rob05c commented on code in PR #7096:

@@ -0,0 +1,484 @@
+package tmagent
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import (
+       "bytes"
+       "errors"
+       "os/exec"
+       "path/filepath"
+       "strconv"
+       "time"
+       ""
+       ""
+       ""
+       ""
+// ParentStatus contains the trafficserver 'HostStatus' fields that
+// are necessary to interface with the trafficserver 'traffic_ctl' command.
+type ParentStatus struct {
+       Fqdn                 string
+       ActiveReason         bool
+       LocalReason          bool
+       ManualReason         bool
+       LastTmPoll           int64
+       UnavailablePollCount int
+       MarkUpPollCount      int
+// used to get the overall parent availablity from the
+// HostStatus markdown reasons.  all markdown reasons
+// must be true for a parent to be considered available.
+func (p ParentStatus) available(reasonCode string) bool {
+       rc := false
+       switch reasonCode {
+       case "active":
+               rc = p.ActiveReason
+       case "local":
+               rc = p.LocalReason
+       case "manual":
+               rc = p.ManualReason
+       }
+       return rc
+// used to log that a parent's status is either UP or
+// DOWN based upon the HostStatus reason codes.  to
+// be considered UP, all reason codes must be 'true'.
+func (p ParentStatus) Status() string {
+       if !p.ActiveReason {
+               return "DOWN"
+       } else if !p.LocalReason {
+               return "DOWN"
+       } else if !p.ManualReason {
+               return "DOWN"
+       }
+       return "UP"
+type StatusReason int
+// these are the HostStatus reason codes used within
+// trafficserver.
+const (
+       ACTIVE StatusReason = iota
+       LOCAL
+       MANUAL
+// used for logging a parent's HostStatus reason code
+// setting.
+func (s StatusReason) String() string {
+       switch s {
+       case ACTIVE:
+               return "ACTIVE"
+       case LOCAL:
+               return "LOCAL"
+       case MANUAL:
+               return "MANUAL"
+       }
+       return "UNDEFINED"
+// MarkdownServer contains symbols for manipulating a running MarkdownService
+// started by StartMarkdownService.
+type MarkdownServer struct {
+       // Shutdown signals the MarkdownService to stop its goroutines and 
release all resources.
+       //
+       // It is not buffered. Writes will block until the markdown service is 
done with any
+       // ongoing markdown operation. Once a write returns, the 
MarkdownService will begin
+       // shutdown.
+       // TODO: add signal to callers when shutdown has finished.
+       Shutdown chan<- struct{}
+       // UpdateHealth signals to the markdown service that health status has 
changed, and it should process markdowns again.
+       UpdateHealth func()
+func StartMarkdownService(pi *ParentInfo, pollInterval time.Duration) 
*MarkdownServer {
+       doneCh := make(chan struct{})
+       updateCh := make(chan struct{})
+       updateHealthF := func() {
+               select {
+               case updateCh <- struct{}{}:
+               default:
+               }
+       }
+       go markdownServicePoll(pi, pollInterval, doneCh, updateCh)
+       return &MarkdownServer{Shutdown: doneCh, UpdateHealth: updateHealthF}
+func markdownServicePoll(pi *ParentInfo, pollInterval time.Duration, doneChan 
<-chan struct{}, updateChan <-chan struct{}) {
+       for {
+               select {
+               case <-doneChan:
+                       return
+               default:
+                       <-updateChan
+                       start := time.Now()
+                       doMarkdown(pi)
+                       log.Infof("poll-status poll=markdown ms=%v\n", 
+                       time.Sleep(pollInterval)
+               }
+       }
+// decideHealthy is the algorithm for deciding whether a cache is healthy.
+// It takes the cache hostname, and all health results, and returns a single 
boolean decision.
+func decideHealthy(
+       markdownMethods map[config.HealthMethod]struct{},
+       parentFQDN string,
+       tmHealth *TrafficMonitorHealth,
+       parentHealthL4 *ParentHealth,
+       parentHealthL7 *ParentHealth,
+       parentServiceHealth *ParentServiceHealth,
+) bool {
+       // TODO use hostname:port? Parents can be healthy on one port/service 
but not another.
+       // The ATS markdown command can't mark down per-port as of this 
writing, but
+       // we can at least calculate it, to log that data, and be able to easily
+       // mark down host:port when ATS adds that.
+       // note the CacheStatuses has v4 and v6 data,
+       // but ATS also can't mark down hosts per IP version yet,
+       // so we just use the generic/old non-IP-versioned IsAvailable field.
+       // TODO make decision algorithm/pessimism/ratio/etc configurable
+       tmHealthy := (*bool)(nil)
+       l4Healthy := (*bool)(nil)
+       l7Healthy := (*bool)(nil)
+       recursiveHealthy := (*bool)(nil)
+       l4Health, hasL4Health := 
+       l7Health, hasL7Health := 
+       if _, use := markdownMethods[config.HealthMethodTrafficMonitor]; use && 
tmHealth.CacheStatuses != nil {
+               parentHostName := parseFqdn(parentFQDN)
+               tmHealthy = 
+       }
+       if _, use := markdownMethods[config.HealthMethodParentL4]; use && 
parentHealthL4 != nil && hasL4Health && 
len(parentHealthL4.ParentHealthPollResults) > 0 {
+               l4Healthy = util.BoolPtr(l4Health.Healthy)
+       }
+       if _, use := markdownMethods[config.HealthMethodParentL7]; use && 
parentHealthL7 != nil && hasL7Health && 
len(parentHealthL7.ParentHealthPollResults) > 0 {
+               l7Healthy = util.BoolPtr(l7Health.Healthy)
+       }
+       if _, use := markdownMethods[config.HealthMethodParentService]; use && 
parentServiceHealth != nil && 
parentServiceHealth.ParentServiceHealthPollResults != nil {
+               recursiveHealthy = 
+       }
+       printbp := func(bp *bool) string {
+               if bp == nil {
+                       return "nil"
+               }
+               return strconv.FormatBool(*bp)
+       }
+       // TODO wait for all polls to have results, before marking down?
+       //      Maybe it doesn't matter for pessimistic health?
+       log.Infof("decide-healthy host=%v tm=%v l4=%v l7=%v svc=%v\n", 
parentFQDN, printbp(tmHealthy), printbp(l4Healthy), printbp(l7Healthy), 
+       // nilOrTrue is a helper func that returns true if the given *bool is 
nil or true.
+       // This is used for pessimistic health, but if the health doesn't exist 
for the parent
+       // for a particular health type poller, we don't want to mark it 
+       nilOrTrue := func(bp *bool) bool {
+               return bp == nil || *bp
+       }
+       // pessimistic: if any health mechanism is unhealthy, consider the host 
+       return nilOrTrue(tmHealthy) && nilOrTrue(l4Healthy) && 
nilOrTrue(l7Healthy) && nilOrTrue(recursiveHealthy)
+// decideRecursiveHealthy is the algorithm for deciding whether a parent is 
+// based on a heuristic of whether it can get to most parents
+// It takes the cache hostname, and all health results, and returns a single 
boolean decision.
+// Note this is a heuristic because ATS doesn't currently have the ability to 
mark down
+// a parent hostname for a single remap.
+// If and when ATS has the ability to mark down parents per-remap, we can mark 
down parents
+// just for remaps whose origins aren't available on that parent.
+func decideRecursiveHealthy(parentServiceHealth *ParentServiceHealth) bool {
+       // TODO get direct vs final parent data from strategies.yaml and 
+       //      Because we really want to heuristically check only the final 
parents (i.e. origins)
+       //      are available on our direct parent, not any other origins it 
has that aren't assigned
+       //      to this cache.
+       // TODO make configurable
+       const ratioToConsiderHealthy = 0.5
+       parentHealthy := map[string]bool{}
+       // TODO this is currently pessimistic: if any health mechanism is 
unhealthy, consider unhealthy.
+       //      make health decision configurable.
+       if parentServiceHealth == nil || 
parentServiceHealth.ParentServiceHealthPollResults == nil {
+               log.Warnln("decideRecursiveHealthy got nil parents, returning 
+               return true
+       }
+       for parentFQDN, recursiveHealth := range 
parentServiceHealth.ParentServiceHealthPollResults {
+               if recursiveHealth.ParentHealthL4 != nil && 
!recursiveHealth.ParentHealthL4.Healthy {
+                       parentHealthy[parentFQDN] = false
+                       continue
+               }
+               if recursiveHealth.ParentHealthL7 != nil && 
!recursiveHealth.ParentHealthL7.Healthy {
+                       parentHealthy[parentFQDN] = false
+                       continue
+               }
+               if 
+                       parentHealthy[parentFQDN] = false
+                       continue
+               }
+               parentHealthy[parentFQDN] = true
+       }
+       numParents := 0
+       numParentsHealthy := 0
+       for _, healthy := range parentHealthy {
+               numParents++
+               if healthy {
+                       numParentsHealthy++
+               }
+       }
+       healthyRatio := float64(numParentsHealthy) / float64(numParents)
+       return healthyRatio >= ratioToConsiderHealthy
+type parent struct {
+       host string
+       fqdn string
+// getParentFQDNs returns the FQDN of all parents in all health types.
+// This is necessary, because some health polls might not have parents, so we 
need to combine them all
+func getParentFQDNs(pi *ParentInfo, tmh *TrafficMonitorHealth, l4h 
*ParentHealth, l7h *ParentHealth, sh *ParentServiceHealth) []string {
+       // put FQDns in a set first, to remove duplicates
+       fqdnSet := map[string]struct{}{}
+       for cacheName, _ := range tmh.CacheStatuses {
+               hostName := string(cacheName)
+               fqdn, ok := pi.ParentHostFQDNs.Load(hostName)
+               if !ok {
+                       // this should be normal. Many parents in TM won't be 
parents of this cache
+                       continue
+               }
+               fqdnSet[fqdn] = struct{}{}
+       }
+       for fqdn, _ := range l4h.ParentHealthPollResults {
+               fqdnSet[fqdn] = struct{}{}
+       }
+       for fqdn, _ := range l7h.ParentHealthPollResults {
+               fqdnSet[fqdn] = struct{}{}
+       }
+       for fqdn, _ := range sh.ParentServiceHealthPollResults {
+               // we don't need recursive health, just the direct parent. We 
only need direct parents to mark down.
+               fqdnSet[fqdn] = struct{}{}
+       }
+       fqdns := make([]string, 0, len(fqdnSet))
+       for fqdn, _ := range fqdnSet {
+               fqdns = append(fqdns, fqdn)
+       }
+       return fqdns
+// HealthSafetyRatio is the ratio of unhealthy parents after which no parents 
will be marked down.
+// This is a safety mechanism: if for any reason most or all parents are 
marked down, something
+// is seriously wrong, possibly with the health code itself, and therefore 
don't mark any parents down,
+const HealthSafetyRatio = 0.3 // TODO make configurable?
+func doMarkdown(pi *ParentInfo) {
+       cfg := pi.Cfg.Get()
+       tmHealth := pi.TrafficMonitorHealth.Get()
+       parentHealthL4 := pi.ParentHealthL4.Get()
+       parentHealthL7 := pi.ParentHealthL7.Get()
+       parentServiceHealth := pi.ParentServiceHealth.Get()
+       parentFQDNs := getParentFQDNs(pi, tmHealth, parentHealthL4, 
parentHealthL7, parentServiceHealth)
+       unhealthyNum := 0
+       newCacheHealth := map[string]bool{} // map[fqdn]healthy
+       for _, fqdn := range parentFQDNs {
+               newAvailable := decideHealthy(pi.MarkdownMethods, fqdn, 
tmHealth, parentHealthL4, parentHealthL7, parentServiceHealth)
+               if !newAvailable {
+                       unhealthyNum++
+               }
+               newCacheHealth[fqdn] = newAvailable
+       }
+       unhealthyParentsExceedSafetyRatio := (float64(unhealthyNum) / 
float64(len(newCacheHealth))) > HealthSafetyRatio
+       log.Infof("markdown Unhealthy parents %v/%v safety ratio %v\n", 
unhealthyNum, len(newCacheHealth), HealthSafetyRatio)
+       if unhealthyParentsExceedSafetyRatio {
+               log.Errorf("Unhealthy parents %v/%v exceed safety ratio %v!! 
Marking all parents up!!\n", unhealthyNum, len(newCacheHealth), 
+       }
+       for _, fqdn := range parentFQDNs {
+               isAvailable := tc.IsAvailable{}
+               {
+                       hostName := parseFqdn(fqdn)
+                       isAvailable = 
+               }
+               parentStatus, ok := pi.LoadParentStatus(fqdn)
+               if !ok {
+                       continue // TODO warn? error? is this normal?
+               }
+               // update the polling time
+               parentStatus.LastTmPoll = tmHealth.PollTime.Unix()
+               newAvailable := newCacheHealth[fqdn]
+               if unhealthyParentsExceedSafetyRatio {
+                       newAvailable = true
+               }
+               // newAvailable := isAvailable.IsAvailable
+               oldAvailable := parentStatus.available(cfg.ReasonCode)
+               if oldAvailable != newAvailable {
+                       // do not mark down if the configuration disables mark 
+                       if !cfg.EnableActiveMarkdowns && !newAvailable {
+                               log.Infof("TM reports that %s is not available 
and should be marked DOWN but, mark downs are disabled by configuration", fqdn)
+                       } else {
+                               if newParentStatus, err := markParent(cfg, 
parentStatus, isAvailable.Status, newAvailable); err != nil {
+                                       log.Errorln(err.Error())
+                               } else {
+                                       log.Infoln("TM reports that '" + 
parentStatus.Fqdn + "' is not available so marked DOWN")
+                                       parentStatus = newParentStatus
+                               }
+                       }
+               }
+               // if the host is available clear the unavailable poll count if 
not 0.
+               if oldAvailable && newAvailable {
+                       if parentStatus.UnavailablePollCount > 0 {
+                               log.Debugf("resetting the UnavailablePollCount 
for '%s' from %d to 0",
+                                       fqdn, parentStatus.UnavailablePollCount)
+                               parentStatus.UnavailablePollCount = 0
+                       }
+               }
+               {
+                       parentHostName := parseFqdn(parentStatus.Fqdn)
+                       pi.ParentHostFQDNs.Store(parentHostName, 
+               }
+               // even if the status wasn't updated, we always need to update 
the poll time on the ParentStatus
+               pi.StoreParentStatus(parentStatus.Fqdn, parentStatus)
+       }
+// markParent is used to mark a parent as up or down in the trafficserver 
HostStatus subsystem.
+// It takes a parent, modifies it by marking available and setting reasons and 
other data,
+// and returns the modified/marked parent.
+func markParent(cfg *config.Cfg, pv ParentStatus, cacheStatus string, 
available bool) (ParentStatus, error) {
+       var hostAvailable bool
+       hostName := parseFqdn(pv.Fqdn)
+       activeReason := pv.ActiveReason
+       localReason := pv.LocalReason
+       unavailablePollCount := pv.UnavailablePollCount
+       markUpPollCount := pv.MarkUpPollCount
+       log.Debugf("hostName: %s, UnavailablePollCount: %d, available: %v", 
hostName, unavailablePollCount, available)
+       if !available { // unavailable
+               unavailablePollCount += 1
+               if unavailablePollCount < cfg.UnavailablePollThreshold {
+                       log.Infof("TM indicates %s is unavailable but the 
UnavailablePollThreshold has not been reached", hostName)
+                       hostAvailable = true
+               } else {
+                       // marking the host down
+                       if err := execTrafficCtl(pv.Fqdn, false, 
cfg.ReasonCode, cfg.TrafficServerBinDir); err != nil {
+                               log.Errorln(err)
+                               return ParentStatus{}, err
+                       }
+                       hostAvailable = false
+                       // reset the poll counts
+                       markUpPollCount = 0
+                       unavailablePollCount = 0
+                       log.Infof("marked parent %s DOWN, cache status was: 
%s\n", hostName, cacheStatus)
+               }
+       } else { // available
+               // marking the host up
+               markUpPollCount += 1
+               if markUpPollCount < cfg.MarkUpPollThreshold {
+                       log.Infof("TM indicates %s is available but the 
MarkUpPollThreshold has not been reached", hostName)
+                       hostAvailable = false
+               } else {
+                       if err := execTrafficCtl(pv.Fqdn, true, cfg.ReasonCode, 
cfg.TrafficServerBinDir); err != nil {
+                               log.Errorln(err)
+                               return ParentStatus{}, err
+                       }
+                       hostAvailable = true
+                       // reset the poll counts
+                       unavailablePollCount = 0
+                       markUpPollCount = 0
+                       log.Infof("marked parent %s UP, cache status was: 
%s\n", hostName, cacheStatus)
+               }
+       }
+       // update parent info
+       reason := cfg.ReasonCode
+       switch reason {
+       case "active":
+               activeReason = hostAvailable
+       case "local":
+               localReason = hostAvailable
+       }
+       // save updates
+       pv.ActiveReason = activeReason
+       pv.LocalReason = localReason
+       pv.UnavailablePollCount = unavailablePollCount
+       pv.MarkUpPollCount = markUpPollCount
+       // pi.Parents[hostName] = pv

Review Comment:
   No, the func was changed to return parents rather than mutate state. Removed

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