emkornfield commented on code in PR #464:
URL: https://github.com/apache/parquet-format/pull/464#discussion_r1854925992

@@ -386,11 +386,15 @@ The Decimal type contains a scale, but no precision. The 
implied precision of a
 | Exact Numeric        | decimal8                    | `9`     | 
DECIMAL(precision, scale)   | 1 byte scale in range [0, 38], followed by 
little-endian unscaled value (see decimal table)                         |
 | Exact Numeric        | decimal16                   | `10`    | 
DECIMAL(precision, scale)   | 1 byte scale in range [0, 38], followed by 
little-endian unscaled value (see decimal table)                         |
 | Date                 | date                        | `11`    | DATE          
              | 4 byte little-endian                                            
-| Timestamp            | timestamp                   | `12`    | 
TIMESTAMP(true, MICROS)     | 8-byte little-endian                              
-| TimestampNTZ         | timestamp without time zone | `13`    | 
TIMESTAMP(false, MICROS)    | 8-byte little-endian                              
+| Timestamp            | timestamp with time zone    | `12`    | 
TIMESTAMP(isAdjustedToUTC=true, MICROS)     | 8-byte little-endian              
+| Timestamp            | timestamp without time zone | `13`    | 
TIMESTAMP(isAdjustedToUTC=false, MICROS)    | 8-byte little-endian              

Review Comment:
   I see this duplicates the the question @RussellSpitzer asked abve.

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