--which is 
necessary since user can change a PCAP-service related property or a PCAP-REST 
related property (or both). The converse, which you noted, i.e. changing any 
REST config does not require restarting the PCAP topology. Here's a screenshot 
after making changes to REST config...


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