
Mike Dusenberry edited comment on SYSTEMML-633 at 4/18/16 6:51 PM:

To continue on the thread of the original slow left-indexing, I'd like to 
discuss more details of the briefly mentioned experiment with moving 
{{util::im2col(...)}} to an external Java function.

I've attached the full {{Im2colWrapper.java}} class which can be placed in the 
{{org.apache.sysml.udf.lib}} package and compiled with the rest of SystemML.  
Below is a snippet of the main portion of the code:
            Matrix imgM = (Matrix) getFunctionInput(0);
            double[][] img = imgM.getMatrixAsDoubleArray();
            int C = (int) imgM.getNumRows();
            int Hin = 
            int Win = 
            int Hf = Integer.parseInt(((Scalar)getFunctionInput(3)).getValue());
            int Wf = Integer.parseInt(((Scalar)getFunctionInput(4)).getValue());
            int strideh = 
            int stridew = Integer.parseInt(((Scalar) 

            int Hout = (Hin - Hf) / strideh + 1;
            int Wout = (Win - Wf) / stridew + 1;

            double[][] img_cols = new double[C*Hf*Wf][Hout*Wout];
            for (int c=0; c<C; c++) {  // all channels
                for (int hf=0; hf<Hf; hf++) {  // all filter rows
                    for (int wf=0; wf<Wf; wf++) {  // all filter columns
                        for (int hout=0; hout<Hout; hout++) {  // all output 
                            for (int wout=0; wout<Wout; wout++) {  // all 
output columns
                                int out_row = c*Hf*Wf + hf*Wf + wf;
                                int out_col = hout*Wout + wout;
                                int hin = hout*strideh + hf;
                                int win = wout*stridew + wf;
                                int in_col = hin*Win + win;
                                img_cols[out_row][out_col] = img[c][in_col];

As you can see, it's a very simple, nested for-loop implementation, without 
much regard for performance (interestingly, it's also quite similar to existing 
performant implementations in the popular deep learning libraries, such as 
  If we compile with the above Java class, and replace {{util::im2col(...)}} 
with an external function declaration,
im2col = externalFunction(matrix[double] img, int Hin, int Win, int Hf, int Wf, 
int strideh, int stridew)
    return (matrix[double] img_cols)
    implemented in 
we will find that we can achieve a major speedup:
16/04/18 10:48:52 INFO api.DMLScript: SystemML Statistics:
Total elapsed time:             1.561 sec.
Total compilation time:         0.757 sec.
Total execution time:           0.804 sec.
Number of compiled MR Jobs:     0.
Number of executed MR Jobs:     0.
Cache hits (Mem, WB, FS, HDFS): 14091/0/0/0.
Cache writes (WB, FS, HDFS):    10052/0/0.
Cache times (ACQr/m, RLS, EXP): 0.021/0.021/1.096/0.000 sec.
HOP DAGs recompiled (PRED, SB): 0/0.
HOP DAGs recompile time:        0.004 sec.
Functions recompiled:           65.
Functions recompile time:       0.480 sec.
ParFor loops optimized:         1.
ParFor optimize time:           0.026 sec.
ParFor initialize time:         0.024 sec.
ParFor result merge time:       0.020 sec.
ParFor total update in-place:   0/0/3904
Total JIT compile time:         2.468 sec.
Total JVM GC count:             8.
Total JVM GC time:              0.062 sec.
Heavy hitter instructions (name, time, count):
-- 1)   leftIndex       2.121 sec       3904
-- 2)   forward         0.694 sec       1
-- 3)   ba+*    0.416 sec       64
-- 4)   pad_image_t17   0.396 sec       8
-- 5)   pad_image_t20   0.380 sec       9
-- 6)   pad_image_t18   0.365 sec       8
-- 7)   pad_image_t23   0.357 sec       7
-- 8)   pad_image_t22   0.348 sec       8
-- 9)   pad_image_t19   0.328 sec       8
-- 10)  pad_image_t21   0.328 sec       8
-- 11)  pad_image_t24   0.322 sec       8
-- 12)  rand    0.207 sec       1988
-- 13)  rshape  0.197 sec       3968
-- 14)  rangeReIndex    0.153 sec       1984
-- 15)  im2colext_t24   0.129 sec       8
-- 16)  im2colext_t22   0.121 sec       8
-- 17)  im2colext_t21   0.114 sec       8
-- 18)  im2colext_t23   0.108 sec       7
-- 19)  im2colext_t20   0.100 sec       9
-- 20)  +       0.098 sec       11783
-- 21)  im2colext_t18   0.096 sec       8
-- 22)  im2colext_t17   0.092 sec       8
-- 23)  im2colext_t19   0.089 sec       8
-- 24)  rmvar   0.066 sec       36107
-- 25)  createvar       0.046 sec       11973
-- 26)  uak+    0.019 sec       1
-- 27)  ncol    0.015 sec       3969
-- 28)  *       0.013 sec       6178
-- 29)  cpvar   0.003 sec       2116
-- 30)  nrow    0.000 sec       67
-- 31)  print   0.000 sec       5
-- 32)  assignvar       0.000 sec       75
-- 33)  sqrt    0.000 sec       1
-- 34)  castvti         0.000 sec       2
-- 35)  /       0.000 sec       2
-- 36)  -       0.000 sec       2

The given example is not quite large enough to allow for the full *100x* 
speedup originally given, but larger examples do enjoy such speedup factors.  
Nonetheless, it is a major change.

We can further assess this by disabling padding via setting {{pad = 0}} in the 
example script, and then editing {{conv::forward(...)}} as
  # Convolution - im2col implementation
  parfor (n in 1:N, log=DEBUG) {  # all examples
    Xn = matrix(X[n,], rows=C, cols=Hin*Win)  # reshape

    # Pad image
    #Xn_padded = util::pad_image(Xn, Hin, Win, padh, padw)  # shape (C, 
    Xn_padded = Xn

    # Extract local image patches into columns with im2col, of shape (C*Hf*Wf, 
    Xn_padded_cols = util::im2col(Xn_padded, Hin+2*padh, Win+2*padw, Hf, Wf, 
strideh, stridew)

    # Convolve patches with filters
    outn = W %*% Xn_padded_cols + b  # shape (F, Hout*Wout)
    out[n,] = matrix(outn, rows=1, cols=F*Hout*Wout)  # reshape
which then gives the following performance
16/04/18 11:31:02 INFO api.DMLScript: SystemML Statistics:
Total elapsed time:             1.054 sec.
Total compilation time:         0.669 sec.
Total execution time:           0.385 sec.
Number of compiled MR Jobs:     0.
Number of executed MR Jobs:     0.
Cache hits (Mem, WB, FS, HDFS): 651/0/0/0.
Cache writes (WB, FS, HDFS):    452/0/0.
Cache times (ACQr/m, RLS, EXP): 0.003/0.002/0.325/0.000 sec.
HOP DAGs recompiled (PRED, SB): 0/0.
HOP DAGs recompile time:        0.001 sec.
Functions recompiled:           1.
Functions recompile time:       0.009 sec.
ParFor loops optimized:         1.
ParFor optimize time:           0.017 sec.
ParFor initialize time:         0.017 sec.
ParFor result merge time:       0.018 sec.
ParFor total update in-place:   0/0/64
Total JIT compile time:         1.313 sec.
Total JVM GC count:             6.
Total JVM GC time:              0.053 sec.
Heavy hitter instructions (name, time, count):
-- 1)   leftIndex       0.514 sec       64
-- 2)   ba+*    0.433 sec       64
-- 3)   forward         0.286 sec       1
-- 4)   im2colext_t13   0.095 sec       9
-- 5)   +       0.088 sec       201
-- 6)   im2colext_t10   0.083 sec       7
-- 7)   im2colext_t9    0.073 sec       9
-- 8)   im2colext_t16   0.067 sec       9
-- 9)   im2colext_t12   0.064 sec       8
-- 10)  rand    0.064 sec       4
-- 11)  im2colext_t11   0.058 sec       7
-- 12)  im2colext_t14   0.057 sec       7
-- 13)  im2colext_t15   0.057 sec       8
-- 14)  rangeReIndex    0.043 sec       64
-- 15)  rshape  0.023 sec       128
-- 16)  rmvar   0.018 sec       1200
-- 17)  uak+    0.012 sec       1
-- 18)  createvar       0.004 sec       389
-- 19)  *       0.003 sec       325
-- 20)  cpvar   0.002 sec       132
-- 21)  ncol    0.001 sec       129
-- 22)  nrow    0.000 sec       3
-- 23)  print   0.000 sec       5
-- 24)  sqrt    0.000 sec       1
-- 25)  assignvar       0.000 sec       11
-- 26)  castvti         0.000 sec       2
-- 27)  /       0.000 sec       2
-- 28)  -       0.000 sec       2

Essentially, the single left-indexing operation at the end of the parfor loop 
in the modified {{conv::forward(...)}} takes more time than the matrix 
multiplication above it.  Larger examples also tease this out further.

Now, let's try using the equivalent DML implementation of {{util::im2col(...)}} 
as compared with the above Java external function:
im2col = function(matrix[double] img, int Hin, int Win, int Hf, int Wf, int 
strideh, int stridew)
    return (matrix[double] img_cols) {
   * Rearrange local image regions (patches) into columns.
   * Assumes image has already been padded as necessary.
   * Inputs:
   *  - img: Input image, of shape (C, Hin*Win), where C is the number
   *      of input channels (depth).
   *  - Hin: Input height, including padding.
   *  - Win: Input width, including padding.
   *  - Hf: Filter height.
   *  - Wf: Filter width.
   *  - strideh: Stride over height.
   *  - stridew: Stride over width.
   * Outputs:
   *  - img_cols: Local spatial regions (patches) of the image stretched
   *      out into columns, of shape (C*Hf*Wf, Hout*Wout).
  C = nrow(img)
  Hout = as.integer((Hin - Hf) / strideh + 1)
  Wout = as.integer((Win - Wf) / stridew + 1)

  img_cols = matrix(0, rows=C*Hf*Wf, cols=Hout*Wout)  # zeros
  for (c in 1:C) {  # all channels
    for (hf in 1:Hf) {  # all filter rows
      for (wf in 1:Wf) {  # all filter columns
        for (hout in 1:Hout) {  # all output rows
          for (wout in 1:Wout) {  # all output columns
            out_row = (c-1)*Hf*Wf + (hf-1)*Wf + wf
            out_col = (hout-1)*Wout + wout
            hin = (hout-1) * strideh + hf
            win = (wout-1) * stridew + wf
            in_row = c
            in_col = (hin-1)*Win + win
            img_cols[out_row, out_col] = img[c, in_col]
// performance to be added once the code finishes running

Overall, the point of this thread of focus is that as a user and given the 
premise of SystemML, I might expect to get roughly equal performance for a 
simple for-loop implementation in DML as compared to another language, and 
given that, I would expect increased performance when moving to a parfor 
implementation.  Particularly in this case, the implementations in the other 
deep learning libraries keep it simple and take a similar for-loop approach and 
are able to maintain high performance, so a user might be even more inclined to 
have the previous thoughts with SystemML.

was (Author: mwdus...@us.ibm.com):
To continue on the thread of the original slow left-indexing, I'd like to 
discuss more details of the briefly mentioned experiment with moving 
{{util::im2col(...)}} to an external Java function.

I've attached the full {{Im2colWrapper.java}} class which can be placed in the 
{{org.apache.sysml.udf.lib}} package and compiled with the rest of SystemML.  
Below is a snippet of the main portion of the code:
            Matrix imgM = (Matrix) getFunctionInput(0);
            double[][] img = imgM.getMatrixAsDoubleArray();
            int C = (int) imgM.getNumRows();
            int Hin = 
            int Win = 
            int Hf = Integer.parseInt(((Scalar)getFunctionInput(3)).getValue());
            int Wf = Integer.parseInt(((Scalar)getFunctionInput(4)).getValue());
            int strideh = 
            int stridew = Integer.parseInt(((Scalar) 

            int Hout = (Hin - Hf) / strideh + 1;
            int Wout = (Win - Wf) / stridew + 1;

            double[][] img_cols = new double[C*Hf*Wf][Hout*Wout];
            for (int c=0; c<C; c++) {  // all channels
                for (int hf=0; hf<Hf; hf++) {  // all filter rows
                    for (int wf=0; wf<Wf; wf++) {  // all filter columns
                        for (int hout=0; hout<Hout; hout++) {  // all output 
                            for (int wout=0; wout<Wout; wout++) {  // all 
output columns
                                int out_row = c*Hf*Wf + hf*Wf + wf;
                                int out_col = hout*Wout + wout;
                                int hin = hout*strideh + hf;
                                int win = wout*stridew + wf;
                                int in_col = hin*Win + win;
                                img_cols[out_row][out_col] = img[c][in_col];

As you can see, it's a very simple, nested for-loop implementation, without 
much regard for performance (interestingly, it's also quite similar to existing 
performant implementations in the popular deep learning libraries, such as 
  If we compile with the above Java class, and replace {{util::im2col(...)}} 
with an external function declaration,
im2col = externalFunction(matrix[double] img, int Hin, int Win, int Hf, int Wf, 
int strideh, int stridew)
    return (matrix[double] img_cols)
    implemented in 
we will find that we can achieve a major speedup:
16/04/18 10:48:52 INFO api.DMLScript: SystemML Statistics:
Total elapsed time:             1.561 sec.
Total compilation time:         0.757 sec.
Total execution time:           0.804 sec.
Number of compiled MR Jobs:     0.
Number of executed MR Jobs:     0.
Cache hits (Mem, WB, FS, HDFS): 14091/0/0/0.
Cache writes (WB, FS, HDFS):    10052/0/0.
Cache times (ACQr/m, RLS, EXP): 0.021/0.021/1.096/0.000 sec.
HOP DAGs recompiled (PRED, SB): 0/0.
HOP DAGs recompile time:        0.004 sec.
Functions recompiled:           65.
Functions recompile time:       0.480 sec.
ParFor loops optimized:         1.
ParFor optimize time:           0.026 sec.
ParFor initialize time:         0.024 sec.
ParFor result merge time:       0.020 sec.
ParFor total update in-place:   0/0/3904
Total JIT compile time:         2.468 sec.
Total JVM GC count:             8.
Total JVM GC time:              0.062 sec.
Heavy hitter instructions (name, time, count):
-- 1)   leftIndex       2.121 sec       3904
-- 2)   forward         0.694 sec       1
-- 3)   ba+*    0.416 sec       64
-- 4)   pad_image_t17   0.396 sec       8
-- 5)   pad_image_t20   0.380 sec       9
-- 6)   pad_image_t18   0.365 sec       8
-- 7)   pad_image_t23   0.357 sec       7
-- 8)   pad_image_t22   0.348 sec       8
-- 9)   pad_image_t19   0.328 sec       8
-- 10)  pad_image_t21   0.328 sec       8
-- 11)  pad_image_t24   0.322 sec       8
-- 12)  rand    0.207 sec       1988
-- 13)  rshape  0.197 sec       3968
-- 14)  rangeReIndex    0.153 sec       1984
-- 15)  im2colext_t24   0.129 sec       8
-- 16)  im2colext_t22   0.121 sec       8
-- 17)  im2colext_t21   0.114 sec       8
-- 18)  im2colext_t23   0.108 sec       7
-- 19)  im2colext_t20   0.100 sec       9
-- 20)  +       0.098 sec       11783
-- 21)  im2colext_t18   0.096 sec       8
-- 22)  im2colext_t17   0.092 sec       8
-- 23)  im2colext_t19   0.089 sec       8
-- 24)  rmvar   0.066 sec       36107
-- 25)  createvar       0.046 sec       11973
-- 26)  uak+    0.019 sec       1
-- 27)  ncol    0.015 sec       3969
-- 28)  *       0.013 sec       6178
-- 29)  cpvar   0.003 sec       2116
-- 30)  nrow    0.000 sec       67
-- 31)  print   0.000 sec       5
-- 32)  assignvar       0.000 sec       75
-- 33)  sqrt    0.000 sec       1
-- 34)  castvti         0.000 sec       2
-- 35)  /       0.000 sec       2
-- 36)  -       0.000 sec       2

The given example is not quite large enough to allow for the full *100x* 
speedup originally given, but larger examples do enjoy such speedup factors.  
Nonetheless, it is a major change.

We can further assess this by disabling padding via setting {{pad = 0}} in the 
example script, and then editing {{conv::forward(...)}} as
  # Convolution - im2col implementation
  parfor (n in 1:N, log=DEBUG) {  # all examples
    Xn = matrix(X[n,], rows=C, cols=Hin*Win)  # reshape

    # Pad image
    #Xn_padded = util::pad_image(Xn, Hin, Win, padh, padw)  # shape (C, 
    Xn_padded = Xn

    # Extract local image patches into columns with im2col, of shape (C*Hf*Wf, 
    Xn_padded_cols = util::im2col(Xn_padded, Hin+2*padh, Win+2*padw, Hf, Wf, 
strideh, stridew)

    # Convolve patches with filters
    outn = W %*% Xn_padded_cols + b  # shape (F, Hout*Wout)
    out[n,] = matrix(outn, rows=1, cols=F*Hout*Wout)  # reshape
which then gives the following performance
16/04/18 11:31:02 INFO api.DMLScript: SystemML Statistics:
Total elapsed time:             1.054 sec.
Total compilation time:         0.669 sec.
Total execution time:           0.385 sec.
Number of compiled MR Jobs:     0.
Number of executed MR Jobs:     0.
Cache hits (Mem, WB, FS, HDFS): 651/0/0/0.
Cache writes (WB, FS, HDFS):    452/0/0.
Cache times (ACQr/m, RLS, EXP): 0.003/0.002/0.325/0.000 sec.
HOP DAGs recompiled (PRED, SB): 0/0.
HOP DAGs recompile time:        0.001 sec.
Functions recompiled:           1.
Functions recompile time:       0.009 sec.
ParFor loops optimized:         1.
ParFor optimize time:           0.017 sec.
ParFor initialize time:         0.017 sec.
ParFor result merge time:       0.018 sec.
ParFor total update in-place:   0/0/64
Total JIT compile time:         1.313 sec.
Total JVM GC count:             6.
Total JVM GC time:              0.053 sec.
Heavy hitter instructions (name, time, count):
-- 1)   leftIndex       0.514 sec       64
-- 2)   ba+*    0.433 sec       64
-- 3)   forward         0.286 sec       1
-- 4)   im2colext_t13   0.095 sec       9
-- 5)   +       0.088 sec       201
-- 6)   im2colext_t10   0.083 sec       7
-- 7)   im2colext_t9    0.073 sec       9
-- 8)   im2colext_t16   0.067 sec       9
-- 9)   im2colext_t12   0.064 sec       8
-- 10)  rand    0.064 sec       4
-- 11)  im2colext_t11   0.058 sec       7
-- 12)  im2colext_t14   0.057 sec       7
-- 13)  im2colext_t15   0.057 sec       8
-- 14)  rangeReIndex    0.043 sec       64
-- 15)  rshape  0.023 sec       128
-- 16)  rmvar   0.018 sec       1200
-- 17)  uak+    0.012 sec       1
-- 18)  createvar       0.004 sec       389
-- 19)  *       0.003 sec       325
-- 20)  cpvar   0.002 sec       132
-- 21)  ncol    0.001 sec       129
-- 22)  nrow    0.000 sec       3
-- 23)  print   0.000 sec       5
-- 24)  sqrt    0.000 sec       1
-- 25)  assignvar       0.000 sec       11
-- 26)  castvti         0.000 sec       2
-- 27)  /       0.000 sec       2
-- 28)  -       0.000 sec       2

Essentially, the single left-indexing operation at the end of the parfor loop 
in the modified {{conv::forward(...)}} takes more time than the matrix 
multiplication above it.  Larger examples also tease this out further.

Now, let's try using the equivalent DML implementation of {{util::im2col(...)}} 
as compared with the above Java external function:
im2col = function(matrix[double] img, int Hin, int Win, int Hf, int Wf, int 
strideh, int stridew)
    return (matrix[double] img_cols) {
   * Rearrange local image regions (patches) into columns.
   * Assumes image has already been padded as necessary.
   * Inputs:
   *  - img: Input image, of shape (C, Hin*Win), where C is the number
   *      of input channels (depth).
   *  - Hin: Input height, including padding.
   *  - Win: Input width, including padding.
   *  - Hf: Filter height.
   *  - Wf: Filter width.
   *  - strideh: Stride over height.
   *  - stridew: Stride over width.
   * Outputs:
   *  - img_cols: Local spatial regions (patches) of the image stretched
   *      out into columns, of shape (C*Hf*Wf, Hout*Wout).
  C = nrow(img)
  Hout = as.integer((Hin - Hf) / strideh + 1)
  Wout = as.integer((Win - Wf) / stridew + 1)

  img_cols = matrix(0, rows=C*Hf*Wf, cols=Hout*Wout)  # zeros
  for (c in 1:C) {  # all channels
    for (hf in 1:Hf) {  # all filter rows
      for (wf in 1:Wf) {  # all filter columns
        for (hout in 1:Hout) {  # all output rows
          for (wout in 1:Wout) {  # all output columns
            out_row = (c-1)*Hf*Wf + (hf-1)*Wf + wf
            out_col = (hout-1)*Wout + wout
            hin = (hout-1) * strideh + hf
            win = (wout-1) * stridew + wf
            in_row = c
            in_col = (hin-1)*Win + win
            img_cols[out_row, out_col] = img[c, in_col]
// performance to be added once the code finishes running

Overall, the point of this thread of focus is that as a user and given the 
premise of SystemML, I might expect to get roughly equal performance for a 
simple for-loop implementation in DML as compared to another language, and 
given that, I would expect increased performance when moving to a parfor 
implementation.  Particularly in this case, the implementations in the other 
deep learning libraries keep it simple and take a similar for-loop approach and 
are able to maintain high performance, so a user might be even more inclined to 
have the previous thoughts with SystemML.

> Improve Left-Indexing Performance with (Nested) Parfor Loops
> ------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: SYSTEMML-633
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SYSTEMML-633
>             Project: SystemML
>          Issue Type: Improvement
>          Components: ParFor
>            Reporter: Mike Dusenberry
>         Attachments: Im2colWrapper.java, log.txt
> In the experimental deep learning DML library I've been building 
> ([https://github.com/dusenberrymw/systemml-nn|https://github.com/dusenberrymw/systemml-nn]),
>  I've experienced severe bottlenecks due to *left-indexing* in parfor loops.  
> Here, I will highlight a few particular instances with simplified examples, 
> but the same issue is shared across many areas of the library, particularly 
> in the convolution and max pooling layers, and is exaggerated in real 
> use-cases.
> *Quick note* on setup for any of the below experiments.  Please grab a copy 
> of the above repo (particularly the {{nn}} directory), and run any 
> experiments with the {{nn}} package available at the base directory of the 
> experiment.
> Scenario: *Convolution*
> * In the library above, the forward pass of the convolution function 
> ([{{conv::forward(...)}} | 
> https://github.com/dusenberrymw/systemml-nn/blob/f6d3e077ae3c303eb8426b31329d3734e3483d5f/nn/layers/conv.dml#L8]
>  in {{nn/layers/conv.dml}}) essentially accepts a matrix {{X}} of images, a 
> matrix of weights {{W}}, and several other parameters corresponding to image 
> sizes, filter sizes, etc.  It then loops through the images with a {{parfor}} 
> loop, and for each image it pads the image with {{util::pad_image}}, extracts 
> "patches" of the image into columns of a matrix in a sliding fashion across 
> the image with {{util::im2col}}, performs a matrix multiplication between the 
> matrix of patch columns and the weight matrix, and then saves the result into 
> a matrix defined outside of the parfor loop using left-indexing.
> * Left-indexing has been identified as the bottleneck by a wide margin.
> * Left-indexing is used in the main {{conv::forward(...)}} function in the 
> [last line in the parfor 
> loop|https://github.com/dusenberrymw/systemml-nn/blob/f6d3e077ae3c303eb8426b31329d3734e3483d5f/nn/layers/conv.dml#L61],
>  in the 
> [{{util::pad_image(...)}}|https://github.com/dusenberrymw/systemml-nn/blob/f6d3e077ae3c303eb8426b31329d3734e3483d5f/nn/util.dml#L196]
>  function used by {{conv::forward(...)}}, as well as in the 
> [{{util::im2col(...)}}|https://github.com/dusenberrymw/systemml-nn/blob/f6d3e077ae3c303eb8426b31329d3734e3483d5f/nn/util.dml#L96]
>  function used by {{conv::forward(...)}}.
> * Test script (assuming the {{nn}} package is available):
> ** {{speed-633.dml}} {code}
> source("nn/layers/conv.dml") as conv
> source("nn/util.dml") as util
> # Generate data
> N = 64  # num examples
> C = 30  # num channels
> Hin = 28  # input height
> Win = 28  # input width
> F = 20  # num filters
> Hf = 3  # filter height
> Wf = 3  # filter width
> stride = 1
> pad = 1
> X = rand(rows=N, cols=C*Hin*Win)
> # Create layer
> [W, b] = conv::init(F, C, Hf, Wf)
> # Forward
> [out, Hout, Wout] = conv::forward(X, W, b, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf, stride, 
> stride, pad, pad)
> print("Out: " + nrow(out) + "x" + ncol(out))
> print("Hout: " + Hout)
> print("Wout: " + Wout)
> print("")
> print(sum(out))
> {code}
> * Invocation:
> ** {{java -jar 
> $SYSTEMML_HOME/target/systemml-0.10.0-incubating-SNAPSHOT-standalone.jar -f 
> speed-633.dml -stats -explain -exec singlenode}}
> * Stats output (modified to output up to 100 instructions):
> ** {code}
> ...
> Total elapsed time:   26.834 sec.
> Total compilation time:   0.529 sec.
> Total execution time:   26.304 sec.
> Number of compiled MR Jobs: 0.
> Number of executed MR Jobs: 0.
> Cache hits (Mem, WB, FS, HDFS): 9196235/0/0/0.
> Cache writes (WB, FS, HDFS):  3070724/0/0.
> Cache times (ACQr/m, RLS, EXP): 1.474/1.120/26.998/0.000 sec.
> HOP DAGs recompiled (PRED, SB): 0/0.
> HOP DAGs recompile time:  0.268 sec.
> Functions recompiled:   129.
> Functions recompile time: 0.841 sec.
> ParFor loops optimized:   1.
> ParFor optimize time:   0.032 sec.
> ParFor initialize time:   0.015 sec.
> ParFor result merge time: 0.028 sec.
> ParFor total update in-place: 0/0/1559360
> Total JIT compile time:   14.235 sec.
> Total JVM GC count:   94.
> Total JVM GC time:    0.366 sec.
> Heavy hitter instructions (name, time, count):
> -- 1)   leftIndex   41.670 sec  1559360
> -- 2)   forward   26.212 sec  1
> -- 3)   im2col_t45  25.919 sec  8
> -- 4)   im2col_t41  25.850 sec  8
> -- 5)   im2col_t48  25.831 sec  8
> -- 6)   im2col_t43  25.752 sec  8
> -- 7)   im2col_t44  25.736 sec  8
> -- 8)   im2col_t42  25.695 sec  8
> -- 9)   im2col_t47  25.691 sec  8
> -- 10)  im2col_t46  25.519 sec  8
> -- 11)  rangeReIndex  13.392 sec  3012544
> -- 12)  rshape  8.197 sec   3064704
> -- 13)  rmvar   4.988 sec   20363504
> -- 14)  createvar   4.954 sec   7688965
> -- 15)  ncol  1.148 sec   3014529
> -- 16)  -   0.961 sec   3112834
> -- 17)  +   0.878 sec   3124617
> -- 18)  rand  0.839 sec   52228
> -- 19)  *   0.480 sec   1764229
> -- 20)  cpvar   0.366 sec   1607812
> -- 21)  ba+*  0.257 sec   64
> -- 22)  pad_image_t42   0.187 sec   8
> -- 23)  pad_image_t47   0.181 sec   8
> -- 24)  pad_image_t44   0.168 sec   8
> -- 25)  pad_image_t46   0.164 sec   8
> -- 26)  pad_image_t43   0.156 sec   8
> -- 27)  pad_image_t48   0.153 sec   8
> -- 28)  pad_image_t45   0.152 sec   8
> -- 29)  pad_image_t41   0.152 sec   8
> -- 30)  nrow  0.036 sec   50307
> -- 31)  assignvar   0.016 sec   52235
> -- 32)  uak+  0.015 sec   1
> -- 33)  castvti   0.000 sec   130
> -- 34)  print   0.000 sec   5
> -- 35)  /   0.000 sec   130
> -- 36)  sqrt  0.000 sec   1
> {code}
> ** *Full log file attached* (including a {{log=DEBUG}} modification to the 
> parfor loop in {{conv::forward(...)}}.
> ** Note again that {{forward}}, {{im2col}}, and {{pad_image}} all involve 
> left-indexing.
> * Other notes:
> ** Further experiments involved replacing the {{util::im2col(...)}} function 
> with an external Java function using a basic, nested for-loop approach with 
> no regard for optimization.  Compared with the fastest parfor DML version, I 
> experienced at least a *100x* speed improvement.  When compared to the same 
> naive for-loop approach in DML, the speedup was even greater.
> ** Even with this external version of {{im2col}}, and with padding disabled, 
> the left-indexing within the parfor loop of {{conv::forward(...)}} still 
> dominated the execution time, acting as the major bottleneck.
> ** For all described experiments, logging indicated that parfor update in 
> place was *not* applied. 

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