ocket8888 commented on a change in pull request #3744: Rewrote jobs endpoints 
to go
URL: https://github.com/apache/trafficcontrol/pull/3744#discussion_r330137557

 File path: docs/source/api/jobs.rst
 @@ -21,78 +21,470 @@
-Get all jobs (currently limited to invalidate content (PURGE) jobs) sorted by 
start time (descending).
+Retrieve content invalidation jobs.
 :Auth. Required: Yes
-:Roles Required: "operations" or "admin"
+:Roles Required: None\ [#tenancy]_
 :Response Type:  Array
-.. warning:: This endpoint will respect tenancy rules *if and only if*  the 
``dsId`` query parameter is used.
 Request Structure
 .. table:: Request Query Parameters
-       |  Name  | Required | Description                                       
-       |  dsId  | no       | Return only invalidation jobs pending on the 
:term:`Delivery Service` identified by this integral, unique identifier |
-       | userId | no       | Return only invalidation jobs created by the user 
identified by this integral, unique identifier                     |
+       | Name            | Required | Description                              
+       | assetUrl        | no       | Return only invalidation jobs that 
operate on URLs by matching this regular expression                             
+       | createdBy       | no       | Return only invalidation jobs that were 
created by the user with this username                                       |
+       | deliveryService | no       | Return only invalidation jobs that 
operate on the :term:`Delivery Service` with this :ref:`ds-xmlid`               
+       | dsId            | no       | Return only invalidation jobs pending on 
the :term:`Delivery Service` identified by this integral, unique identifier |
+       | id              | no       | Return only the single invalidation job 
identified by this integral, unique identifer                                |
+       | keyword         | no       | Return only invalidation jobs that have 
this "keyword" - only "PURGE" should exist                                   |
+       | userId          | no       | Return only invalidation jobs created by 
the user identified by this integral, unique identifier                     |
-.. note:: If the ``dsId`` parameter is given, an error will be returned if the 
thereby identified :term:`Delivery Service` is not visible to the logged-in 
user's Tenant
 .. code-block:: http
        :caption: Request Example
-       GET /api/1.4/jobs?dsId=1&userId=2 HTTP/1.1
+       GET /api/1.4/jobs?id=3&dsId=1&userId=2 HTTP/1.1
        Host: trafficops.infra.ciab.test
-       User-Agent: curl/7.47.0
+       User-Agent: python-requests/2.20.1
+       Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
        Accept: */*
+       Connection: keep-alive
        Cookie: mojolicious=...
 Response Structure
 :assetUrl:        A regular expression - matching URLs will be operated upon 
according to ``keyword``
 :createdBy:       The username of the user who initiated the job
-:deliveryService: The 'xml_id' that uniquely identifies the :term:`Delivery 
Service` on which this job operates
+:deliveryService: The :ref:`ds-xmlid` of the :term:`Delivery Service` on which 
this job operates
 :id:              An integral, unique identifier for this job
 :keyword:         A keyword that represents the operation being performed by 
the job:
-               This job will prevent caching of URLs matching the ``assetURL`` 
until it is removed (or its Time to Live expires)
+               This job will prevent caching of URLs matching the ``assetUrl`` 
until it is removed (or its Time to Live expires)
 :parameters: A string containing key/value pairs representing parameters 
associated with the job - currently only uses Time to Live e.g. ``"TTL:48h"``
-:startTime:  The date and time at which the job began, in ISO format
+:startTime:  The date and time at which the job began, in a non-standard format
 .. code-block:: http
        :caption: Response Example
        HTTP/1.1 200 OK
        Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true
-       Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, 
+       Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, 
Accept, Set-Cookie, Cookie
        Access-Control-Allow-Methods: POST,GET,OPTIONS,PUT,DELETE
        Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
-       Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate
+       Content-Encoding: gzip
        Content-Type: application/json
-       Date: Wed, 05 Dec 2018 15:44:07 GMT
-       Server: Mojolicious (Perl)
-       Set-Cookie: mojolicious=...; expires=Wed, 05 Dec 2018 19:44:07 GMT; 
path=/; HttpOnly
-       Vary: Accept-Encoding
-       Whole-Content-Sha512: 
-       Content-Length: 202
-       { "response": [
-               {
-                       "parameters": "TTL:48h",
-                       "keyword": "PURGE",
-                       "assetUrl": "http://origin.infra.ciab.test/.*\\.jpg";,
+       Set-Cookie: mojolicious=...; Path=/; HttpOnly
+       Whole-Content-Sha512: 
+       X-Server-Name: traffic_ops_golang/
+       Date: Tue, 18 Jun 2019 19:47:30 GMT
+       Content-Length: 186
+       { "response": [{
+               "assetUrl": "http://origin.infra.ciab.test/.*";,
+               "createdBy": "admin",
+               "deliveryService": "demo1",
+               "id": 3,
+               "keyword": "PURGE",
+               "parameters": "TTL:2h",
+               "startTime": "2019-06-18 21:28:31+00"
+       }]}
+.. versionadded:: 1.4
+Creates a new content invalidation job.
+.. caution:: Creating a content invalidation job immediately triggers a 
CDN-wide revalidation update. In the case that the global :term:`Parameter` 
``use_reval_pending`` has a value of exactly ``"0"``, this will instead trigger 
a CDN-wide "Queue Updates". This means that content invalidation jobs become 
active **immediately** at their ``startTime`` - unlike most other configuration 
changes they do not wait for a :term:`Snapshot` or a "Queue Updates". 
Furthermore, if the global :term:`Parameter` ``use_reval_pending`` *is* 
``"0"``, this will cause all pending configuration changes to propagate to all 
:term:`cache servers` in the CDN. Take care when using this endpoint.
+:Auth. Required: Yes
+:Roles Required: "operations" or "admin"\ [#tenancy]_
+:Response Type:  Object
+Request Structure
+:deliveryService: This should either be the integral, unique identifier of a 
:term:`Delivery Service`, or a string containing an :ref:`ds-xmlid`
+:startTime: This can be a string in the legacy ``YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS`` format, 
or a string in :rfc:`3339` format, or a string representing a date in the same 
non-standard format as the ``last_updated`` fields common in other API 
responses, or finally it can be a number indicating the number of milliseconds 
since the Unix Epoch (January 1, 1970 UTC). This date must be in the future, 
but unlike :ref:`to-api-user-current-jobs` (or the PUT_ method of this 
endpoint), it is not required to be within two days from the time of creation.
+:regex: A regular expression that will be used to match the path part of URIs 
for content stored on :term:`cache servers` that service traffic for the 
:term:`Delivery Service` identified by ``deliveryService``.
+:ttl: Either the number of hours for which the content invalidation job should 
remain active, or a "duration" string, which is a sequence of numbers followed 
by units. The accepted units are:
+       - ``h`` gives a duration in hours
+       - ``m`` gives a duration in minutes
+       - ``s`` gives a duration in seconds
+       - ``ms`` gives a duration in milliseconds
+       - ``us`` (or ``µs``) gives a duration in microseconds
+       - ``ns`` gives a duration in nanoseconds
+       These durations can be combined e.g. ``2h45m`` specifies a TTL of two 
hours and forty-five minutes - however note that durations are always rounded 
up to the nearest hour so that e.g. ``121m`` becomes three hours. TTLs cannot 
ever be negative, obviously.
+.. code-block:: http
+       :caption: Request Example
+       POST /api/1.4/jobs HTTP/1.1
+       Host: trafficops.infra.ciab.test
+       User-Agent: python-requests/2.20.1
+       Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
+       Accept: */*
+       Connection: keep-alive
+       Cookie: mojolicious=...
+       Content-Length: 80
+       Content-Type: application/json
+       {
+               "deliveryService": "demo1",
+               "startTime": 1560893311219,
+               "regex": "/.*",
+               "ttl": "121m"
+       }
+Response Structure
+:assetUrl:        A regular expression - matching URLs will be operated upon 
according to ``keyword``
+:createdBy:       The username of the user who initiated the job
+:deliveryService: The :ref:`ds-xmlid` of the :term:`Delivery Service` on which 
this job operates
+:id:              An integral, unique identifier for this job
+:keyword:         A keyword that represents the operation being performed by 
the job:
+       PURGE
+               This job will prevent caching of URLs matching the ``assetUrl`` 
until it is removed (or its Time to Live expires)
+:parameters: A string containing key/value pairs representing parameters 
associated with the job - currently only uses Time to Live e.g. ``"TTL:48h"``
+:startTime:  The date and time at which the job began, in a non-standard format
+.. code-block:: http
+       :caption: Response Example
+       HTTP/1.1 201 Created
+       Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true
+       Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, 
Accept, Set-Cookie, Cookie
+       Access-Control-Allow-Methods: POST,GET,OPTIONS,PUT,DELETE
+       Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
+       Content-Encoding: gzip
+       Content-Type: application/json
+       Location: https://trafficops.infra.ciab.test/api/1.4/jobs?id=3
+       Set-Cookie: mojolicious=...; Path=/; HttpOnly
+       Whole-Content-Sha512: 
+       X-Server-Name: traffic_ops_golang/
+       Date: Tue, 18 Jun 2019 19:37:06 GMT
+       Content-Length: 238
+       {
+               "alerts": [
+                       {
+                               "text": "Invalidation Job creation was 
+                               "level": "success"
+                       }
+               ],
+               "response": {
+                       "assetUrl": "http://origin.infra.ciab.test/.*";,
                        "createdBy": "admin",
-                       "startTime": "2018-12-05 15:43:42+00",
-                       "id": 1,
-                       "deliveryService": "demo1"
+                       "deliveryService": "demo1",
+                       "id": 3,
+                       "keyword": "PURGE",
+                       "parameters": "TTL:2h",
+                       "startTime": "2019-06-18 21:28:31+00"
+               }
+       }
+.. versionadded:: 1.4
+       This was added at the same time as `PATCH`_, so it's recommended in 
most cases to instead use that method.
+Replaces an existing content invalidation job with a new one provided in the 
request. This method of editing a content invalidation job is necessarily more 
verbose than a PATCH_, and it does not prevent the requesting user from 
changing fields that normally only have one value. Use with care.
+.. caution:: Modifying a content invalidation job immediately triggers a 
CDN-wide revalidation update. In the case that the global :term:`Parameter` 
``use_reval_pending`` has a value of exactly ``"0"``, this will instead trigger 
a CDN-wide "Queue Updates". This means that content invalidation jobs become 
active **immediately** at their ``startTime`` - unlike most other configuration 
changes they do not wait for a :term:`Snapshot` or a "Queue Updates". 
Furthermore, if the global :term:`Parameter` ``use_reval_pending`` *is* 
``"0"``, this will cause all pending configuration changes to propagate to all 
:term:`cache servers` in the CDN. Take care when using this endpoint.
+:Auth. Required: Yes
+:Roles Required: "operations" or "admin"\ [#tenancy]_
+:Response Type:  Object
+Request Structure
+.. table:: Query Parameters
+       | Name | Required | Description                                         
+       | id   | yes      | The integral, unique identifier of the content 
invalidation job being modified |
+:assetUrl: A regular expression - matching URLs will be operated upon 
according to ``keyword``
+       .. note:: Unlike in the payloads of POST_ and PATCH_ requests to this 
endpoint, this must be a **full** URL regular expression, as it is **not** 
combined with the :ref:`ds-origin-url` of the :term:`Delivery Service` 
identified by ``deliveryService``.
+:createdBy:       The username of the user who initiated the job\ [#readonly]_
+:deliveryService: The :ref:`ds-xmlid` of the :term:`Delivery Service` on which 
this job operates\ [#readonly]_ - unlike POST_ and PATCH_ request payloads, 
this cannot be an integral, unique identifier
+:id:              An integral, unique identifier for this job\ [#readonly]_
+:keyword:         A keyword that represents the operation being performed by 
the job. It can have any (string) value, but the only value with any meaning to 
Traffic Control is:
+       PURGE
+               This job will prevent caching of URLs matching the ``assetUrl`` 
until it is removed (or its Time to Live expires)
+:parameters: A string containing space-separated key/value pairs - delimited 
by colons (:kbd:`:`\ s) representing parameters associated with the job. In 
practice, any string can be passed as a job's ``parameters``, but the only 
value with meaning is a single key/value pair indicated a :abbr:`TTL (Time To 
Live)` in hours in the format :file:`TTL:{hours}h`, and any other type of value 
may cause components of Traffic Control to work improperly or not at all.
+:startTime:  This can be a string in the legacy ``YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS`` 
format, or a string in :rfc:`3339` format, or a string representing a date in 
the same non-standard format as the ``last_updated`` fields common in other API 
responses, or finally it can be a number indicating the number of milliseconds 
since the Unix Epoch (January 1, 1970 UTC). This **must** be in the future, but 
only by no more than two days.
+.. code-block:: http
+       :caption: Request Example
+       PUT /api/1.4/jobs?id=3 HTTP/1.1
+       Host: trafficops.infra.ciab.test
+       User-Agent: python-requests/2.20.1
+       Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
+       Accept: */*
+       Connection: keep-alive
+       Cookie: mojolicious=...
+       Content-Length: 188
+       Content-Type: application/json
+       {
+               "assetUrl": "http://origin.infra.ciab.test/.*";,
 Review comment:
   I suppose I can check that the passed URL starts with the fqdn of at least 
one of the origins assigned to the identified Delivery Services, it's just 
maddening that that's something the user has to deal with. You should just PUT 
with a regex, same as a POST.

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