ocket8888 commented on a change in pull request #4521: Multi-interface Servers 
URL: https://github.com/apache/trafficcontrol/pull/4521#discussion_r397564971

 File path: blueprints/multi-interface-servers.md
 @@ -0,0 +1,666 @@
+Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+distributed with this work for additional information
+regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+    http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+specific language governing permissions and limitations
+under the License.
+# Additional Server Interfaces
+## Problem Description
+Multiple network interfaces may be used by cache servers to service requests.
+However, these cannot be expressed as parts of the current "server" object.
+Specifically, assuming each interface has its own IP address, then each would
+need to be treated as a separate cache server. This means that getting clients
+to use one when the other is unavailable requires manual intervention.
+## Proposed Change
+Instead, cache servers should be configurable with numerous network interfaces
+monitored by Traffic Monitor that are all associated with the server, each
+having its own associated network information e.g. IP Address, but Traffic
+Router should only be aware of the "main" interface on which the cache server
+listens for connections.
+The specific use-case outlined above, obviously, entails some management be 
+on the cache servers to actually support multiple interfaces answering to the
+same "main" IP address and this should be considered outside of
+<abbr title="Apache Traffic Control">ATC</abbr>'s scope of operation.
+## Data Model Impact
+The proposed structure of each of these interfaces is given below as a pair of
+TypeScript<sup>[1](#typescript)</sup> interfaces:
+interface IPAddress {
+       /**
+        * The actual IP (v4 or v6) address which is used by an interface.
+        * Any "mask" should be present here as a CIDR-notation suffix.
+        */
+       address: string;
+       /**
+        * The IP (v4 or v6) address of the gateway used by this IP address.
+        */
+       gateway: string;
+       /**
+        * Tells whether or not this address of this interface is the server's
+        * "service" address.
+        * At least one address of EXACTLY ONE interface MUST have this set to
+        * 'true' for a server.
+        */
+       serviceAddress: boolean;
+interface Interface {
+       /**
+        * The name of the interface device on the server e.g. eth0.
+        */
+       name: string;
+       /**
+        * These will be all of the IPv4/IPv6 addresses assigned to the 
+        * including gateways and "masks".
+        * It is illegal for an interface to not have at least one associated IP
+        * address.
+        */
+       ipAddresses: Array<IPAddress> & {0: IPAddress};
+       /**
+        * Whether or not Traffic Monitor should monitor this particular 
+        */
+       monitor: boolean;
+       /**
+        * The interface's Maximum Transmission Unit.
+        * If this is 'null' it is assumed that the interface's MTU is not 
+        * irrelevant.
+        */
+       mtu: 1500 | 9000 | null;
+We don't have a real data model for ATC, so what follows is an approximately
+defined representation of a "server" that is valid within certain contexts. The
+modifications made to it for the purposes of the changes herein proposed should
+be considered valid in those same contexts - whatever they may be.
+interface Server {
+       cachegroup?:  string | null;
+       cachegroupId: number;
+       cdnId:        number;
+       cdnName?:     string | null;
+       domainName:   string;
+       guid?:        string | null;
+       hostName:     string;
+       httpsPort?:   number | null;
+       id?:          number;
+       // ILO things aren't being moved in because they also require a
+       // username/password that aren't used by any other interface type.
+       iloIpAddress?: string | null;
+       iloIpGateway?: string | null;
+       iloIpNetmask?: string | null;
+       iloPassword?:  string | null;
+       iloUsername?:  string | null;
+       /**
+        * New field containing additional interfaces.
+        * It is illegal for a server to not have at least one interface.
+        */
+       interfaces: Array<Interface> & {0: Interface};
+       lastUpdated?:  string;
+       // notice not here: mgmtIpAddress, mgmtIpGateway, mgmtIpNetmask
+       // these will be moved into the interfaces property
+       offlineReason:   string;
+       physLocation?:   string | null;
+       physLocationId:  number;
+       profile?:        string | null;
+       profileDesc?:    string | null;
+       profileId:       number;
+       revalPending?:   boolean;
+       rack?:           string | null;
+       routerHostName?: string | null;
+       routerPortName?: string | null;
+       status?:         string | null;
+       statusId:        number;
+       tcpPort:         number;
+       type?:           string | null;
+       typeId:          number;
+       updPending?:     boolean;
+       xmppId?:         string | null;
+       xmppPassword?:   string | null;
+`/monitoring` payloads and CDN Snapshots are purposely un-versioned and
+un-modeled, so this section will make no attempts to define the model changes 
+those objects.
+## Impacted Components
+The only components that should need to be modified to accommodate this feature
+are Traffic Ops, Traffic Portal, and Traffic Monitor.
+### Traffic Ops Impact
+#### Database
+A new table will need to be introduced to contain interface information:
+`interface`, which is described below.
+              Table "public.interface"
+ Column  |  Type   | Collation | Nullable | Default
+ name    | text    |           | not null |
+ server  | bigint  |           | not null |
+ monitor | boolean |           | not null |
+ mtu     | integer |           |          | 1500
+    "interface_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (name, server)
+Foreign-key constraints:
+    "interface_server_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (server) REFERENCES server(id)
+Another new table will need to be created to contain address information, which
+is described below.
+                 Table "public.ip_address"
+     Column     |  Type   | Collation | Nullable | Default
+ address        | inet    |           | not null |
+ gateway        | inet    |           | not null |
+ serviceaddress | boolean |           | not null |
+ server         | bigint  |           | not null |
+ interface      | text    |           | not null |
+    "ip_address_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (address, interface, server)
+Check constraints:
+    "ip_address_gateway_check" CHECK (masklen(gateway) = 0)
+Foreign-key constraints:
+    "ip_address_interface_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (interface, server) REFERENCES 
interface(name, server)
+    "ip_address_server_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (server) REFERENCES server(id)
+This should be sufficient to capture the model changes. In addition to creating
+these tables, a migration will need to be written to convert currently stored
+server information to utilize these new tables.
+#### API
+<a name="sec:api"></a>
+The affected endpoints will be:
+##### `/cdns/{{name}}/configs/monitoring`
+The current payload includes a `trafficServers` property that contains an array
+of cache server representations to be monitored by a Traffic Monitor within the
+path-specified CDN. An example of one such array member is given below.
+       "cacheGroup": "Ciab_Edge",
+       "fqdn": "edge.infra.ciab.test",
+       "hashId": "edge",
+       "hostName": "edge",
+       "interfacename": "eth0",
+       "ip6": "dead::babe",
+       "ip": "",
+       "port": 80,
+       "profile": "ATS_EDGE",
+       "status": "REPORTED",
+       "type": "EDGE"
+This will need to change to reflect the new set of interfaces, which for the
+above example with no additional interfaces would look like:
+       "cacheGroup": "Ciab_Edge",
+       "fqdn": "edge.infra.ciab.test",
+       "hashId": "edge",
+       "hostName": "edge",
+       "interfaces": [
+               {
+                       "name": "eth0",
+                       "ipAddresses": [
+                               {
+                                       "address": "",
+                                       "serviceAddress": true
+                               },
+                               {
+                                       "address": "dead::babe/128",
+                                       "serviceAddress": true
+                               }
+                       ]
+               }
+       ],
+       "port": 80,
+       "profile": "ATS_EDGE",
+       "status": "REPORTED",
+       "type": "EDGE"
+Note that only interfaces that have "monitor" set to `true` should appear at 
+in the payloads of this endpoint. Further note that neither gateways nor
+<abbr title="Maximum Transmission Unit">MTU</abbr> are reported.
+##### `/cdns/{{name}}/snapshot`
+This is a semantic change only - payloads remain structurally unchanged. The
+reported `ip`, `ip6` and `interfaceName` fields for elements of the
+`contentServers` array property should be an arbitrarily chosen IPv4 service
+address, an arbitrarily chosen IPv6 service address, and the interface name of
+that/those chosen address(es).
+##### `/cdns/{{name}}/snapshot/new`
+This is a semantic change only - payloads remain structurally unchanged. The
+changes to this endpoint are the same as those described for
+`/cdns/{{name}}/snapshot` above.
+##### `/servers`/`/servers/{{ID}}`
+An example of one element of an output array for this endpoint at the time of
+this writing is shown below.
+       "cachegroup": "CDN_in_a_Box_Mid",
+       "cachegroupId": 6,
+       "cdnId": 2,
+       "cdnName": "CDN-in-a-Box",
+       "domainName": "infra.ciab.test",
+       "guid": null,
+       "hostName": "mid",
+       "httpsPort": 443,
+       "id": 10,
+       "iloIpAddress": "",
+       "iloIpGateway": "",
+       "iloIpNetmask": "",
+       "iloPassword": "",
+       "iloUsername": "",
+       "interfaceMtu": 1500,
+       "interfaceName": "eth0",
+       "ip6Address": "fc01:9400:1000:8::120",
+       "ip6Gateway": "fc01:9400:1000:8::1",
+       "ipAddress": "",
+       "ipGateway": "",
+       "ipNetmask": "",
+       "lastUpdated": "2018-12-05 18:45:05+00",
+       "mgmtIpAddress": "",
+       "mgmtIpGateway": "",
+       "mgmtIpNetmask": "",
+       "offlineReason": "",
+       "physLocation": "Apachecon North America 2018",
+       "physLocationId": 1,
+       "profile": "ATS_MID_TIER_CACHE",
+       "profileDesc": "Mid Cache - Apache Traffic Server",
+       "profileId": 10,
+       "rack": "",
+       "revalPending": false,
+       "routerHostName": "",
+       "routerPortName": "",
+       "status": "REPORTED",
+       "statusId": 3,
+       "tcpPort": 80,
+       "type": "MID",
+       "typeId": 12,
+       "updPending": false,
+       "xmppId": "mid",
+       "xmppPasswd": "",
+       "ipIsService": true,
+       "ip6IsService": true
+After this feature's inclusion, the same element would look like this:
+       "cachegroup": "CDN_in_a_Box_Mid",
+       "cachegroupId": 6,
+       "cdnId": 2,
+       "cdnName": "CDN-in-a-Box",
+       "domainName": "infra.ciab.test",
+       "guid": null,
+       "hostName": "mid",
+       "httpsPort": 443,
+       "id": 10,
+       "iloIpAddress": "",
+       "iloIpGateway": "",
+       "iloIpNetmask": "",
+       "iloPassword": "",
+       "iloUsername": "",
+       "interfaces": [
+               {
+                       "ipAddresses": [
+                               {
+                                       "address": "",
+                                       "gateway": "",
+                                       "serviceAddress": true
+                               },
+                               {
+                                       "address": "fc01:9400:1000:8::120/128",
+                                       "gateway": "fc01:9400:1000:8::1",
+                                       "serviceAddress": true
+                               }
+                       ],
+                       "monitor": true,
+                       "mtu": 1500,
+                       "name": "eth0"
+               }
+       ],
+       "lastUpdated": "2018-12-05 18:45:05+00",
+       "offlineReason": "",
+       "physLocation": "Apachecon North America 2018",
+       "physLocationId": 1,
+       "profile": "ATS_MID_TIER_CACHE",
+       "profileDesc": "Mid Cache - Apache Traffic Server",
+       "profileId": 10,
+       "rack": "",
+       "revalPending": false,
+       "routerHostName": "",
+       "routerPortName": "",
+       "status": "REPORTED",
+       "statusId": 3,
+       "tcpPort": 80,
+       "type": "MID",
+       "typeId": 12,
+       "updPending": false,
+       "xmppId": "mid",
+       "xmppPasswd": "",
+Request payloads for `PUT` and `POST` methods will need to change similarly. A
+server object should be accepted (based only on its `interfaces` property) if
+it has at least one interface, every interface has at least one IP address,
+exactly one interface has at least one IP address that is a service address, 
+no two IP addresses of the same family/version are simultaneously marked as
+'service addresses'. And, of course, the property's values must be 
+and semantically valid.
+Below are some examples of invalid `interfaces` property arrays, to which
+Traffic Ops MUST respond with a `400 Bad Request` and an appropriate Alert:
+Empty array
+{"interfaces": []}
+Null property
+{"interfaces": null}
+Missing property
+Empty `ipAddresses` sub-property
+       "interfaces": [
+               {
+                       "ipAddresses": [],
+                       "monitor": true,
+                       "mtu": 1500,
+                       "name": "eth0"
+               }
+       ]
+Null `ipAddresses` sub-property
+       "interfaces": [
+               {
+                       "ipAddresses": null,
+                       "monitor": true,
+                       "mtu": 1500,
+                       "name": "eth0"
+               }
+       ]
+Missing `ipAddresses` sub-property
+       "interfaces": [
+               {
+                       "monitor": true,
+                       "mtu": 1500,
+                       "name": "eth0"
+               }
+       ]
+No service addresses
+       "interfaces": [
+               {
+                       "ipAddresses": [
+                               {
+                                       "address": "",
+                                       "gateway": "",
+                                       "serviceAddress": false
+                               }
+                       ],
+                       "monitor": true,
+                       "mtu": 1500,
+                       "name": "eth0"
+               }
+       ]
+Too many interfaces with service addresses
+       "interfaces": [
+               {
+                       "ipAddresses": [
+                               {
+                                       "address": "",
+                                       "gateway": "",
+                                       "serviceAddress": true
+                               }
+                       ],
+                       "monitor": true,
+                       "mtu": 1500,
+                       "name": "eth0"
+               },
+               {
+                       "ipAddresses": [
+                               {
+                                       "address": "f1d0::f00d/128",
+                                       "gateway": "dead::beef",
+                                       "serviceAddress": true
+                               }
+                       ],
+                       "monitor": true,
+                       "mtu": 1500,
+                       "name": "wnlp0"
+               }
+       ]
+Too many service addresses of the same family/version
+       "interfaces": [
+               {
+                       "ipAddresses": [
+                               {
+                                       "address": "",
+                                       "gateway": "",
+                                       "serviceAddress": true
+                               },
+                               {
+                                       "address": "",
+                                       "gateway": "",
+                                       "serviceAddress": true
+                               }
+                       ],
+                       "monitor": true,
+                       "mtu": 1500,
+                       "name": "eth0"
+               }
+       ]
+##### `/servers/details`
+This endpoint is subject to the same changes described above for
+`/servers`/`/servers/{{ID}}` - though obviously the full output objects will
+#### Client Impact
+The structures output by various clients will change, but no client code 
+should be necessary.
 Review comment:
   curl support can't be broken unless we stop doing HTTP, tho

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