aharui commented on issue #1137:
URL: https://github.com/apache/royale-asjs/issues/1137#issuecomment-899201559

   Here's a rudimentary prototype:  I modified DividedBox.as to override 
addElement so it will insert a divider element after the first child.
   //  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
   //  contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
   //  this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
   //  The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
   //  (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
   //  the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
   //      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
   //  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
   //  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
   //  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
   //  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
   //  limitations under the License.
   package mx.containers
   import flash.display.DisplayObject;
   import flash.events.Event;
   import flash.events.MouseEvent;
   import flash.geom.Point;
   import mx.containers.dividedBoxClasses.BoxDivider;
   import mx.core.EdgeMetrics;
   import mx.core.IFlexDisplayObject;
   import mx.core.IFlexModuleFactory;
   import mx.core.IInvalidating;
   import org.apache.royale.core.IChild;
   import org.apache.royale.events.Event;
   import org.apache.royale.events.MouseEvent;
   import mx.containers.beads.BoxLayout;
   import mx.containers.beads.DividedBoxLayout;
   import mx.core.IUIComponent;
   import mx.core.UIComponent;
   import mx.core.mx_internal;
   import mx.events.ChildExistenceChangedEvent;
   import mx.events.DividerEvent;
   import mx.managers.CursorManager;
   import mx.managers.CursorManagerPriority;
   import mx.styles.IStyleManager2;
   import mx.styles.StyleManager;
   use namespace mx_internal;
   //  Events
    *  Dispatched multiple times as the user drags any divider.
    *  The <code>dividerDrag</code> event is dispatched
    *  after the <code>dividerPress</code> event
    *  and before the <code>dividerRelease</code> event.
    *  @eventType mx.events.DividerEvent.DIVIDER_DRAG
    *  @langversion 3.0
    *  @playerversion Flash 9
    *  @playerversion AIR 1.1
    *  @productversion Flex 3
   //[Event(name="dividerDrag", type="mx.events.DividerEvent")]
    *  Dispatched when the user presses any divider in this container.
    *  The <code>dividerPress</code> event is dispatched
    *  before any <code>dividerDrag</code> events are dispatched.
    *  @eventType mx.events.DividerEvent.DIVIDER_PRESS
    *  @langversion 3.0
    *  @playerversion Flash 9
    *  @playerversion AIR 1.1
    *  @productversion Flex 3
   //[Event(name="dividerPress", type="mx.events.DividerEvent")]
    *  Dispatched when the user releases a divider.
    *  The <code>dividerRelease</code> event is dispatched
    *  after the <code>dividerDrag</code> events,
    *  but before the container's children are resized.
    *  The divider's x and y properties are not updated until
    *  after this event is triggered. As a result, a call to 
    *  <code>hDividerBox.getDividerAt(0).x</code> will return
    *  the value of the original x position of the first divider. If you want 
    *  position of the divider after the move, you can access it when the
    *  DividerBox's updateComplete event has been triggered.
    *  @eventType mx.events.DividerEvent.DIVIDER_RELEASE
    *  @langversion 3.0
    *  @playerversion Flash 9
    *  @playerversion AIR 1.1
    *  @productversion Flex 3
   [Event(name="dividerRelease", type="mx.events.DividerEvent")]
    *  A DividedBox container measures and lays out its children
    *  horizontally or vertically in exactly the same way as a
    *  Box container, but it inserts
    *  draggable dividers in the gaps between the children.
    *  Users can drag any divider to resize the children on each side.
    *  <p>The DividedBox class is the base class for the more commonly used
    *  HDividedBox and VDividedBox classes.</p>
    *  <p>The <code>direction</code> property of a DividedBox container, 
    *  from Box container, determines whether it has horizontal
    *  or vertical layout.</p>
    *  <p>A DividedBox, HDividedBox, or VDividedBox container has the following 
default sizing characteristics:</p>
    *     <table class="innertable">
    *        <tr>
    *           <th>Characteristic</th>
    *           <th>Description</th>
    *        </tr>
    *        <tr>
    *           <td>Default size</td>
    *           <td><strong>Vertical DividedBox</strong> Height is large enough 
to hold all of its children at the default or explicit 
    *               heights of the children, plus any vertical gap between the 
children, plus the top and bottom padding of the 
    *               container. The width is the default or explicit width of 
the widest child, plus the left and right padding of 
    *               the container. 
    *               <br><strong>Horizontal DividedBox</strong> Width is large 
enough to hold all of its children at the 
    *               default or explicit widths of the children, plus any 
horizontal gap between the children, plus the left and 
    *               right padding of the container. Height is the default or 
explicit height of the tallest child 
    *               plus the top and bottom padding of the container.</br></td>
    *        </tr>
    *        <tr>
    *           <td>Default padding</td>
    *           <td>0 pixels for the top, bottom, left, and right values.</td>
    *        </tr>
    *        <tr>
    *           <td>Default gap</td>
    *           <td>10 pixels for the horizontal and vertical gaps.</td>
    *        </tr>
    *     </table>
    *  @mxml
    *  <p>The <code>&lt;mx:DividedBox&gt;</code> tag inherits all of the tag 
    *  attributes of its superclass, and adds the following tag attributes:</p>
    *  <pre>
    *  &lt;mx:DividedBox
    *    <strong>Properties</strong>
    *    liveDragging="false|true"
    *    resizeToContent="false|true"
    *    <strong>Styles</strong>
    *    dividerAffordance="6"
    *    dividerAlpha="0.75"
    *    dividerColor="0x6F7777"
    *    dividerSkin="<i>'mx.skins.BoxDividerSkin' symbol in Assets.swf</i>"
    *    dividerThickness="3"
    *    horizontalDividerCursor="<i>'mx.skins.cursor.HBoxDivider' symbol in 
    *    verticalDividerCursor="<i>'mx.skins.cursor.VBoxDivider' symbol in 
    *    <strong>Events</strong>
    *    dividerPress="<i>No default</i>"
    *    dividerDrag="<i>No default</i>"
    *    dividerRelease="<i>No default</i>"
    *    &gt;
    *      ...
    *      <i>child tags</i>
    *      ...
    *  &lt;/mx:DividedBox&gt;
    *  </pre>
    *  @see mx.containers.HDividedBox
    *  @see mx.containers.VDividedBox
    *  @includeExample examples/DividedBoxExample.mxml
    *  @langversion 3.0
    *  @playerversion Flash 9
    *  @playerversion AIR 1.1
    *  @productversion Flex 3
   public class DividedBox extends Box
        //  Class constants
         *  @private
        private static const PROXY_DIVIDER_INDEX:int = 999;
        //  Constructor
         *  Constructor.
         *  @langversion 3.0
         *  @playerversion Flash 9
         *  @playerversion AIR 1.1
         *  @productversion Flex 3
        public function DividedBox()
   //        addEventListener(ChildExistenceChangedEvent.CHILD_ADD, 
   //           addEventListener(ChildExistenceChangedEvent.CHILD_REMOVE, 
   //                                            childRemoveHandler);
       override protected function createLayout():void
           _layout = new DividedBoxLayout();
        //  Variables
         *  @private
         *  Container for holding divider objects.
        private var dividerLayer:UIComponent = null;
         *  @private
        //mx_internal var activeDivider:BoxDivider;
         *  @private
        private var activeDividerIndex:int = -1;
         *  @private
        private var activeDividerStartPosition:Number;
         *  @private
        private var dragStartPosition:Number;
         *  @private
        private var dragDelta:Number;
         *  @private
        private var oldChildSizes:Array /* of ChildSizeInfo */;
         *  @private
        private var minDelta:Number;
         *  @private
        private var maxDelta:Number;
         *  @private
         *  Only allow a single divider to move at a time.
        private var dontCoalesceDividers:Boolean;
         *  @private
        //private var cursorID:int = CursorManager.NO_CURSOR;
         *  @private
         *  We'll measure ourselves once and then store the results here
         *  for the lifetime of the DividedBox.
        private var dbMinWidth:Number;
        private var dbMinHeight:Number;
        private var dbPreferredWidth:Number;
        private var dbPreferredHeight:Number;
         *  @private
        private var layoutStyleChanged:Boolean = false;
        *  @private
       private  var _resizeToContent:Boolean = false;
         *  @private
         *  Number of children with their includeInLayout set to true.  The 
rest of
         *  the children don't count.
        private var numLayoutChildren:int = 0;
       //  Overridden Properties
        *  @private
   //    override public function set 
   //    {
   //        super.moduleFactory = moduleFactory;
   //        styleManager.registerSizeInvalidatingStyle("dividerAffordance");
   //        styleManager.registerSizeInvalidatingStyle("dividerThickness");
   //    }
        //  Properties
        //  direction
         *  @private
        override public function set direction(value:String):void
                if (super.direction != value)
                        super.direction = value;
                        // Need to invalidate all our dividers
   //                   if (dividerLayer)
   //                   {
   //                           for (var i:int = 0; i < 
dividerLayer.numChildren; i++)
   //                                   getDividerAt(i).invalidateDisplayList();
   //                   }
        //  dividerClass
         *  The class for the divider between the children.
         *  @default mx.containers.dividedBoxClasses.BoxDivider
         *  @langversion 3.0
         *  @playerversion Flash 9
         *  @playerversion AIR 1.1
         *  @productversion Flex 3
   //   protected var dividerClass:Class = BoxDivider;
        //  liveDragging
   //   [Inspectable(category="General")]
         *  If <code>true</code>, the children adjacent to a divider
         *  are continuously resized while the user drags it.
         *  If <code>false</code>, they are not resized
         *  until the user releases the divider.
         *  @default false
         *  @langversion 3.0
         *  @playerversion Flash 9
         *  @playerversion AIR 1.1
         *  @productversion Flex 3
   //   public var liveDragging:Boolean = false;
       //       numDividers
         *  The number of dividers. 
         *  The count is always <code>numChildren</code> - 1.
         *  @return The number of dividers.
         *  @langversion 3.0
         *  @playerversion Flash 9
         *  @playerversion AIR 1.1
         *  @productversion Flex 3
        public function get numDividers():int
   //           if (dividerLayer)
   //                   if (!liveDragging && activeDivider)
   //                           return dividerLayer.numChildren-1;
   //                   else
   //                           return dividerLayer.numChildren;
   //           else 
   //                   return 0;
                trace("numDividers not implemented");
                return 0;
       //       resizeToContent
         *  If <code>true</code>, the DividedBox automatically resizes to the 
         *  of its children.
        *  @default false
        *  @langversion 3.0
        *  @playerversion Flash 9
        *  @playerversion AIR 1.1
        *  @productversion Flex 3
       public function  get     resizeToContent():Boolean
           return _resizeToContent;
        *  @private
       public function  set     resizeToContent(value:Boolean):void
           if (value != _resizeToContent)
               _resizeToContent = value;
               if (value)
        private var divider:UIComponent;
        private var lastY:Number;
        private function divider_mouseDownHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
                lastY = event.localY;
        private function divider_mouseUpHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
        private function divider_mouseMoveHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
                var topContainer:UIComponent = getElementAt(0) as UIComponent;
                topContainer.height += event.localY - lastY;
                dispatchEvent(new Event("layoutNeeded"));
        * @private
        * @royaleignorecoercion mx.containers.beads.PanelView
       override public function addElement(c:IChild, dispatchEvent:Boolean = 
                if (super.numElements == 0)
                        super.addElement(c, dispatchEvent);
                        divider = new UIComponent();
                        divider.percentWidth = 100;
                        divider.height = 20;
                        super.addElement(divider, false);
                        super.addElement(c, dispatchEvent);
        //  Overridden methods
         *  @private
         *  Override of the measure method of Box.
         *  <p>This function is almost identical to the Box version except
         *  that more extensive testing of the min, max
         *  boundary conditions is performed. This is because the DividedBox 
         *  default values to be less than the min value of a control.</p>
   //   override protected function measure():void
   //   {
   //           super.measure();
   //           // We only measure ourselves once, since as we change the 
   //           // size of children, they in turn change the preferred sizes
   //           //
   //           // We need to copy the cached values into the measured fields
   //           // again to handle the case where scaleX or scaleY is not 1.0.
   //           // When the ViewStack is zoomed, code in 
   //           // scales the measuredWidth/Height values every time that
   //           // measureSizes is called. (Bug 100749)
   //           if (!isNaN(dbPreferredWidth) && !_resizeToContent && 
   //           {
   //                   measuredMinWidth = dbMinWidth;
   //                   measuredMinHeight = dbMinHeight;
   //                   measuredWidth = dbPreferredWidth;
   //                   measuredHeight = dbPreferredHeight;
   //                   return;
   //           }
   //           layoutStyleChanged = false;
   //           var isVertical:Boolean = this.isVertical();
   //           var minWidth:Number = 0;
   //           var minHeight:Number = 0;
   //           var preferredWidth:Number = 0;
   //           var preferredHeight:Number = 0;
   //           var n:int = numChildren;
   //           for (var i:int = 0; i < n; i++)
   //           {
   //                   var child:IUIComponent = getLayoutChildAt(i);
   //                   if (!child.includeInLayout)
   //                           continue;
   //                   var prefW:Number = child.getExplicitOrMeasuredWidth();
   //                   var prefH:Number = child.getExplicitOrMeasuredHeight();
   //                   var minW:Number = child.minWidth;
   //                   var minH:Number = child.minHeight;
   //                   var wFlex:Boolean = !isNaN(child.percentWidth);
   //                   var hFlex:Boolean = !isNaN(child.percentHeight);
   //                   // Make sure we take the lowest of the low, since pref 
< min.
   //                   var smallestMinW:Number = Math.min(prefW, minW);
   //                   var smallestMinH:Number = Math.min(prefH, minH);
   //                   if (isVertical)
   //                   {
   //                           minWidth = Math.max(wFlex ? minW : prefW, 
   //                           preferredWidth = Math.max(prefW, 
   //                           minHeight += hFlex ? smallestMinH : prefH;
   //                           preferredHeight += prefH;
   //                   }
   //                   else
   //                   {
   //                           minWidth += wFlex ? smallestMinW : prefW;
   //                           preferredWidth += prefW;
   //                           minHeight = Math.max(hFlex ? minH : prefH, 
   //                           preferredHeight = Math.max(prefH, 
   //                   }
   //           }
   //        var wPadding:Number = layoutObject.widthPadding(numLayoutChildren);
   //        var hPadding:Number = 
   //           measuredMinWidth = dbMinWidth = minWidth + wPadding;
   //           measuredMinHeight = dbMinHeight = minHeight + hPadding;
   //           measuredWidth = dbPreferredWidth = preferredWidth + wPadding;
   //           measuredHeight = dbPreferredHeight = preferredHeight + hPadding;
   //   }
         *  @private
   //   override protected function updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth:Number,
   //   {
   //           var n:int;
   //           var i:int;
   //           // This method gets called while dragging a divider,
   //           // but we don't want to do anything then.
   //           if (!liveDragging && activeDivider)
   //           {
   //                   n = numChildren;
   //                   for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
   //                   {
   //                           var child:IUIComponent = getLayoutChildAt(i);
   //                           if (!child.includeInLayout)
   //                                   continue;
   //                           // Clear out measured min/max
   //                           // so super.layout() doesn't use them.
   //                           child.measuredMinWidth = 0; 
   //                           child.measuredMinHeight = 0;
   //                   }
   //                           return;
   //           }
   //           // Before we allow layout, let's clear out any measured min 
   //           // values of our children so that they don't restrict us.
   //           // We only honour explicitly set mins/maxs.
   //           // We also try to remove any excess space, but tweaking 
   //           // the % values on the flexible components.
   //           preLayoutAdjustment();
   //           // Let Box lay out the children.
   //           super.updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth, unscaledHeight);
   //        postLayoutAdjustment();
   //           // Lay out the dividers.
   //        if (!dividerLayer)
   //           return;
   //                   var vm:EdgeMetrics = viewMetrics;
   //                   dividerLayer.x = vm.left;
   //                   dividerLayer.y = vm.top;
   //        var prevChild:IUIComponent = null;
   //        var dividerIndex:int = 0;
   //        n = numChildren;
   //                   for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
   //                   {
   //            child = UIComponent(getChildAt(i));
   //            if (child.includeInLayout)
   //            {
   //                if (prevChild)
   //                {
   //                    layoutDivider(dividerIndex, unscaledWidth, 
unscaledHeight, prevChild, child);
   //                    dividerIndex++;
   //                }
   //                prevChild = child;
   //                   }
   //           }
   //   }
         *  @private
   //   override protected function scrollChildren():void
   //   {
   //           super.scrollChildren();
   //           // Scroll divider layer.
   //           if (contentPane && dividerLayer)
   //                   dividerLayer.scrollRect = contentPane.scrollRect;
   //   }
        //  Methods
         *  Returns a reference to the specified BoxDivider object
         *  in this DividedBox container or null if it doesn't exist.
         *  @param i Zero-based index of a divider, counting from 
         *  the left for a horizontal DividedBox, 
         *  or from the top for a vertical DividedBox.
         *  @return A BoxDivider object.
         *  @langversion 3.0
         *  @playerversion Flash 9
         *  @playerversion AIR 1.1
         *  @productversion Flex 3
   //   public function getDividerAt(i:int):BoxDivider
   //   {
   //           if (dividerLayer) {
   //                   // Check whether this is a valid divider index.
   //                   if (i < 0 || i >= dividerLayer.numChildren)
   //                           return null;
   //                   else
   //                           return BoxDivider(dividerLayer.getChildAt(i));
   //           }
   //           else {
   //                   return null;
   //           }
   //   }
         *  Move a specific divider a given number of pixels.
         *  @param i Zero-based index of a divider, counting from 
         *  the left for a horizontal DividedBox, 
         *  or from the top for a vertical DividedBox.
         *  @param amt The number of pixels to move the divider.
        *  A negative number can be specified in order to move
        *  a divider up or left. The divider movement is
        *  constrained in the same manner as if a user
         *  had moved it.
         *  @langversion 3.0
         *  @playerversion Flash 9
         *  @playerversion AIR 1.1
         *  @productversion Flex 3
   //   public function moveDivider(i:int, amt:Number):void
   //   {
   //           // Check whether this is a valid divider index.
   //           if (i < 0 || i >= numDividers)
   //                   return;
   //           // Make sure the user is not currently dragging.
   //           if (activeDividerIndex >= 0)
   //                   return;
   //           // We have to first hit the children if we haven't
   //           // yet done so since the first movement .
   //           // Mimic a divider moving.
   //           activeDividerIndex = i;
   //           // Store away child sizes,
   //           // then determine the limits on our movement.
   //           cacheChildSizes();
   //           computeMinAndMaxDelta();
   //           dragDelta = limitDelta(amt);
   //           // Now update the children sizes accordingly.
   //           adjustChildSizes();
   //           invalidateSize();
   //           invalidateDisplayList();
   //           // Reset the divider tracking stuff.
   //           resetDividerTracking();
   //   }
         *  @private
   //   private function createDivider(i:int):BoxDivider
   //   {
   //           // Create separate layer for holding divider objects.
   //           if (!dividerLayer)
   //           {
   //                   dividerLayer = UIComponent(rawChildren.addChild(new 
   //           }
   //           var divider:BoxDivider = BoxDivider(new dividerClass());
   //           dividerLayer.addChild(divider);
   //           // if we are creating the active divider bring the divider 
   //           // to the top most so that users can see the divider line over 
   //           // the other children
   //           if (i == PROXY_DIVIDER_INDEX)
   //           {
   //                   rawChildren.setChildIndex(dividerLayer, 
   //           }
   //           // Tell BoxDivider to use DividedBox's styles,
   //           // unless we are sliding the divider; in that case,
   //           // use the styles of the divider we are sliding.
   //           var basedOn:IFlexDisplayObject = (i == PROXY_DIVIDER_INDEX) ?
 getDividerAt(activeDividerIndex) :
   //           divider.styleName = basedOn;
   //           divider.owner = this;
   //           return divider;
   //   }
         *  @private
        private function layoutDivider(i:int, 
                // The mouse-over thickness of the divider is normally 
                // by the dividerAffordance style, and the visible thickness is 
                // normally determined by the dividerThickness style, assuming 
                // the relationship thickness <= affordance <= gap applies. But 
                // one of the other five orderings applies, here is a table of 
                // happens:
                //  divider    divider    horizontalGap/  dividerWidth/  
visible width/
                // Thickness  Affordance  verticalGap     dividerHeight  
visible height
                //    4           6             8               6              4
                //    4           8             6               6              4
                //    6           4             8               6              6
                //    6           8             4               4              4
                //    8           4             6               6              
                //    8           6             4               4              4
   //           var divider:BoxDivider = BoxDivider(getDividerAt(i));
   //           var vm:EdgeMetrics = viewMetrics;
   //           var verticalGap:Number = getStyle("verticalGap");
   //           var horizontalGap:Number = getStyle("horizontalGap");
   //           var thickness:Number = divider.getStyle("dividerThickness");
   //           var affordance:Number = divider.getStyle("dividerAffordance");
   //           if (isVertical())
   //           {
   //                   var dividerHeight:Number = affordance;
   //                           // dividerHeight is the mouse-over height,
   //                           // not necessarily the visible height.
   //                   // The specified affordance should be greater than the 
   //                   // But if it isn't, use the thickness instead to 
determine the
   //                   // divider height.
   //                   if (dividerHeight < thickness)
   //                           dividerHeight = thickness;
   //                   // Don't let the divider overlap the children.
   //                   if (dividerHeight > verticalGap)
   //                           dividerHeight = verticalGap;
   //                   divider.setActualSize(unscaledWidth - vm.left - 
vm.right, dividerHeight);
   //                   divider.move(vm.left,
   //                                            Math.round((prevChild.y + 
prevChild.height +
nextChild.y - dividerHeight) / 2));
   //           }
   //           else
   //           {
   //                   var dividerWidth:Number = affordance;
   //                           // dividerWidth is the mouse-over width,
   //                           // not necessarily the visible width.
   //                   // The specified affordance should be greater than the 
   //                   // But if it isn't, use the thickness instead to 
determine the
   //                   // divider width.
   //                   if (dividerWidth < thickness)
   //                           dividerWidth = thickness;
   //                   // Don't let the divider overlap the children.
   //                   if (dividerWidth > horizontalGap)
   //                           dividerWidth = horizontalGap;
   //                   divider.setActualSize(dividerWidth, unscaledHeight - 
vm.top - vm.bottom);
   //                   divider.move(Math.round((prevChild.x + prevChild.width +
nextChild.x - dividerWidth) / 2),
   //                                            vm.top);
   //           }
   //           divider.invalidateDisplayList();
         *  @private
   //   mx_internal function changeCursor(divider:BoxDivider):void
   //   {
   //           if (cursorID == CursorManager.NO_CURSOR)
   //           {
   //                   // If a cursor skin has been set for the specified 
   //                   // use it. Otherwise, use the cursor skin for the 
   //                   var cursorClass:Class = isVertical() ?
getStyle("verticalDividerCursor") as Class :
getStyle("horizontalDividerCursor") as Class;
   //                   cursorID = cursorManager.setCursor(cursorClass,
           CursorManagerPriority.HIGH, 0, 0);
   //           }
   //   }
         *  @private
   //   mx_internal function restoreCursor():void
   //   {
   //           if (cursorID != CursorManager.NO_CURSOR)
   //           {
   //                   cursorManager.removeCursor(cursorID);
   //                   cursorID = CursorManager.NO_CURSOR;
   //           }
   //   }
         *  @private
   //   mx_internal function getDividerIndex(divider:BoxDivider):int
   //   {
   //           var n:int = numChildren;
   //           for (var i:int = 0; i < n - 1; i++)
   //           {
   //                   if (getDividerAt(i) == divider)
   //                           return i;
   //           }
   //           return -1;
   //   }
         *  @private
   //   private function getMousePosition(event:MouseEvent):Number
   //   {
   //        var point:Point = new Point(event.stageX, event.stageY);
   //        point = globalToLocal(point);
   //           return isVertical() ? point.y : point.x;
   //   }
         *  @private
   //   mx_internal function startDividerDrag(divider:BoxDivider,
   //                                          trigger:MouseEvent):void
   //   {
   //           // Make sure the user is not currently dragging.
   //           if (activeDividerIndex >= 0)
   //                   return;
   //           activeDividerIndex = getDividerIndex(divider);
   //           var event:DividerEvent = 
   //            new DividerEvent(DividerEvent.DIVIDER_PRESS);
   //           event.dividerIndex = activeDividerIndex;
   //           dispatchEvent(event);
   //           if (liveDragging)
   //                   activeDivider = divider;
   //           else
   //           {
   //                   activeDivider = createDivider(PROXY_DIVIDER_INDEX);
   //                   activeDivider.visible = false;
   //                   activeDivider.state = DividerState.DOWN;
   //                   activeDivider.setActualSize(divider.width, 
   //                   activeDivider.move(divider.x, divider.y);
   //                   activeDivider.visible = true;
   //                   divider.state = DividerState.UP;
   //           }
   //           if (isVertical())
   //                   activeDividerStartPosition = activeDivider.y;
   //           else
   //                   activeDividerStartPosition = activeDivider.x;
   //        dragStartPosition = getMousePosition(trigger);
   //           dragDelta = 0;
   //           cacheChildSizes();
   //           adjustChildSizes();
   //           computeMinAndMaxDelta();
mouseMoveHandler, true);
   //           systemManager.deployMouseShields(true);
   //   }
         *  @private
         *  Store away some important information about
         *  each child for us to use while we move the divider.
   //   private function cacheSizes():void
   //   {
   //           oldChildSizes = []; // empty array
   //           var vertical:Boolean = isVertical();
   //           var smallest:Number = Number.MAX_VALUE; // use a big number
   //           var n:int = numChildren;
   //           for (var i:int = 0; i < n; i++)
   //           {
   //                   var child:IUIComponent = getLayoutChildAt(i);
   //            if (!child.includeInLayout)
   //                continue;
   //                   var sz:Number = vertical ? child.height : child.width;
   //                   var mx:Number = vertical ? child.maxHeight : 
   //                   var umn:Number = vertical ?
child.explicitMinHeight :
child.explicitMinWidth; // avoid measured values
   //                   // A NaN min means 0.
   //                   var mn:Number = (isNaN(umn)) ? 0 : umn;
   //                   // Compute these for later use.
   //                   var dMin:Number = Math.max(0, sz - mn);
   //                   var dMax:Number = Math.max(0, mx - sz);
   //                   if (sz > 0 && sz < smallest)
   //                           smallest = sz;
   //                   oldChildSizes.push(new ChildSizeInfo(sz, mn, mx, dMin, 
   //           }
   //           // Remember the smallest child size we saw.
   //           oldChildSizes.push(new ChildSizeInfo((smallest == 
Number.MAX_VALUE) ? 1 : smallest));
   //   }
         *  @private
   //   private function cacheChildSizes():void
   //   {
   //           oldChildSizes = []; // clear or store
   //           cacheSizes();
   //   }
         *  @private
   //   private function mouseMoveHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
   //   {
   //           dragDelta = limitDelta(getMousePosition(event) - 
   //           var dividerEvent:DividerEvent = 
   //            new DividerEvent(DividerEvent.DIVIDER_DRAG);
   //           dividerEvent.dividerIndex = activeDividerIndex;
   //           dividerEvent.delta = dragDelta;
   //           dispatchEvent(dividerEvent);
   //           if (liveDragging)
   //           {
   //                   adjustChildSizes();
   //                   invalidateDisplayList();
   //                   updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth, unscaledHeight);
   //           }
   //           else
   //           {
   //                   if (isVertical())
   //                           activeDivider.move(0, 
activeDividerStartPosition + dragDelta);
   //                   else
   //                           activeDivider.move(activeDividerStartPosition + 
dragDelta, 0);
   //           }
   //   }
         *  @private
         *  @param trigger May be null if the event is not a MouseEvent but
         *  a mouse event from another sandbox.
   //   mx_internal function stopDividerDrag(divider:BoxDivider,
   //                                         trigger:MouseEvent):void
   //   {
   //       if (trigger)
   //             dragDelta = limitDelta(getMousePosition(trigger) - 
   //           var event:DividerEvent = 
   //            new DividerEvent(DividerEvent.DIVIDER_RELEASE);
   //           event.dividerIndex = activeDividerIndex;
   //           event.delta = dragDelta;
   //        dispatchEvent(event);
   //        if (!liveDragging)
   //           {
   //                   if (dragDelta == 0)
   //                           getDividerAt(activeDividerIndex).state = 
   //                   if (activeDivider)
   //                           dividerLayer.removeChild(activeDivider);
   //                   activeDivider = null;
   //                   adjustChildSizes();
   //                   invalidateSize();
   //                   invalidateDisplayList();
   //           }
   //           resetDividerTracking();
mouseMoveHandler, true);
   //        systemManager.deployMouseShields(false);
   //   }
         *  @private
   //   private function resetDividerTracking():void
   //   {
   //           activeDivider = null;
   //           activeDividerIndex = -1;
   //           activeDividerStartPosition = NaN;
   //           dragStartPosition = NaN;
   //           dragDelta = NaN;
   //           oldChildSizes = null;
   //           minDelta = NaN;
   //           maxDelta = NaN;
   //   }
         *  @private
         *  Determine the maximum amount of movement that 
         *  a divider, i, can move both up and down.
         *  We base this calculation on the amount of 
         *  travel that each divider supports, assuming
         *  that as one divider reaches its limits, the next
         *  divider will move.  In this way dividers will
         *  cascade.
   //   private function computeAllowableMovement(at:int):void
   //   {
   //           // We break the computation into two loops, 
   //           // so that we can calc min and max travel
   //           // independently as one would move the divider
   //           // either up or down.
   //           var deltaMinAbove:Number = 0;
   //           var deltaMaxAbove:Number = 0;
   //           var deltaMinBelow:Number = 0;
   //           var deltaMaxBelow:Number = 0;
   //        var n:int = numLayoutChildren;
   //           var i:int;
   //           var child:ChildSizeInfo;
   //           if (at < 0)
   //                   return;
   //        for (i = at; i >= 0; i--)
   //           {       
   //                   child = ChildSizeInfo(oldChildSizes[i]);
   //                   deltaMinAbove += (dontCoalesceDividers && 
deltaMinAbove) ?
   //                                                    0 : child.deltaMin;
   //                   deltaMaxAbove += (dontCoalesceDividers && 
deltaMaxAbove) ?
   //                                                    0 : child.deltaMax;
   //           }
   //           for (i = at + 1; i < n; i++)
   //           {
   //                   child = ChildSizeInfo(oldChildSizes[i]);
   //                   deltaMinBelow += (dontCoalesceDividers && 
deltaMinBelow) ?
   //                                                    0 : child.deltaMin;
   //                   deltaMaxBelow += (dontCoalesceDividers && 
deltaMaxBelow) ?
   //                                                    0 : child.deltaMax;
   //           }
   //           // Now the maximum movement we can have if
   //           // the divider is moved up is equal to the 
   //           // smaller of how much we can shrink all
   //           // components above our divider or the 
   //           // maximum of how much the components below
   //           // our divider can grow. Similarly for the 
   //           // divider moving in the opposite direction.
   //           var deltaUp:Number = Math.min(deltaMinAbove, deltaMaxBelow);
   //           var deltaDn:Number = Math.min(deltaMinBelow, deltaMaxAbove);
   //           // deltaUp needs to be in -ve in order for our 
   //           // update logic to work
   //           minDelta = -deltaUp;
   //           maxDelta = deltaDn;
   //   }
         *  @private
   //   private function computeMinAndMaxDelta():void
   //   {
   //           computeAllowableMovement(activeDividerIndex);
   //   }
         *  @private
   //   private function limitDelta(delta:Number):Number
   //   {
   //           if (delta < minDelta)
   //                   delta = minDelta;
   //           else if (delta > maxDelta)
   //                   delta = maxDelta;
   //           // Make sure it is not fractional,
   //           // otherwise we lose pixels. (Bug 87339)
   //           delta = Math.round(delta);
   //           return delta;
   //   }
         *  @private
        *  We distribute the delta space in the same
         *  fashion that we calculated it. That is we
        *  start at the divider and give out space
         *  until we hit a limit on the component or
         *  we run out of space to distribute.
         *  We need to do this in both directions since
         *  in one direction we are shrinking and 
        *  in the other we are growing.
   //   private function distributeDelta():void
   //   {
   //           // if there is no movement of divider we need not
   //           // do any child resizing.
   //           if (!dragDelta)
   //                   return;
   //           var vertical:Boolean = isVertical();
   //        var n:int = numLayoutChildren;
   //           var k:int = activeDividerIndex;
   //           var smallest:Number = oldChildSizes[n].size -
   //                   Math.abs(dragDelta); // smallest possible child size
   //           if (smallest <= 0 || isNaN(smallest))
   //                   smallest = 1;
   //           var i:int;
   //           var size:ChildSizeInfo;
   //           var move:Number;
   //           var newSize:Number;
   //           var child:IUIComponent;
   //           var childSize:Number;
   //        // Find the index of the child before the active divider
   //        var activeDividerChildIndex:int = -1;
   //        var dividerIndex:int = -1;
   //        while (dividerIndex < activeDividerIndex)
   //        {
   //            if 
   //                ++dividerIndex;
   //        }
   //           // Distribute space starting from the center and 
   //           // moving upwards.
   //        var curChildIndex:int = activeDividerChildIndex;
   //           var amt:Number = dragDelta;
   //        for (i = k; i >= 0; i--)
   //           {
   //                   // If dragDelta -ve  => shrink upper components
   //                   // otherwise grow them.
   //                   size = ChildSizeInfo(oldChildSizes[i]);
   //                   move = (amt < 0) ?
   //                              -Math.min(-amt, size.deltaMin) :
   //                              Math.min(amt, size.deltaMax);
   //                   // Adjust the component and reduce the remaining delta
   //                   newSize = size.size + move;
   //                   amt -= move;
   //            // Find the previous child included in the layout
   //            do
   //            {
   //                 child = IUIComponent(getChildAt(curChildIndex--));
   //            }
   //            while (!child.includeInLayout);
   //                   // Adjust the child size.
   //                   childSize = (newSize / smallest) * 100;
   //                   if (vertical)
   //                           child.percentHeight = childSize;
   //                   else
   //                           child.percentWidth = childSize;
   //                   // Force a re-measure.
   //                   if (child is IInvalidating)
   //                           IInvalidating(child).invalidateSize();
   //           }
   //           // assert(amt == 0)
   //           // Now do the same distribution but moving downwards.
   //        curChildIndex = activeDividerChildIndex + 1;
   //           amt = dragDelta;
   //           for (i = k + 1; i < n; i++)
   //           {
   //                   // If dragDelta -ve  => grow lower components
   //                   // otherwise shrink them.
   //                   size = ChildSizeInfo(oldChildSizes[i]);
   //                   move = (amt < 0) ?
   //                              Math.min(-amt, size.deltaMax) :
   //                              -Math.min(amt, size.deltaMin);
   //                   // Adjust the component and reduce the remaining delta.
   //                   newSize = size.size + move;
   //                   amt += move;
   //            // Find the next child included in the layout
   //            do
   //            {
   //                 child = IUIComponent(getChildAt(curChildIndex++));
   //            }
   //            while (!child.includeInLayout);
   //                   childSize = (newSize / smallest) * 100;
   //                   if (vertical)
   //                           child.percentHeight = childSize;
   //                   else
   //                           child.percentWidth = childSize;
   //                   // Force a re-measure.
   //                   if (child is IInvalidating)
   //                           IInvalidating(child).invalidateSize();
   //           }
   //   }
         *  @private
         *  For 1.5 we normalize all children to the smallest one
         *  So that we can remove n-1 children and still guarantee
         *  one child can consume 100%.
         *  Also we support the concept of fixed sized children, 
         *  which allows us to have one or more children be rigid
        *  in the DividedBox in this case, the dividers above 
        *  and below the fixed component move in unison.
   //   private function adjustChildSizes():void
   //   {
   //           distributeDelta();
   //   }
         *  @private
         *  Algorithm employed pre-layout to ensure that 
         *  we don't leave any dangling space and to ensure
         *  that only explicit min/max values are honored.
         *  We first compute the sum of %'s across all 
         *  children to ensure that we have at least 100%.
         *  If so, we are done.  If not, then we attempt 
         *  to attach the remaining amount to the last 
         *  component, if not, then we distribute the 
         *  percentages evenly across all % components.
   //   private function preLayoutAdjustment():void
   //   {
   //           // Calculate the total %
   //           var vertical:Boolean = isVertical();
   //           var totalPerc:Number = 0;
   //           var percCount:Number = 0;
   //           var n:int = numChildren;
   //           var i:int;
   //           var child:IUIComponent;
   //           var perc:Number;
   //           for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
   //           {
   //                   child = getLayoutChildAt(i);
   //                   if (!child.includeInLayout)
   //                           continue;
   //                   // Clear out measured min/max
   //                   // so super.layout() doesn't use them.
   //                   child.measuredMinWidth = 0; 
   //                   child.measuredMinHeight = 0;
   //                   perc = vertical ? child.percentHeight : 
   //                   if (!isNaN(perc))
   //                   {
   //                           totalPerc += perc;
   //                           percCount++;
   //                   }
   //           }
   //        // during preLayoutAdjustment, we make some changes to the 
   //        // widths and heights.  We keep track of the original values in 
   //        // so we can later go back and reset them so another layout pass 
is working 
   //        // with the correct values rather than these modified values.
   //        postLayoutChanges = [];
   //        var changeObject:Object;
   //           // No flexible children, so we make the last one 100%.
   //           if (totalPerc == 0 && percCount == 0)
   //           {
   //            // Everyone is fixed and we can give 100% to the last
   //            // included in layout one without concern.
   //            for (i = n-1; i >= 0; i--)
   //                   {
   //                child = UIComponent(getChildAt(i));
   //                           if (child.includeInLayout)
   //                           {
   //                    // create a changeObject to keep track of the original 
   //                    // that this child had for width and height
   //                    changeObject = {child: child};
   //                                   if (vertical)
   //                    {
   //                        // we know there's no percentHeight originally
   //                        if (child.explicitHeight)
   //                            changeObject.explicitHeight = 
   //                        else 
   //                            changeObject.percentHeight = NaN;
   //                                           child.percentHeight = 100;
   //                    }
   //                                   else
   //                    {
   //                        // we know there's no percentWidth originally
   //                        if (child.explicitWidth)
   //                            changeObject.explicitWidth = 
   //                        else if (child.percentWidth)
   //                            changeObject.percentWidth = NaN;
   //                                           child.percentWidth = 100;
   //                    }
   //                    postLayoutChanges.push(changeObject);
   //                    break;
   //                           }
   //                   }
   //           }
   //           else if (totalPerc < 100)
   //           {
   //                   // We have some %s but they don't total to 100, so lets
   //                   // distribute the delta across all of them and in the
   //                   // meantime normalize all %s to unscaledHeight/Width.
   //                   // The normalization takes care of the case where any 
   //                   // of the components hits a min/max limit on their size,
   //                   // which could result in the others filling less than 
   //                   var delta:Number = Math.ceil((100 - totalPerc) / 
   //                   for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
   //                   {
   //                           child = getLayoutChildAt(i);
   //                           if (!child.includeInLayout)
   //                                   continue;
   //                changeObject = {child: child};
   //                           if (vertical)
   //                           {
   //                                   perc = child.percentHeight;
   //                                   if (!isNaN(perc))
   //                    {
   //                        changeObject.percentHeight = child.percentHeight;
   //                        postLayoutChanges.push(changeObject);
   //                                           child.percentHeight = (perc + 
delta) * unscaledHeight;
   //                           }
   //                           }
   //                           else
   //                           {
   //                                   perc = child.percentWidth;
   //                                   if (!isNaN(perc))
   //                    {
   //                        changeObject.percentWidth = child.percentWidth;
   //                        postLayoutChanges.push(changeObject);
   //                                           child.percentWidth = (perc + 
delta) * unscaledWidth;
   //                           }
   //                   }
   //           }
   //        }
   //           // OK after all this magic we still can't guarantee that the 
space is
   //           // entirely filled. For example, all percent components hit 
their max
   //           // values. In this case, the layout will include empty space at 
the end,
   //           // and once the divider is touched, the non-percent based 
   //           // will be converted into percent based ones and fill the 
   //           // space. It seems to me that this scenario is highly unlikely.
   //           // Thus I've choosen the route of stretching the percent based
   //           // components and not touching the explicitly sized or default
   //           // sized ones.
   //           //
   //           // Another option would be to stretch the default sized 
   //           // either in addition to the percent based ones or instead of.
   //           // This seemed a  little odd to me as the user never indicated
   //           // that these components are to be stretched initially, so in 
the end
   //           // I choose to tweak the components that the user has indicated
   //           // as being stretchable. 
   //   }
        *  @private
        *  During preLayoutAdjustment, we make some changes to the children's
        *  widths and heights.  We keep track of the original values in 
        *  so we can later go back and reset them so another layout pass is 
        *  with the correct values rather than these modified values.
   //    private var postLayoutChanges:Array;
        *  @private
        *  Post layout work.  In preLayoutAdjustment() 
        *  sometimes we set a child's percentWidth/percentHeight.  
        *  postLayoutAdjustment() will reset the child's width or height
        *  back to what it was.
   //    private function postLayoutAdjustment():void
   //    {
   //        // each object has a child property and may have a set of 
   //        // properties that it would like to be set
   //        var len:int = postLayoutChanges.length;
   //        for (var i:int = 0; i < len; i++)
   //        {
   //            var changeObject:Object = postLayoutChanges[i];
   //            if (changeObject.percentWidth !== undefined)
   //                changeObject.child.percentWidth = 
   //            if (changeObject.percentHeight !== undefined)
   //                changeObject.child.percentHeight = 
   //            if (changeObject.explicitWidth !== undefined)
   //                changeObject.child.explicitWidth = 
   //            if (changeObject.explicitHeight !== undefined)
   //                changeObject.child.explicitHeight = 
   //        }
   //        postLayoutChanges = null;
   //    }
        //  Event handlers
         *  @private
   //   private function childAddHandler(event:ChildExistenceChangedEvent):void
   //   {
   //           var child:DisplayObject = event.relatedObject;
   //           child.addEventListener("includeInLayoutChanged",
   //                               child_includeInLayoutChangedHandler);
   //        if (!IUIComponent(child).includeInLayout)
   //          return;
   //        numLayoutChildren++;
   //        if (numLayoutChildren > 1)
   //            createDivider(numLayoutChildren - 2);
   //           // Clear the cached values so that we do another 
   //           // measurement pass.
   //           dbMinWidth = NaN;
   //           dbMinHeight = NaN;
   //           dbPreferredWidth = NaN;
   //           dbPreferredHeight = NaN;
   //   }
         *  @private
   //   private function 
   //   {
   //           var child:DisplayObject = event.relatedObject;
   //        child.removeEventListener("includeInLayoutChanged",
   //                                  child_includeInLayoutChangedHandler);
   //        if (!IUIComponent(child).includeInLayout)
   //          return;
   //                   numLayoutChildren--;
   //           if (numLayoutChildren > 0)
   //                   dividerLayer.removeChild(getDividerAt(numLayoutChildren 
- 1));
   //           // Clear the cached values so that we do another 
   //           // measurement pass.
   //           dbMinWidth = NaN;
   //           dbMinHeight = NaN;
   //           dbPreferredWidth = NaN;
   //           dbPreferredHeight = NaN;
   //           invalidateSize();
   //   }
         *  @private
         *  When a child's includeInLayout changes, we either remove or add a
         *  divider.
   //   private function child_includeInLayoutChangedHandler(event:Event):void
   //   {
   //           var child:UIComponent = UIComponent(event.target);
   //           if (child.includeInLayout && ++numLayoutChildren > 1)
   //                   createDivider(numLayoutChildren - 2);
   //           else if (!child.includeInLayout && --numLayoutChildren > 0)
   //                   dividerLayer.removeChild(getDividerAt(numLayoutChildren 
- 1));
   //        // Clear the cached values so that we do another
   //        // measurement pass.
   //        dbMinWidth = NaN;
   //        dbMinHeight = NaN;
   //        dbPreferredWidth = NaN;
   //        dbPreferredHeight = NaN;
   //        invalidateSize();
   //   }
   //  Helper class: ChildSizeInfo
    *  @private
   //class ChildSizeInfo
   //   //
   //   //  Constructor
   //   //
   //   /**
   //    *  @private
   //    */
   //   public function ChildSizeInfo(size:Number,
   //                                                             min:Number = 
0, max:Number = 0,
deltaMin:Number = 0, deltaMax:Number = 0)
   //   {
   //           super();
   //           this.size = size;
   //           this.min = min;
   //           this.max = max;
   //           this.deltaMin = deltaMin;
   //           this.deltaMax = deltaMax;
   //   }
   //   //
   //   //  Properties
   //   //
   //   //----------------------------------
   //   //  deltaMin
   //   //----------------------------------
   //   /**
   //    *  @private
   //    */
   //   public var deltaMin:Number;
   //   //----------------------------------
   //   //  deltaMax
   //   //----------------------------------
   //   /**
   //    *  @private
   //    */
   //   public var deltaMax:Number;
   //   //----------------------------------
   //   //  min
   //   //----------------------------------
   //   /**
   //    *  @private
   //    */
   //   public var min:Number;
   //   //----------------------------------
   //   //  max
   //   //----------------------------------
   //   /**
   //    *  @private
   //    */
   //   public var max:Number;
   //   //----------------------------------
   //   //  size
   //   //----------------------------------
   //   /**
   //    *  @private
   //    */
   //   public var size:Number;
   Here is the test case I used:
   <mx:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009";
                   width="1000" height="400"
        <mx:VDividedBox x="0" y="0" height="100%" width="100%">
         <s:BorderContainer backgroundColor="#ff0000" id="bcTop" height="100" 
         <s:BorderContainer backgroundColor="#0000ff" id="bcBottom" 
height="200" width="100%"/>

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