swamirishi commented on code in PR #7402:
URL: https://github.com/apache/ozone/pull/7402#discussion_r1838587332

@@ -85,22 +98,41 @@ public void setRecoveringTimeout(long recoveringTimeout) {
     this.recoveringTimeout = recoveringTimeout;
+  public boolean addContainer(Container<?> container) throws 
StorageContainerException {
+    return addContainer(container, false);
+  }
    * Add Container to container map.
    * @param container container to be added
    * @return If container is added to containerMap returns true, otherwise
    * false
-  public boolean addContainer(Container<?> container) throws
+  public boolean addContainer(Container<?> container, boolean 
overwriteMissingContainers) throws
       StorageContainerException {
     Preconditions.checkNotNull(container, "container cannot be null");
     long containerId = container.getContainerData().getContainerID();
+    State containerState = container.getContainerData().getState();
+    if (!overwriteMissingContainers && 
missingContainerSet.contains(containerId)) {

Review Comment:
   The container set is first initialised with all the containers present on 
disk by performing an ls on the data volumes. Then we iterate through the 
containerIDs table on the rocksdb, and any container present in this table and 
not present on disk will be added to the missing container set. This would 
include both ratis and ec containers.
   Now on container creation we just have to check this in memory set than 
going to the rocksdb everytime which would incur an io cost, however small it 
is not need in my opinion when we have everything in memory.

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