renovate-bot opened a new pull request, #706:

   This PR contains the following updates:
   | Package | Change | Age | Adoption | Passing | Confidence |
 ([source]( | `3.0.16` -> 
`3.1.10` | 
   ### Release Notes
   #### What's Changed
   -   Keep only 2 builds with artifacts and disable concurrent builds by 
[@&#8203;fredg02]( in 
   -   test(flaky): fix paramter type assert in testBothAnnotatedConstructor 
test case by [@&#8203;varsha-cl]( in 
   -   test(flaky): Sorting headers for deterministic order by 
[@&#8203;mumbler6]( in 
   -   Netty connector hang up after repeated buffer overflow errors when 
writing data 
[#&#8203;5753]( by 
[@&#8203;jbescos]( in 
   -   Adopt ASM 9.7.1 (JDK 24) by 
[@&#8203;jansupol]( in 
   -   Bump commons-io:commons-io from 2.11.0 to 2.14.0 in 
/tools/jersey-release-notes-maven-plugin by 
[@&#8203;dependabot]( in 
   -   Added test for JerseyChunkedInputStreamClose by 
[@&#8203;jansupol]( in 
   -   Adopt Jackson 2.18.0 by 
[@&#8203;jansupol]( in 
   -   merge of the actual 2.x into the 3.0  by 
[@&#8203;senivam]( in 
   -   Technical merge of released branch 3.0.16-BRANCH by 
[@&#8203;jersey-bot]( in 
   -   merge of the actual 3.0 into the 3.1 by 
[@&#8203;senivam]( in 
   -   Fix flaky 2 by [@&#8203;mumbler6]( 
   -   Technical merge of released branch 3.1.9-BRANCH by 
[@&#8203;jersey-bot]( in 
   -   Fixed typo: Class>?< should be Class\<?> by 
[@&#8203;mkarg]( in 
   -   Broken pipe Exception from Jersey layer while closing response in 
ServerRuntime.writeResponse() not handled or re-thrown 
[#&#8203;5783]( by 
[@&#8203;jbescos]( in 
   -   \[2.x] ParamConverterProvider constructors are now protected to allow 
extensibility by [@&#8203;Spikhalskiy]( 
   -   Wrapping all methods of the EntityInputStream by 
[@&#8203;senivam]( in 
   -   Jersey 3.1.9: java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: 
[#&#8203;5782](  by 
[@&#8203;jbescos]( in 
   -   NettyConnector - HOST header contains port & 307 works with buffered 
post by [@&#8203;jansupol]( in 
   -   Set correct HOST header for Netty & POST by 
[@&#8203;jansupol]( in 
   -   fixed flaky test in testDisabledModule() by 
[@&#8203;mumbler6]( in 
   -   merge of the actual 2.x into the 3.0 by 
[@&#8203;senivam]( in 
   -   merge of the actual 3.0 into the 3.1 by 
[@&#8203;senivam]( in 
   -   Fix exception message on failure to create 
JakartaXmlBindAnnotationIntrospector by 
[@&#8203;Spikhalskiy]( in 
   -   Fixed memory leak in Micrometer code when exceptions are returned from 
the method by [@&#8203;adpaste]( in 
   -   Fix possible concurrent issue with SSL & default connector by 
[@&#8203;jansupol]( in 
   -   Fix memory leak when client does not use HK2 by 
[@&#8203;jansupol]( in 
   -   Build & run with JDK 24 by 
[@&#8203;jansupol]( in 
   -   Allow to configure Jackson's JaxRSFeature on Jersey 
DefaultJacksonJaxbJsonProvider by 
[@&#8203;jansupol]( in 
   -   merge of the actual 2.x into the 3.0 by 
[@&#8203;senivam]( in 
   -   merge of the actual 3.0 into the 3.1 by 
[@&#8203;senivam]( in 
   #### New Contributors
   -   [@&#8203;fredg02]( made their first 
contribution in 
   -   [@&#8203;varsha-cl]( made their 
first contribution in 
   -   [@&#8203;mumbler6]( made their 
first contribution in 
   -   [@&#8203;Spikhalskiy]( made 
their first contribution in 
   **Full Changelog**:
   <li>[<a href=''>Pull 
5721</a>] - Reverting removal of NullOutputStream for backwards 
   <li>[<a href=''>Pull 
5757</a>] - Jakarta versions update</li>
   <li>[<a href=''>Pull 
5663</a>] - [3.1] multirelease jar fix for jersey-common</li>
   <li>[<a href=''>Pull 
5674</a>] - PathProvider supports Path entities, in preparation for future 
default support in Jakarta REST 4.1 / Jersey 4.1</li>
   <li>[<a href=''>Pull 
5683</a>] - ResponseWriter#writeResponseStatusAndHeaders drops some redundant 
   <li>[<a href=''>Pull 
5704</a>] - Add Path provider automatically to the list of providers</li>
   <li>[<a href=''>Pull 
5341</a>] - Improving I/O Efficience and Performance using NIO API instead of 
IO API</li>
   <li>[<a href=''>Pull 
5603</a>] - Expect100Continue test fixed for NettyConnector</li>
   <li>[<a href=''>Pull 
5611</a>] - Jetty HTTP Container native timeout</li>
   <li>[<a href=''>Pull 
5612</a>] - Allowing sending Status over sending error</li>
   <li>[<a href=''>Pull 
5660</a>] - Better document virtual threads</li>
   <li>[<a href=''>Pull 
5518</a>] - Jakartified versions update</li>
   <li>[<a href=''>Pull 
5525</a>] - Adding support for private fields in `@BeanParam`</li>
   <li>[<a href=''>Pull 
5548</a>] - Add JNH properties to the config</li>
   <li>[<a href=''>Pull 
5551</a>] - Update EL impl</li>
   <li>[<a href=''>Pull 
5563</a>] - Drop JDK 8 profiles in 3.1</li>
   <li>[<a href=''>Pull 
5565</a>] - Replace synchronized blocks with Locks</li>
   <li>[<a href=''>Pull 
5566</a>] - exclude static fields from POJO parsing in BeanParam</li>
   <li>[<a href=''>Pull 
5569</a>] - Replace ThreadLocal with ConcurrentQueue in HttpDateFormat</li>
   <li>[<a href=''>Pull 
5571</a>] - Fixed FirstByteCachingStream in JNH Connector</li>
   <li>[<a href=''>Pull 
5589</a>] - Fix thread leak/invasion</li>
   <li>[<a href=''>Pull 
5593</a>] - [3.1] versions update</li>
   <li>[<a href=''>Issue 
5491</a>] - 3.1.4 broken release, JettyConnectorProvider always throws 
   <li>[<a href=''>Pull 
5481</a>] - [3.1] Jetty 12 HTTP/2 support</li>
   <li>[<a href=''>Pull 
5484</a>] - Adding Jetty 12 modules to release JDK version check</li>
   <li>[<a href=''>Pull 
5488</a>] - [3.1] Enable Jetty 11 container</li>
   <li>[<a href=''>Pull 
5490</a>] - JerseyEventSink#send throwing non IOExceptions</li>
   <li>[<a href=''>Pull 
5498</a>] - Jetty 11 container adopted for backwards compatibility</li>
   <li>[<a href=''>Pull 
5499</a>] - Fix for apidocs bundle generation</li>
   <li>[<a href=''>Pull 
5500</a>] - Adding jersey-test-framework-provider-jetty-http2 to the 
   <li>[<a href=''>Pull 
5293</a>] - HTTP/2 for JNH connector</li>
   <li>[<a href=''>Pull 
5372</a>] - Jetty 12 multirelease</li>
   <li>[<a href=''>Pull 
5396</a>] - Support a single EntityPart as an entity</li>
   <li>[<a href=''>Pull 
5398</a>] - Created an example with Jakarta REST 3.1 SeBootstrap & 
   <li>[<a href=''>Pull 
5399</a>] - Enable @&#8203;FormParam EntityPart injection to fields</li>
   <li>[<a href=''>Pull 
5407</a>] - Describe Java SE compatibility and Jetty modules compatibility</li>
   <li>[<a href=''>Pull 
5462</a>] - HTTP/2 Jetty 11 support removed (to be re-worked for Jetty 12)</li>
   <li>[<a href=''>Pull 
5464</a>] - Examples cleanup</li>
   <li>[<a href=''>Pull 
5466</a>] - Drop 11 for Jetty11 classnames</li>
   <li>[<a href=''>Pull 
5374</a>] - exclude release and version-agnostic tests from release</li>
   <li>[<a href=''>Issue 
5295</a>] - Test failures after migration to Jersey 3.1.1</li>
   <li>[<a href=''>Pull 
5297</a>] - Document ApplicationPath migration concern</li>
   <li>[<a href=''>Pull 
5304</a>] - Jakartified versions update</li>
   <li>[<a href=''>Pull 
5312</a>] - Support SNI for JNH connector</li>
   <li>[<a href=''>Pull 
5321</a>] - Update 3.1 EntityPart providers for Injectless Client</li>
   <li>[<a href=''>Pull 
5323</a>] - Workaround JNH InputStream.available() == 1 for no entity</li>
   <li>[<a href=''>Pull 
5336</a>] - Redirect GuardianList#toString to the guarded list</li>
   <li>[<a href=''>Issue 
5192</a>] - Documentation/Implementation issue for the default exception mapper 
in Jersey 3.1.0</li>
   <li>[<a href=''>Pull 
5170</a>] - Create HTTPS tests with JNH connector #&#8203;5169</li>
   <li>[<a href=''>Pull 
5193</a>] - Default exception mapper processing</li>
   <li>[<a href=''>Pull 
5197</a>] - Update migration guide</li>
   <li>[<a href=''>Pull 
5237</a>] - Don't Specify Wildcard Package OSGi Version for MicroProfile Rest 
   <li>[<a href=''>Issue 
4819</a>] - Adopt 3.1 API</li>
   <li>[<a href=''>Issue 
4834</a>] - Application/octet-stream is set as mediaType when uploading json 
file payload using form parameters instead of application/json</li>
   <li>[<a href=''>Issue 
4870</a>] - Documentation: Default Exception Mapper</li>
   <li>[<a href=''>Issue 
4871</a>] - Documentation: Update CompletionCallback example</li>
   <li>[<a href=''>Issue 
4875</a>] - Documentation: Document JAX-RS Feature JDK service</li>
   <li>[<a href=''>Issue 
4941</a>] - Release 3.1.0-M2</li>
   <li>[<a href=''>Issue 
5103</a>] - Can not serialize CompletionStage<Response></li>
   <li>[<a href=''>Pull 
4855</a>] - Impl of the SameSite enum for NewCookie</li>
   <li>[<a href=''>Pull 
4859</a>] - Implementation of EntityPart API</li>
   <li>[<a href=''>Pull 
4861</a>] - Support for @&#8203;ApplicationPath in SE</li>
   <li>[<a href=''>Pull 
4863</a>] - DefaultExceptionMapper</li>
   <li>[<a href=''>Pull 
4866</a>] - Remove JDK 8 related maven configuration</li>
   <li>[<a href=''>Pull 
4868</a>] - Added implementation of RuntimeDelegate#bootstrap(Class, 
   <li>[<a href=''>Pull 
4877</a>] - Add Application/JSON media type for FileDataBodyPart json 
   <li>[<a href=''>Pull 
4879</a>] - enabling some examples for Jakarta EE 9</li>
   <li>[<a href=''>Pull 
4880</a>] - DefaultExceptionMapper documentation</li>
   <li>[<a href=''>Pull 
4884</a>] - Documentation for Feature and Dynamic Feature enchansments</li>
   <li>[<a href=''>Pull 
4885</a>] - Change of default behaviour of 
   <li>[<a href=''>Pull 
4892</a>] - Enable MP RestClient</li>
   <li>[<a href=''>Pull 
4893</a>] - Adjust getRequestHeader method</li>
   <li>[<a href=''>Pull 
4895</a>] - documentation for CompletionCallback implementation change since 
Jersey 3.1.0</li>
   <li>[<a href=''>Pull 
4896</a>] - Split MP REST Client integration test module to support 
   <li>[<a href=''>Pull 
4908</a>] - Default Exception Mapper re-worked</li>
   <li>[<a href=''>Pull 
4911</a>] - Missing Content-Type header should be application/octet-stream 
   <li>[<a href=''>Pull 
4919</a>] - Issue #&#8203;3493 - Add BeanParam support to 
   <li>[<a href=''>Pull 
4922</a>] - merge actual master into 3.1</li>
   <li>[<a href=''>Pull 
4923</a>] - Documentation for the default Exception mapper</li>
   <li>[<a href=''>Pull 
4925</a>] - merge actual master into 3.1</li>
   <li>[<a href=''>Pull 
4926</a>] - Updated dependency versions</li>
   <li>[<a href=''>Pull 
4927</a>] - Adopt parsson</li>
   <li>[<a href=''>Pull 
4929</a>] - Updated dependency versions</li>
   <li>[<a href=''>Pull 
4931</a>] - Added a documentation for Jakarta REST EntityPart</li>
   <li>[<a href=''>Pull 
4932</a>] - merge actual master into 3.1</li>
   <li>[<a href=''>Pull 
4934</a>] - Replace usage of deprecated beanManager.createInjectionTarget</li>
   <li>[<a href=''>Pull 
4936</a>] - merge actual master into 3.1</li>
   <li>[<a href=''>Pull 
4937</a>] - Updated dependency versions</li>
   <li>[<a href=''>Pull 
4938</a>] - DefaultExceptionMapper made available for compliance check</li>
   <li>[<a href=''>Pull 
4940</a>] - Issue #&#8203;4881 - Java client connector</li>
   <li>[<a href=''>Pull 
4942</a>] - Updating CI/CD JDK for 3.x build</li>
   <li>[<a href=''>Pull 
4945</a>] - OSGi version requirements for jakarta.enterprise explicitly 
   <li>[<a href=''>Pull 
4947</a>] - Update to MP Rest Client 3.0 final</li>
   <li>[<a href=''>Pull 
4956</a>] - Support for hasProperty method</li>
   <li>[<a href=''>Pull 
4958</a>] - merge actual master into 3.1</li>
   <li>[<a href=''>Pull 
4963</a>] - Let Jackson use JAXB3</li>
   <li>[<a href=''>Pull 
4973</a>] - Added a test for a serverless resource testing</li>
   <li>[<a href=''>Pull 
4976</a>] - update 3.1 branch with actual master</li>
   <li>[<a href=''>Pull 
4983</a>] - Backwards merge of 3.x into 3.1</li>
   <li>[<a href=''>Pull 
4990</a>] - Temporarily exclude java-connector for M3</li>
   <li>[<a href=''>Pull 
4991</a>] - Update legal information for 3.1</li>
   <li>[<a href=''>Pull 
4992</a>] - Do not use privileged ports with WebServer by default</li>
   <li>[<a href=''>Pull 
5008</a>] - Update versions of JAX-B, Moxy, JSON-B, JSON-P</li>
   <li>[<a href=''>Pull 
5009</a>] - Dependency on servlet-api updated to version 6, grizzly to 4</li>
   <li>[<a href=''>Pull 
5016</a>] - Updated CDI, BV, and EL.</li>
   <li>[<a href=''>Pull 
5019</a>] - maven-bundle-plugin version update</li>
   <li>[<a href=''>Pull 
5029</a>] - Add MP RestClient module to BOM</li>
   <li>[<a href=''>Pull 
5037</a>] - Make sure the default exception mapper is processed</li>
   <li>[<a href=''>Pull 
5040</a>] - Move jersey-tck module to a tests folder & make it run with 
   <li>[<a href=''>Pull 
5047</a>] - Use Jsonb more effectively</li>
   <li>[<a href=''>Pull 
5066</a>] - Rename Java Connector to JavaNetHttp Connector</li>
   <li>[<a href=''>Pull 
5075</a>] - Possibly use jersey WebServer with SeBootstrap.Configurator</li>
   <li>[<a href=''>Pull 
5077</a>] - Call CompletionCallback just once with DefaultExceptionMapper</li>
   <li>[<a href=''>Pull 
5081</a>] - Updated dependencies for 3.0.5</li>
   <li>[<a href=''>Pull 
5086</a>] - Updated EE10 dependency versions</li>
   <li>[<a href=''>Pull 
5098</a>] - Fix Multipart media type override by Jersey defaults.</li>
   <li>[<a href=''>Pull 
5104</a>] - Extensions for JNH connector</li>
   <li>[<a href=''>Pull 
5120</a>] - EE10 versions update</li>
   <li>[<a href=''>Pull 
5152</a>] - OSGi for JNH connector</li>
   Release includes only bugfixes ported from 2.46
   ### Configuration
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