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--- Comment #90 from ---
Now, it's 2018!

Google Docs, Google Sheets, and Google Slides can all open singly or in
multiple instances beside each other in a single instance of a tabbed Chrome
browser. The beauty of it!  Only one problem for me now, though.  I can't do
OO/LO basic programming on them!

But what if Chrome were an Open Office browser within which I could open OO/LO
writer, calc, draw, etc, and still do my macros on them, and so on?  How great!

Here's what is so great about a tabbed system - one click, and you are right
where you left another document.  The convenience!  The efficiency!

But I guess that's not the issue.  We all know it would be a great feature. 
Who and who are going to step a little back and look and the structure of the
open office system or application to see what may be needed, break it up into
smaller tasks, and yet smaller sub-tasks that a bigger group of volunteer
programmers could work on?

Maybe there are not enough volunteers.  But if one considers all the other less
important open office work that has gone on in the past 15 years this issue has
been on the front burner, it can only be lack of skill or poor judgment.

I certainly don't have the skill to deal with this issue.  At least for now. 
But I feel enough of a commitment to Open Office I've used freely for some
years now to learn some new skills and join in helping OO/LO to leap over this
embarrassing hurdle that other office suite developers appear to have all
easily scaled.

I've just downloaded and am trying to install the open office sdk. Let me see
what I can learn about it.  Then, maybe I'll have something else to say on this
thread.  But how delighted many like me would be if before then this matter
would have been settled.

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