Github user alopresto commented on the issue:
    @ottobackwards I've run this branch with the full build and all tests 
enabled multiple times and I have not encountered that error (just did it again 
from scratch with no `.m2` to be sure; 41:24 minute process). Can you manually 
verify if that directory and file exist on your machine?
    The logic in the test should populate the file when the test is run and 
delete the file when the test suite is complete (so we don't just have an 
unnecessary 10 MB file checked in to the source). 
         File inputFile = new File(LARGE_FILE_PATH)
            // Generates a file with "apachenifi" 10 times per line for 10_000 
lines (11 bytes * 10 * 10_000 ~= 1 MiB)
            if (!inputFile.exists() || inputFile.length() == 0) {
                10_000.times { int i ->
                    inputFile << "${i.toString().padLeft(5)}: ${"apachenifi " * 
        static void tearDownOnce() throws Exception {
            File largeFile = new File(LARGE_FILE_PATH)
            if (largeFile.exists()) {


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