Github user mitchell852 commented on a diff in the pull request:
    --- Diff: traffic_ops/app/lib/API/Configs/ ---
    @@ -0,0 +1,1959 @@
    +package API::Configs::ApacheTrafficServer;
    +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
    +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
    +# You may obtain a copy of the License at
    +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    +# limitations under the License.
    +use UI::Utils;
    +use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Controller';
    +use Date::Manip;
    +use NetAddr::IP;
    +use Data::Dumper;
    +use UI::DeliveryService;
    +use JSON;
    +use API::DeliveryService::KeysUrlSig qw(URL_SIG_KEYS_BUCKET);
    +use URI;
    +use File::Basename;
    +use File::Path;
    +#Sub to generate ORT json
    +sub ort {
    +   my $self     = shift;
    +   my $id       = $self->param('id');
    +   my $filename = 'ort';
    +   my $scope    = 'server';
    +   ##check user access
    +   if ( !&is_oper($self) ) {
    +           return $self->forbidden();
    +   }
    +   ##verify that a valid server ID has been used
    +   my $server_obj = $self->server_data($id);
    +   if ( !defined($server_obj) ) {
    +           return $self->not_found();
    +   }
    +   my $data_obj;
    +   my $host_name = $server_obj->host_name;
    +   my %condition = ( 'me.host_name' => $host_name );
    +   my $rs_profile = $self->db->resultset('Server')->search( \%condition, { 
prefetch => [ 'cdn', 'profile' ] } );
    +   my $row = $rs_profile->next;
    +   if ($row) {
    +           my $cdn_name = defined( $row->cdn_id ) ? $row->cdn->name : "";
    +           $data_obj->{'profile'}->{'name'}   = $row->profile->name;
    +           $data_obj->{'profile'}->{'id'}     = $row->profile->id;
    +           $data_obj->{'other'}->{'CDN_name'} = $cdn_name;
    +           %condition = (
    +                   'profile_parameters.profile' => 
    +                   -or                          => [ 'name' => 'location', 
'name' => 'scope' ]
    +           );
    +           my $rs_config = $self->db->resultset('Parameter')->search( 
\%condition, { join => 'profile_parameters' } );
    +           while ( my $row = $rs_config->next ) {
    +                   if ( $row->name eq 'location' ) {
    +                           $data_obj->{'config_files'}->{ 
$row->config_file }->{'location'} = $row->value;
    +                   }
    +                   elsif ( $row->name eq 'scope' ) {
    +                           $data_obj->{'config_files'}->{ 
$row->config_file }->{'scope'} = $row->value;
    +                   }
    +           }
    +   }
    +   foreach my $file ( keys %$data_obj->{'config_files'} ) {
    +           if ( !defined( $data_obj->{'config_files'}->{$file}->{'scope'} 
) ) {
    +                   $data_obj->{'config_files'}->{$file}->{'scope'} = 
    +           }
    +   }
    +   my $file_contents = encode_json($data_obj);
    +   return $self->render( text => $file_contents, format => 'txt' );
    +#entry point for server scope api route.
    +sub get_server_config {
    +   my $self     = shift;
    +   my $filename = $self->param("filename");
    +   my $id       = $self->param('id');
    +   my $scope    = $self->get_scope($filename);
    +   ##check user access
    +   if ( !&is_oper($self) ) {
    +           return $self->forbidden();
    +   }
    +   ##check the scope - is this the correct route?
    +   if ( $scope ne 'server' ) {
    +           return $self->alert( "Error - incorrect file scope for route 
used.  Please use the " . $scope . " route." );
    +   }
    +   ##verify that a valid server ID has been used
    +   my $server_obj = $self->server_data($id);
    +   if ( !defined($server_obj) ) {
    +           return $self->not_found();
    +   }
    +   #generate the config file using the appropriate function
    +   my $file_contents;
    +   if ( $filename eq "12M_facts" ) { $file_contents = $self->facts( 
$server_obj, $filename, $scope ); }
    +   elsif ( $filename =~ /to_ext_.*\.config/ ) { $file_contents = 
$self->to_ext_dot_config( $server_obj, $filename, $scope ); }
    +   elsif ( $filename eq "ip_allow.config" ) { $file_contents = 
$self->ip_allow_dot_config( $server_obj, $filename, $scope ); }
    +   elsif ( $filename eq "parent.config" ) { $file_contents = 
$self->parent_dot_config( $server_obj, $filename, $scope ); }
    +   elsif ( $filename eq "records.config" ) { $file_contents = 
$self->generic_server_config( $server_obj, $filename, $scope ); }
    +   elsif ( $filename eq "remap.config" ) { $file_contents = 
$self->remap_dot_config( $server_obj, $filename, $scope ); }
    +   elsif ( $filename eq "hosting.config" ) { $file_contents = 
$self->hosting_dot_config( $server_obj, $filename, $scope ); }
    +   elsif ( $filename eq "cache.config" ) { $file_contents = 
$self->cache_dot_config( $server_obj, $filename, $scope ); }
    +   elsif ( $filename eq "packages" ) {
    +           $file_contents = $self->get_package_versions( $server_obj, 
$filename, $scope );
    +           $file_contents = encode_json($file_contents);
    +   }
    +   elsif ( $filename eq "chkconfig" ) {
    +           $file_contents = $self->get_chkconfig( $server_obj, $filename, 
$scope );
    +           $file_contents = encode_json($file_contents);
    +   }
    +   else {
    +           my $file_param = $self->db->resultset('Parameter')->search( [ 
config_file => $filename ] )->single;
    +           if ( !defined($file_param) ) {
    +                   return $self->not_found();
    +           }
    +           $file_contents = $self->take_and_bake_server( $server_obj, 
$filename, $scope );
    +   }
    +   #if we get an empty file, just send back an error.
    +   if ( !defined($file_contents) ) {
    +           return $self->not_found();
    +   }
    +   #return the file contents for fetch and db actions.
    +   return $self->render( text => $file_contents, format => 'txt' );
    +#entry point for cdn scope api route.
    +sub get_cdn_config {
    +   my $self     = shift;
    +   my $filename = $self->param("filename");
    +   my $id       = $self->param('id');
    +   my $scope    = $self->get_scope($filename);
    +   ##check user access
    +   if ( !&is_oper($self) ) {
    +           return $self->forbidden();
    +   }
    +   print STDERR "well i'm here anyway.";
    +   ##check the scope - is this the correct route?
    +   if ( $scope ne 'cdn' ) {
    +           return $self->alert( "Error - incorrect file scope for route 
used.  Please use the " . $scope . " route." );
    +   }
    +   ##verify that a valid cdn ID has been used
    +   my $cdn_obj = $self->cdn_data($id);
    +   if ( !defined($cdn_obj) ) {
    +           return $self->not_found();
    +   }
    +   #generate the config file using the appropriate function
    +   my $file_contents;
    +   if ( $filename eq "bg_fetch.config" ) { $file_contents = 
$self->bg_fetch_dot_config( $cdn_obj, $filename, $scope ); }
    +   elsif ( $filename =~ /cacheurl.*\.config/ ) { $file_contents = 
$self->cacheurl_dot_config( $cdn_obj, $filename, $scope ); }
    +   elsif ( $filename =~ /hdr_rw_.*\.config/ ) { $file_contents = 
$self->header_rewrite_dot_config( $cdn_obj, $filename, $scope ); }
    +   elsif ( $filename =~ /regex_remap_.*\.config/ ) { $file_contents = 
$self->regex_remap_dot_config( $cdn_obj, $filename, $scope ); }
    +   elsif ( $filename eq "regex_revalidate.config" ) { $file_contents = 
$self->regex_revalidate_dot_config( $cdn_obj, $filename, $scope ); }
    +   elsif ( $filename =~ /set_dscp_.*\.config/ ) { $file_contents = 
$self->set_dscp_dot_config( $cdn_obj, $filename, $scope ); }
    +   elsif ( $filename eq "ssl_multicert.config" ) { $file_contents = 
$self->ssl_multicert_dot_config( $cdn_obj, $filename, $scope ); }
    +   else                                          { return 
$self->not_found(); }
    +   if ( !defined($file_contents) ) {
    +           return $self->not_found();
    +   }
    +   return $self->render( text => $file_contents, format => 'txt' );
    +#entry point for profile scope api route.
    +sub get_profile_config {
    +   my $self     = shift;
    +   my $filename = $self->param("filename");
    +   my $id       = $self->param('id');
    +   my $scope    = $self->get_scope($filename);
    +   ##check user access
    +   if ( !&is_oper($self) ) {
    +           return $self->forbidden();
    +   }
    +   ##check the scope - is this the correct route?
    +   if ( $scope ne 'profile' ) {
    +           return $self->alert( "Error - incorrect file scope for route 
used.  Please use the " . $scope . " route." );
    +   }
    +   ##verify that a valid profile ID has been used
    +   my $profile_obj = $self->profile_data($id);
    +   if ( !defined($profile_obj) ) {
    +           return $self->not_found();
    +   }
    +   #generate the config file using the appropriate function
    +   my $file_contents;
    +   if ( $filename eq "50-ats.rules" ) { $file_contents = 
$self->ats_dot_rules( $profile_obj, $filename, $scope ); }
    +   elsif ( $filename eq "astats.config" ) { $file_contents = 
$self->generic_profile_config( $profile_obj, $filename, $scope ); }
    +   elsif ( $filename eq "drop_qstring.config" ) { $file_contents = 
$self->drop_qstring_dot_config( $profile_obj, $filename, $scope ); }
    +   elsif ( $filename eq "logs_xml.config" ) { $file_contents = 
$self->logs_xml_dot_config( $profile_obj, $filename, $scope ); }
    +   elsif ( $filename eq "plugin.config" ) { $file_contents = 
$self->generic_profile_config( $profile_obj, $filename, $scope ); }
    +   elsif ( $filename eq "storage.config" ) { $file_contents = 
$self->storage_dot_config( $profile_obj, $filename, $scope ); }
    +   elsif ( $filename eq "sysctl.conf" ) { $file_contents = 
$self->generic_profile_config( $profile_obj, $filename, $scope ); }
    +   elsif ( $filename =~ /url_sig_.*\.config/ ) { $file_contents = 
$self->url_sig_dot_config( $profile_obj, $filename, $scope ); }
    +   elsif ( $filename eq "volume.config" ) { $file_contents = 
$self->volume_dot_config( $profile_obj, $filename, $scope ); }
    +   else {
    +           my $file_param = $self->db->resultset('Parameter')->search( [ 
config_file => $filename ] )->single;
    +           if ( !defined($file_param) ) {
    +                   return $self->not_found();
    +           }
    +           $file_contents = $self->take_and_bake_profile( $profile_obj, 
$filename, $scope );
    +   }
    +   if ( !defined($file_contents) ) {
    +           return $self->not_found();
    +   }
    +   return $self->render( text => $file_contents, format => 'txt' );
    +my $separator ||= {
    +   "records.config"  => " ",
    +   "plugin.config"   => " ",
    +   "sysctl.conf"     => " = ",
    +   "url_sig_.config" => " = ",
    +   "astats.config"   => "=",
    +#identify the correct scope for each filename.  if not found, returns 
server scope as any
    +#undefined parameter based configs are designed with server scope using 
the take-and-bake sub.
    +sub get_scope {
    +   my $self  = shift;
    +   my $fname = shift;
    +   my $scope;
    +   if    ( $fname eq "12M_facts" )               { $scope = 'server' }
    +   elsif ( $fname eq "ip_allow.config" )         { $scope = 'server' }
    +   elsif ( $fname eq "parent.config" )           { $scope = 'server' }
    +   elsif ( $fname eq "records.config" )          { $scope = 'server' }
    +   elsif ( $fname eq "remap.config" )            { $scope = 'server' }
    +   elsif ( $fname =~ /to_ext_.*\.config/ )       { $scope = 'server' }
    +   elsif ( $fname eq "hosting.config" )          { $scope = 'server' }
    +   elsif ( $fname eq "cache.config" )            { $scope = 'server' }
    +   elsif ( $fname eq "packages" )                { $scope = 'server' }
    +   elsif ( $fname eq "chkconfig" )               { $scope = 'server' }
    +   elsif ( $fname eq "50-ats.rules" )            { $scope = 'profile' }
    +   elsif ( $fname eq "astats.config" )           { $scope = 'profile' }
    +   elsif ( $fname eq "drop_qstring.config" )     { $scope = 'profile' }
    +   elsif ( $fname eq "logs_xml.config" )         { $scope = 'profile' }
    +   elsif ( $fname eq "plugin.config" )           { $scope = 'profile' }
    +   elsif ( $fname eq "storage.config" )          { $scope = 'profile' }
    +   elsif ( $fname eq "sysctl.conf" )             { $scope = 'profile' }
    +   elsif ( $fname =~ /url_sig_.*\.config/ )      { $scope = 'profile' }
    +   elsif ( $fname eq "volume.config" )           { $scope = 'profile' }
    +   elsif ( $fname eq "bg_fetch.config" )         { $scope = 'cdn' }
    +   elsif ( $fname =~ /cacheurl.*\.config/ )      { $scope = 'cdn' }
    +   elsif ( $fname =~ /hdr_rw_.*\.config/ )       { $scope = 'cdn' }
    +   elsif ( $fname =~ /regex_remap_.*\.config/ )  { $scope = 'cdn' }
    +   elsif ( $fname eq "regex_revalidate.config" ) { $scope = 'cdn' }
    +   elsif ( $fname =~ /set_dscp_.*\.config/ )     { $scope = 'cdn' }
    +   elsif ( $fname eq "ssl_multicert.config" )    { $scope = 'cdn' }
    +   else {
    +           $scope = $self->db->resultset('Parameter')->search( { -and => [ 
name => 'scope', config_file => $fname ] } )->get_column('value')->first();
    +           if ( !defined($scope) ) {
    +                   $self->app->log->error("Filename not found.  Setting 
Server scope.");
    +                   $scope = 'server';
    +           }
    +   }
    +   return $scope;
    +#takes the server name or ID and turns it into a server object that can 
reference either, making either work for the request.
    +sub server_data {
    +   my $self = shift;
    +   my $id   = shift;
    +   my $server_obj;
    +   #if an ID is passed, look up by ID.  Otherwise, look up by hostname.
    +   if ( $id =~ /^\d+$/ ) {
    +           $server_obj = $self->db->resultset('Server')->search( { id => 
$id } )->single;
    +   }
    +   else {
    +           $server_obj = $self->db->resultset('Server')->search( { 
host_name => $id } )->single;
    +   }
    +   return $server_obj;
    +#takes the profile name or ID and turns it into a server object that can 
reference either, making either work for the request.
    +sub profile_data {
    +   my $self = shift;
    +   my $id   = shift;
    +   #if an ID is passed, look up by ID.  Otherwise, look up by profile name.
    +   my $profile_obj;
    +   if ( $id =~ /^\d+$/ ) {
    +           $profile_obj = $self->db->resultset('Profile')->search( { id => 
$id } )->single;
    +   }
    +   else {
    +           $profile_obj = $self->db->resultset('Profile')->search( { name 
=> $id } )->single;
    +   }
    +   return $profile_obj;
    +#takes the server name or ID and turns it into a server object that can 
reference either, making either work for the request.
    +sub cdn_data {
    +   my $self = shift;
    +   my $id   = shift;
    +   my $cdn_obj;
    +   if ( $id =~ /^\d+$/ ) {
    +           $cdn_obj = $self->db->resultset('Cdn')->search( { id => $id } 
    +   }
    +   else {
    +           $cdn_obj = $self->db->resultset('Cdn')->search( { name => $id } 
    +   }
    +   return $cdn_obj;
    +#generates the comment at the top of config files.
    +sub header_comment {
    +   my $self = shift;
    +   my $name = shift;
    +   my $text = "# DO NOT EDIT - Generated for " . $name . " by " . 
&name_version_string($self) . " on " . `date`;
    +   return $text;
    +#retrieves parameter data for a specific server by searching by the 
server's assigned profile.
    +sub param_data {
    +   my $self       = shift;
    +   my $server_obj = shift;
    +   my $filename   = shift;
    +   my $data;
    +   my $rs = $self->db->resultset('ProfileParameter')->search( { -and => [ 
profile => $server_obj->profile->id, 'parameter.config_file' => $filename ] },
    +           { prefetch => [ { parameter => undef }, { profile => undef } ] 
} );
    +   while ( my $row = $rs->next ) {
    +           if ( $row->parameter->name eq "location" ) {
    +                   next;
    +           }
    +           if ( $row->parameter->name eq "scope" ) {
    +                   next;
    +           }
    +           my $value = $row->parameter->value;
    +           # some files have multiple lines with the same key... handle 
that with param id.
    +           my $key = $row->parameter->name;
    +           if ( defined( $data->{$key} ) ) {
    +                   $key .= "__" . $row->parameter->id;
    +           }
    +           if ( $value =~ /^STRING __HOSTNAME__$/ ) {
    +                   $value = "STRING " . $server_obj->host_name . "." . 
    +           }
    +           $data->{$key} = $value;
    +   }
    +   return $data;
    +#retrieves parameter data for a specific profile by searching by the 
profile id.
    +sub profile_param_data {
    +   my $self     = shift;
    +   my $profile  = shift;
    +   my $filename = shift;
    +   my $data;
    +   my $rs = $self->db->resultset('ProfileParameter')->search( { -and => [ 
profile => $profile, 'parameter.config_file' => $filename ] },
    +           { prefetch => [ { parameter => undef }, { profile => undef } ] 
} );
    +   while ( my $row = $rs->next ) {
    +           if ( $row->parameter->name eq "location" ) {
    +                   next;
    +           }
    +           if ( $row->parameter->name eq "scope" ) {
    +                   next;
    +           }
    +           my $value = $row->parameter->value;
    +           # some files have multiple lines with the same key... handle 
that with param id.
    +           my $key = $row->parameter->name;
    +           if ( defined( $data->{$key} ) ) {
    +                   $key .= "__" . $row->parameter->id;
    +           }
    +           $data->{$key} = $value;
    +   }
    +   return $data;
    +#searches for the a specific parameter by name in a specific profile by 
profile ID and returns the data.
    +sub profile_param_value {
    +   my $self       = shift;
    +   my $pid        = shift;
    +   my $file       = shift;
    +   my $param_name = shift;
    +   my $default    = shift;
    +   # assign $ds_domain, $weight and $port, and cache the results 
    +   my $param =
    +           $self->db->resultset('ProfileParameter')
    +           ->search( { -and => [ profile => $pid, 'parameter.config_file' 
=> $file, '' => $param_name ] },
    +           { prefetch => [ 'parameter', 'profile' ] } )->first();
    +   return ( defined $param ? $param->parameter->value : $default );
    +#gets the delivery service data for an entire CDN.
    +sub cdn_ds_data {
    +   my $self = shift;
    +   my $id   = shift;
    +   my $dsinfo;
    +   my $rs;
    +   $rs = $self->db->resultset('DeliveryServiceInfoForCdnList')->search( 
{}, { bind => [$id] } );
    +   my $j = 0;
    +   while ( my $row = $rs->next ) {
    +           my $org_server                  = $row->org_server_fqdn;
    +           my $dscp                        = $row->dscp;
    +           my $re_type                     = $row->re_type;
    +           my $ds_type                     = $row->ds_type;
    +           my $signed                      = $row->signed;
    +           my $qstring_ignore              = $row->qstring_ignore;
    +           my $ds_xml_id                   = $row->xml_id;
    +           my $ds_domain                   = $row->domain_name;
    +           my $edge_header_rewrite         = $row->edge_header_rewrite;
    +           my $mid_header_rewrite          = $row->mid_header_rewrite;
    +           my $regex_remap                 = $row->regex_remap;
    +           my $protocol                    = $row->protocol;
    +           my $range_request_handling      = $row->range_request_handling;
    +           my $origin_shield               = $row->origin_shield;
    +           my $cacheurl                    = $row->cacheurl;
    +           my $remap_text                  = $row->remap_text;
    +           my $multi_site_origin           = $row->multi_site_origin;
    +           my $multi_site_origin_algorithm = 
    +           if ( $re_type eq 'HOST_REGEXP' && $ds_type ne 'ANY_MAP' ) {
    +                   my $host_re = $row->pattern;
    +                   my $map_to  = $org_server . "/";
    +                   if ( $host_re =~ /\.\*$/ ) {
    +                           my $re = $host_re;
    +                           $re =~ s/\\//g;
    +                           $re =~ s/\.\*//g;
    +                           my $hname    = $ds_type =~ /^DNS/ ? "edge" : 
    +                           my $portstr  = ":" . "SERVER_TCP_PORT";
    +                           my $map_from = "http://"; . $hname . $re . 
$ds_domain . $portstr . "/";
    +                           if ( $protocol == 0 ) {
$dsinfo->{dslist}->[$j]->{"remap_line"}->{$map_from} = $map_to;
    +                           }
    +                           elsif ( $protocol == 1 || $protocol == 3 ) {
    +                                   $map_from = "https://"; . $hname . $re . 
$ds_domain . "/";
$dsinfo->{dslist}->[$j]->{"remap_line"}->{$map_from} = $map_to;
    +                           }
    +                           elsif ( $protocol == 2 ) {
    +                                   #add the first one with http
$dsinfo->{dslist}->[$j]->{"remap_line"}->{$map_from} = $map_to;
    +                                   #add the second one for https
    +                                   my $map_from2 = "https://"; . $hname . 
$re . $ds_domain . "/";
$dsinfo->{dslist}->[$j]->{"remap_line2"}->{$map_from2} = $map_to;
    +                           }
    +                   }
    +                   else {
    +                           my $map_from = "http://"; . $host_re . "/";
    +                           if ( $protocol == 0 ) {
$dsinfo->{dslist}->[$j]->{"remap_line"}->{$map_from} = $map_to;
    +                           }
    +                           elsif ( $protocol == 1 || $protocol == 3 ) {
    +                                   $map_from = "https://"; . $host_re . "/";
$dsinfo->{dslist}->[$j]->{"remap_line"}->{$map_from} = $map_to;
    +                           }
    +                           elsif ( $protocol == 2 ) {
    +                                   #add the first with http
$dsinfo->{dslist}->[$j]->{"remap_line"}->{$map_from} = $map_to;
    +                                   #add the second with https
    +                                   my $map_from2 = "https://"; . $host_re . 
$dsinfo->{dslist}->[$j]->{"remap_line2"}->{$map_from2} = $map_to;
    +                           }
    +                   }
    +           }
    +           $dsinfo->{dslist}->[$j]->{"dscp"}                        = 
    +           $dsinfo->{dslist}->[$j]->{"org"}                         = 
    +           $dsinfo->{dslist}->[$j]->{"type"}                        = 
    +           $dsinfo->{dslist}->[$j]->{"domain"}                      = 
    +           $dsinfo->{dslist}->[$j]->{"signed"}                      = 
    +           $dsinfo->{dslist}->[$j]->{"qstring_ignore"}              = 
    +           $dsinfo->{dslist}->[$j]->{"ds_xml_id"}                   = 
    +           $dsinfo->{dslist}->[$j]->{"edge_header_rewrite"}         = 
    +           $dsinfo->{dslist}->[$j]->{"mid_header_rewrite"}          = 
    +           $dsinfo->{dslist}->[$j]->{"regex_remap"}                 = 
    +           $dsinfo->{dslist}->[$j]->{"range_request_handling"}      = 
    +           $dsinfo->{dslist}->[$j]->{"origin_shield"}               = 
    +           $dsinfo->{dslist}->[$j]->{"cacheurl"}                    = 
    +           $dsinfo->{dslist}->[$j]->{"remap_text"}                  = 
    +           $dsinfo->{dslist}->[$j]->{"multi_site_origin"}           = 
    +           $dsinfo->{dslist}->[$j]->{"multi_site_origin_algorithm"} = 
    +           if ( defined($edge_header_rewrite) ) {
    +                   my $fname = "hdr_rw_" . $ds_xml_id . ".config";
    +                   $dsinfo->{dslist}->[$j]->{"hdr_rw_file"} = $fname;
    +           }
    +           if ( defined($mid_header_rewrite) ) {
    +                   my $fname = "hdr_rw_mid_" . $ds_xml_id . ".config";
    +                   $dsinfo->{dslist}->[$j]->{"mid_hdr_rw_file"} = $fname;
    +           }
    +           if ( defined($cacheurl) ) {
    +                   my $fname = "cacheurl_" . $ds_xml_id . ".config";
    +                   $dsinfo->{dslist}->[$j]->{"cacheurl_file"} = $fname;
    +           }
    +           $j++;
    +   }
    +   #       $self->app->session->{dsinfo} = $dsinfo;
    +   return $dsinfo;
    +#gets the delivery service data for a specific server.
    +sub ds_data {
    +   my $self       = shift;
    +   my $server_obj = shift;
    +   my $dsinfo;
    +   $dsinfo->{host_name}   = $server_obj->host_name;
    +   $dsinfo->{domain_name} = $server_obj->domain_name;
    +   my @server_ids = ();
    +   my $rs;
    +   if ( $server_obj->type->name =~ m/^MID/ ) {
    +           # the mids will do all deliveryservices in this CDN
    +           my $domain = $self->profile_param_value( 
$server_obj->profile->id, 'CRConfig.json', 'domain_name', '' );
    +           $rs = 
$self->db->resultset('DeliveryServiceInfoForDomainList')->search( {}, { bind => 
[$domain] } );
    +   }
    +   else {
    +           $rs = 
$self->db->resultset('DeliveryServiceInfoForServerList')->search( {}, { bind => 
[ $server_obj->id ] } );
    +   }
    +   my $j = 0;
    +   while ( my $row = $rs->next ) {
    +           my $org_server                  = $row->org_server_fqdn;
    +           my $dscp                        = $row->dscp;
    +           my $re_type                     = $row->re_type;
    +           my $ds_type                     = $row->ds_type;
    +           my $signed                      = $row->signed;
    +           my $qstring_ignore              = $row->qstring_ignore;
    +           my $ds_xml_id                   = $row->xml_id;
    +           my $ds_domain                   = $row->domain_name;
    +           my $edge_header_rewrite         = $row->edge_header_rewrite;
    +           my $mid_header_rewrite          = $row->mid_header_rewrite;
    +           my $regex_remap                 = $row->regex_remap;
    +           my $protocol                    = $row->protocol;
    +           my $range_request_handling      = $row->range_request_handling;
    +           my $origin_shield               = $row->origin_shield;
    +           my $cacheurl                    = $row->cacheurl;
    +           my $remap_text                  = $row->remap_text;
    +           my $multi_site_origin           = $row->multi_site_origin;
    +           my $multi_site_origin_algorithm = 
    +           if ( $re_type eq 'HOST_REGEXP' && $ds_type ne 'ANY_MAP' ) {
    +                   my $host_re = $row->pattern;
    +                   my $map_to  = $org_server . "/";
    +                   if ( $host_re =~ /\.\*$/ ) {
    +                           my $re = $host_re;
    +                           $re =~ s/\\//g;
    +                           $re =~ s/\.\*//g;
    +                           my $hname = $ds_type =~ /^DNS/ ? "edge" : "ccr";
    +                           my $portstr = "";
    +                           if ( $hname eq "ccr" && $server_obj->tcp_port > 
0 && $server_obj->tcp_port != 80 ) {
    +                                   $portstr = ":" . $server_obj->tcp_port;
    +                           }
    +                           my $map_from = "http://"; . $hname . $re . 
$ds_domain . $portstr . "/";
    +                           if ( $protocol == 0 ) {
$dsinfo->{dslist}->[$j]->{"remap_line"}->{$map_from} = $map_to;
    +                           }
    +                           elsif ( $protocol == 1 || $protocol == 3 ) {
    +                                   $map_from = "https://"; . $hname . $re . 
$ds_domain . "/";
$dsinfo->{dslist}->[$j]->{"remap_line"}->{$map_from} = $map_to;
    +                           }
    +                           elsif ( $protocol == 2 ) {
    +                                   #add the first one with http
$dsinfo->{dslist}->[$j]->{"remap_line"}->{$map_from} = $map_to;
    +                                   #add the second one for https
    +                                   my $map_from2 = "https://"; . $hname . 
$re . $ds_domain . "/";
$dsinfo->{dslist}->[$j]->{"remap_line2"}->{$map_from2} = $map_to;
    +                           }
    +                   }
    +                   else {
    +                           my $map_from = "http://"; . $host_re . "/";
    +                           if ( $protocol == 0 ) {
$dsinfo->{dslist}->[$j]->{"remap_line"}->{$map_from} = $map_to;
    +                           }
    +                           elsif ( $protocol == 1 || $protocol == 3 ) {
    +                                   $map_from = "https://"; . $host_re . "/";
$dsinfo->{dslist}->[$j]->{"remap_line"}->{$map_from} = $map_to;
    +                           }
    +                           elsif ( $protocol == 2 ) {
    +                                   #add the first with http
$dsinfo->{dslist}->[$j]->{"remap_line"}->{$map_from} = $map_to;
    +                                   #add the second with https
    +                                   my $map_from2 = "https://"; . $host_re . 
$dsinfo->{dslist}->[$j]->{"remap_line2"}->{$map_from2} = $map_to;
    +                           }
    +                   }
    +           }
    +           $dsinfo->{dslist}->[$j]->{"dscp"}                        = 
    +           $dsinfo->{dslist}->[$j]->{"org"}                         = 
    +           $dsinfo->{dslist}->[$j]->{"type"}                        = 
    +           $dsinfo->{dslist}->[$j]->{"domain"}                      = 
    +           $dsinfo->{dslist}->[$j]->{"signed"}                      = 
    +           $dsinfo->{dslist}->[$j]->{"qstring_ignore"}              = 
    +           $dsinfo->{dslist}->[$j]->{"ds_xml_id"}                   = 
    +           $dsinfo->{dslist}->[$j]->{"edge_header_rewrite"}         = 
    +           $dsinfo->{dslist}->[$j]->{"mid_header_rewrite"}          = 
    +           $dsinfo->{dslist}->[$j]->{"regex_remap"}                 = 
    +           $dsinfo->{dslist}->[$j]->{"range_request_handling"}      = 
    +           $dsinfo->{dslist}->[$j]->{"origin_shield"}               = 
    +           $dsinfo->{dslist}->[$j]->{"cacheurl"}                    = 
    +           $dsinfo->{dslist}->[$j]->{"remap_text"}                  = 
    +           $dsinfo->{dslist}->[$j]->{"multi_site_origin"}           = 
    +           $dsinfo->{dslist}->[$j]->{"multi_site_origin_algorithm"} = 
    +           if ( defined($edge_header_rewrite) ) {
    +                   my $fname = "hdr_rw_" . $ds_xml_id . ".config";
    +                   $dsinfo->{dslist}->[$j]->{"hdr_rw_file"} = $fname;
    +           }
    +           if ( defined($mid_header_rewrite) ) {
    +                   my $fname = "hdr_rw_mid_" . $ds_xml_id . ".config";
    +                   $dsinfo->{dslist}->[$j]->{"mid_hdr_rw_file"} = $fname;
    +           }
    +           if ( defined($cacheurl) ) {
    +                   my $fname = "cacheurl_" . $ds_xml_id . ".config";
    +                   $dsinfo->{dslist}->[$j]->{"cacheurl_file"} = $fname;
    +           }
    +           $j++;
    +   }
    +   return $dsinfo;
    +#generates the 12m_facts file
    +sub facts {
    +   my $self       = shift;
    +   my $server_obj = shift;
    +   my $filename   = shift;
    +   my $scope      = shift;
    +   my $text       = $self->header_comment( $server_obj->host_name );
    +   $text .= "profile:" . $server_obj->profile->name . "\n";
    +   return $text;
    +#generates a generic config file based on a server and parameters which 
match the supplied filename.
    +sub take_and_bake_server {
    +   my $self       = shift;
    +   my $server_obj = shift;
    +   my $filename   = shift;
    +   my $scope      = shift;
    +   my $data = $self->param_data( $server_obj, $filename );
    +   my $text = $self->header_comment( $server_obj->host_name );
    +   foreach my $parameter ( sort keys %{$data} ) {
    +           $text .= $data->{$parameter} . "\n";
    +   }
    +   return $text;
    +#generates a generic config file based on a profile and parameters which 
match the supplied filename.
    +sub take_and_bake_profile {
    +   my $self        = shift;
    +   my $profile_obj = shift;
    +   my $filename    = shift;
    +   my $scope       = shift;
    +   my $data = $self->profile_param_data( $profile_obj->id, $filename );
    +   my $text = $self->header_comment( $profile_obj->name );
    +   foreach my $parameter ( sort keys %{$data} ) {
    +           $text .= $data->{$parameter} . "\n";
    +   }
    +   return $text;
    +#generates a generic config file based on a profile and parameters which 
match the supplied filename.
    +#differs from take and bake in that it uses predefined separators.
    +sub generic_profile_config {
    +   my $self        = shift;
    +   my $profile_obj = shift;
    +   my $filename    = shift;
    +   my $scope       = shift;
    +   my $sep = defined( $separator->{$filename} ) ? $separator->{$filename} 
: " = ";
    +   my $data = $self->profile_param_data( $profile_obj->id, $filename );
    +   my $text = $self->header_comment( $profile_obj->name );
    +   foreach my $parameter ( sort keys %{$data} ) {
    +           my $p_name = $parameter;
    +           $p_name =~ s/__\d+$//;
    +           $text .= $p_name . $sep . $data->{$parameter} . "\n";
    +   }
    +   return $text;
    +#generates a generic config file based on a server and parameters which 
match the supplied filename.
    +#differs from take and bake in that it uses predefined separators.
    +sub generic_server_config {
    +   my $self       = shift;
    +   my $server_obj = shift;
    +   my $filename   = shift;
    +   my $scope      = shift;
    +   my $sep = defined( $separator->{$filename} ) ? $separator->{$filename} 
: " = ";
    +   my $data = $self->param_data( $server_obj, $filename );
    +   my $text = $self->header_comment( $server_obj->host_name );
    +   foreach my $parameter ( sort keys %{$data} ) {
    +           my $p_name = $parameter;
    +           $p_name =~ s/__\d+$//;
    +           $text .= $p_name . $sep . $data->{$parameter} . "\n";
    +   }
    +   return $text;
    +sub ats_dot_rules {
    +   my $self        = shift;
    +   my $profile_obj = shift;
    +   my $filename    = shift;
    +   my $scope       = shift;
    +   my $text = $self->header_comment( $profile_obj->name );
    +   my $data = $self->profile_param_data( $profile_obj->id, 
"storage.config" );    # ats.rules is based on the storage.config params
    +   my $drive_prefix = $data->{Drive_Prefix};
    +   my @drive_postfix = split( /,/, $data->{Drive_Letters} );
    +   foreach my $l ( sort @drive_postfix ) {
    +           $drive_prefix =~ s/\/dev\///;
    +           $text .= "KERNEL==\"" . $drive_prefix . $l . "\", 
    +   }
    +   if ( defined( $data->{RAM_Drive_Prefix} ) ) {
    +           $drive_prefix = $data->{RAM_Drive_Prefix};
    +           @drive_postfix = split( /,/, $data->{RAM_Drive_Letters} );
    +           foreach my $l ( sort @drive_postfix ) {
    +                   $drive_prefix =~ s/\/dev\///;
    +                   $text .= "KERNEL==\"" . $drive_prefix . $l . "\", 
    +           }
    +   }
    +   return $text;
    +sub drop_qstring_dot_config {
    +   my $self        = shift;
    +   my $profile_obj = shift;
    +   my $filename    = shift;
    +   my $scope       = shift;
    +   my $text = $self->header_comment( $profile_obj->name );
    +   my $drop_qstring = $self->profile_param_value( $profile_obj->id, 
'drop_qstring.config', 'content', undef );
    +   if ($drop_qstring) {
    +           $text .= $drop_qstring . "\n";
    +   }
    +   else {
    +           $text .= "/([^?]+) \$s://\$t/\$1\n";
    +   }
    +   return $text;
    +sub logs_xml_dot_config {
    +   my $self        = shift;
    +   my $profile_obj = shift;
    +   my $filename    = shift;
    +   my $scope       = shift;
    +   my $data = $self->profile_param_data( $profile_obj->id, 
"logs_xml.config" );
    +   my $text = $self->header_comment( $profile_obj->name );
    +   my $log_format_name                 = $data->{"LogFormat.Name"}         
      || "";
    +   my $log_object_filename             = $data->{"LogObject.Filename"}     
      || "";
    +   my $log_object_format               = $data->{"LogObject.Format"}       
      || "";
    +   my $log_object_rolling_enabled      = 
$data->{"LogObject.RollingEnabled"}     || "";
    +   my $log_object_rolling_interval_sec = 
$data->{"LogObject.RollingIntervalSec"} || "";
    +   my $log_object_rolling_offset_hr    = 
$data->{"LogObject.RollingOffsetHr"}    || "";
    +   my $log_object_rolling_size_mb      = 
$data->{"LogObject.RollingSizeMb"}      || "";
    +   my $format                          = $data->{"LogFormat.Format"};
    +   $format =~ s/"/\\\"/g;
    +   $text .= "<LogFormat>\n";
    +   $text .= "  <Name = \"" . $log_format_name . "\"/>\n";
    +   $text .= "  <Format = \"" . $format . "\"/>\n";
    +   $text .= "</LogFormat>\n";
    +   $text .= "<LogObject>\n";
    +   $text .= "  <Format = \"" . $log_object_format . "\"/>\n";
    +   $text .= "  <Filename = \"" . $log_object_filename . "\"/>\n";
    +   $text .= "  <RollingEnabled = " . $log_object_rolling_enabled . "/>\n" 
unless defined();
    +   $text .= "  <RollingIntervalSec = " . $log_object_rolling_interval_sec 
. "/>\n";
    +   $text .= "  <RollingOffsetHr = " . $log_object_rolling_offset_hr . 
    +   $text .= "  <RollingSizeMb = " . $log_object_rolling_size_mb . "/>\n";
    +   $text .= "</LogObject>\n";
    +   return $text;
    +sub storage_dot_config_volume_text {
    +   my $prefix  = shift;
    +   my $letters = shift;
    +   my $volume  = shift;
    +   my $text = "";
    +   my @postfix = split( /,/, $letters );
    +   foreach my $l ( sort @postfix ) {
    +           $text .= $prefix . $l;
    +           $text .= " volume=" . $volume;
    +           $text .= "\n";
    +   }
    +   return $text;
    +sub storage_dot_config {
    +   my $self        = shift;
    +   my $profile_obj = shift;
    +   my $filename    = shift;
    +   my $scope       = shift;
    +   my $text = $self->header_comment( $profile_obj->name );
    +   my $data = $self->profile_param_data( $profile_obj->id, 
"storage.config" );
    +   my $next_volume = 1;
    +   if ( defined( $data->{Drive_Prefix} ) ) {
    +           $text .= storage_dot_config_volume_text( $data->{Drive_Prefix}, 
$data->{Drive_Letters}, $next_volume );
    +           $next_volume++;
    +   }
    +   if ( defined( $data->{RAM_Drive_Prefix} ) ) {
    +           $text .= storage_dot_config_volume_text( 
$data->{RAM_Drive_Prefix}, $data->{RAM_Drive_Letters}, $next_volume );
    +           $next_volume++;
    +   }
    +   if ( defined( $data->{SSD_Drive_Prefix} ) ) {
    +           $text .= storage_dot_config_volume_text( 
$data->{SSD_Drive_Prefix}, $data->{SSD_Drive_Letters}, $next_volume );
    +           $next_volume++;
    +   }
    +   return $text;
    +sub to_ext_dot_config {
    +   my $self       = shift;
    +   my $server_obj = shift;
    +   my $filename   = shift;
    +   my $scope      = shift;
    +   my $text = $self->header_comment( $server_obj->host_name );
    +   # get the subroutine name for this file from the parameter
    +   my $subroutine = $self->profile_param_value( $server_obj->profile->id, 
$filename, 'SubRoutine', undef );
    +   $self->app->log->error( "ToExtDotConfigFile == " . $subroutine );
    +   if ( defined $subroutine ) {
    +           my $package;
    +           ( $package = $subroutine ) =~ s/(.*)(::)(.*)/$1/;
    +           eval "use $package;";
    +           # And call it - the below calls the subroutine in the var 
    +           no strict 'refs';
    +           $text .= $subroutine->( $self, $server_obj->host_name, 
$filename );
    +           return $text;
    +   }
    +   else {
    +           return;
    +   }
    +sub get_num_volumes {
    +   my $data = shift;
    +   my $num            = 0;
    +   my @drive_prefixes = qw( Drive_Prefix SSD_Drive_Prefix 
    +   foreach my $pre (@drive_prefixes) {
    +           if ( exists $data->{$pre} ) {
    +                   $num++;
    +           }
    +   }
    +   return $num;
    +sub volume_dot_config_volume_text {
    +   my $volume      = shift;
    +   my $num_volumes = shift;
    +   my $size        = int( 100 / $num_volumes );
    +   return "volume=$volume scheme=http size=$size%\n";
    +sub volume_dot_config {
    +   my $self        = shift;
    +   my $profile_obj = shift;
    +   my $filename    = shift;
    +   my $scope       = shift;
    +   my $data = $self->profile_param_data( $profile_obj->id, 
"storage.config" );
    +   my $text = $self->header_comment( $profile_obj->name );
    +   my $num_volumes = get_num_volumes($data);
    +   my $next_volume = 1;
    +   $text .= "# 12M NOTE: This is running with forced volumes - the size is 
    +   if ( defined( $data->{Drive_Prefix} ) ) {
    +           $text .= volume_dot_config_volume_text( $next_volume, 
$num_volumes );
    +           $next_volume++;
    +   }
    +   if ( defined( $data->{RAM_Drive_Prefix} ) ) {
    +           $text .= volume_dot_config_volume_text( $next_volume, 
$num_volumes );
    +           $next_volume++;
    +   }
    +   if ( defined( $data->{SSD_Drive_Prefix} ) ) {
    +           $text .= volume_dot_config_volume_text( $next_volume, 
$num_volumes );
    +           $next_volume++;
    +   }
    +   return $text;
    +# This is a temporary workaround until we have real partial object caching 
support in ATS, so hardcoding for now
    +sub bg_fetch_dot_config {
    +   my $self     = shift;
    +   my $cdn_obj  = shift;
    +   my $filename = shift;
    +   my $scope    = shift;
    +   my $text = $self->header_comment( $cdn_obj->name );
    +   $text .= "include User-Agent *\n";
    +   return $text;
    +sub header_rewrite_dot_config {
    +   my $self     = shift;
    +   my $cdn_obj  = shift;
    +   my $filename = shift;
    +   my $scope    = shift;
    +   my $text      = $self->header_comment( $cdn_obj->name );
    +   my $ds_xml_id = undef;
    +   if ( $filename =~ /^hdr_rw_mid_(.*)\.config$/ ) {
    +           $ds_xml_id = $1;
    +           my $ds = $self->db->resultset('Deliveryservice')->search( { 
xml_id => $ds_xml_id }, { prefetch => [ 'type', 'profile' ] } )->first();
    +           my $actions = $ds->mid_header_rewrite;
    +           $text .= $actions . "\n";
    +   }
    +   elsif ( $filename =~ /^hdr_rw_(.*)\.config$/ ) {
    +           $ds_xml_id = $1;
    +           my $ds = $self->db->resultset('Deliveryservice')->search( { 
xml_id => $ds_xml_id }, { prefetch => [ 'type', 'profile' ] } )->first();
    +           my $actions = $ds->edge_header_rewrite;
    +           $text .= $actions . "\n";
    +   }
    +   $text =~ s/\s*__RETURN__\s*/\n/g;
    +   return $text;
    +sub cacheurl_dot_config {
    +   my $self     = shift;
    +   my $cdn_obj  = shift;
    +   my $filename = shift;
    +   my $scope    = shift;
    +   my $text = $self->header_comment( $cdn_obj->name );
    +   my $data = $self->cdn_ds_data( $cdn_obj->id );
    +   if ( $filename eq "cacheurl_qstring.config" ) {    # This is the per 
remap drop qstring w cacheurl use case, the file is the same for all remaps
    +           $text .= "http://([^?]+)(?:\\?|\$)  http://\$1\n";;
    +           $text .= "https://([^?]+)(?:\\?|\$)  https://\$1\n";;
    +   }
    +   elsif ( $filename =~ /cacheurl_(.*).config/ )
    +   {    # Yes, it's possibe to have the same plugin invoked multiple times 
on the same remap line, this is from the remap entry
    +           my $ds_xml_id = $1;
    +           my $ds = $self->db->resultset('Deliveryservice')->search( { 
xml_id => $ds_xml_id }, { prefetch => [ 'type', 'profile' ] } )->first();
    +           if ($ds) {
    +                   $text .= $ds->cacheurl . "\n";
    +           }
    +   }
    +   elsif ( $filename eq "cacheurl.config" ) {    # this is the global drop 
qstring w cacheurl use case
    +           foreach my $remap ( @{ $data->{dslist} } ) {
    +                   if ( $remap->{qstring_ignore} == 1 ) {
    +                           my $org = $remap->{org};
    +                           $org =~ /(https?:\/\/)(.*)/;
    +                           $text .= "$1(" . $2 . "/[^?]+)(?:\\?|\$)  
    +                   }
    +           }
    +   }
    +   $text =~ s/\s*__RETURN__\s*/\n/g;
    +   return $text;
    +sub regex_remap_dot_config {
    +   my $self     = shift;
    +   my $cdn_obj  = shift;
    +   my $filename = shift;
    +   my $scope    = shift;
    +   my $text = $self->header_comment( $cdn_obj->name );
    +   if ( $filename =~ /^regex_remap_(.*)\.config$/ ) {
    +           my $ds_xml_id = $1;
    +           my $ds = $self->db->resultset('Deliveryservice')->search( { 
xml_id => $ds_xml_id }, { prefetch => [ 'type', 'profile' ] } )->first();
    +           $text .= $ds->regex_remap . "\n";
    +   }
    +   $text =~ s/\s*__RETURN__\s*/\n/g;
    +   return $text;
    +sub regex_revalidate_dot_config {
    +   my $self     = shift;
    +   my $cdn_obj  = shift;
    +   my $filename = shift;
    +   my $scope    = shift;
    +   my $text = "# DO NOT EDIT - Generated for CDN " . $cdn_obj->name . " by 
" . &name_version_string($self) . " on " . `date`;
    +   my $max_days =
    +           $self->db->resultset('Parameter')->search( { name => 
"maxRevalDurationDays" }, { config_file => "regex_revalidate.config" } 
    +           ->single;
    +   my $interval = "> now() - interval '$max_days day'";
    +   my %regex_time;
    +   $max_days =
    +           $self->db->resultset('Parameter')->search( { name => 
"maxRevalDurationDays" }, { config_file => "regex_revalidate.config" } 
    +           ->first;
    +   my $max_hours = $max_days * 24;
    +   my $min_hours = 1;
    +   my $rs = $self->db->resultset('Job')->search( { start_time => 
\$interval }, { prefetch => 'job_deliveryservice' } );
    +   while ( my $row = $rs->next ) {
    +           next unless defined( $row->job_deliveryservice );
    +           # Purges are CDN - wide, and the job entry has the ds id in it.
    +           my $parameters = $row->parameters;
    +           my $ttl;
    +           if ( $row->keyword eq "PURGE" && ( defined($parameters) && 
$parameters =~ /TTL:(\d+)h/ ) ) {
    +                   $ttl = $1;
    +                   if ( $ttl < $min_hours ) {
    +                           $ttl = $min_hours;
    +                   }
    +                   elsif ( $ttl > $max_hours ) {
    +                           $ttl = $max_hours;
    +                   }
    +           }
    +           else {
    +                   next;
    +           }
    +           my $date       = new Date::Manip::Date();
    +           my $start_time = $row->start_time;
    +           my $start_date = ParseDate($start_time);
    +           my $end_date   = DateCalc( $start_date, ParseDateDelta( $ttl . 
':00:00' ) );
    +           my $err        = $date->parse($end_date);
    +           if ($err) {
    +                   print "ERROR ON DATE CONVERSION:" . $err;
    +                   next;
    +           }
    +           my $purge_end = $date->printf("%s");    # this is in secs since 
the unix epoch
    +           if ( $purge_end < time() ) {            # skip purges that have 
an end_time in the past
    +                   next;
    +           }
    +           my $asset_url = $row->asset_url;
    +           my $job_cdn_id = $row->job_deliveryservice->cdn_id;
    +           if ( $cdn_obj->id == $job_cdn_id ) {
    +                   # if there are multipe with same re, pick the longes 
    +                   if ( !defined( $regex_time{ $row->asset_url } )
    +                           || ( defined( $regex_time{ $row->asset_url } ) 
&& $purge_end > $regex_time{ $row->asset_url } ) )
    +                   {
    +                           $regex_time{ $row->asset_url } = $purge_end;
    +                   }
    +           }
    +   }
    +   foreach my $re ( sort keys %regex_time ) {
    +           $text .= $re . " " . $regex_time{$re} . "\n";
    +   }
    +   return $text;
    +sub set_dscp_dot_config {
    +   my $self     = shift;
    +   my $cdn_obj  = shift;
    +   my $filename = shift;
    +   my $scope    = shift;
    +   my $text = $self->header_comment( $cdn_obj->name );
    +   my $dscp_decimal;
    +   if ( $filename =~ /^set_dscp_(\d+)\.config$/ ) {
    +           $dscp_decimal = $1;
    +   }
    +   else {
    +           $text = "An error occured generating the DSCP header rewrite 
    +   }
    +   $text .= "cond %{REMAP_PSEUDO_HOOK}\n" . "set-conn-dscp " . 
$dscp_decimal . " [L]\n";
    +   return $text;
    +sub ssl_multicert_dot_config {
    +   my $self     = shift;
    +   my $cdn_obj  = shift;
    +   my $filename = shift;
    +   my $scope    = shift;
    +   my $text = $self->header_comment( $cdn_obj->name );
    +   ## We should break this search out into a separate sub later
    +   my $protocol_search = '> 0';
    +   my @ds_list = $self->db->resultset('Deliveryservice')->search( { -and 
=> [ cdn_id => $cdn_obj->id, 'me.protocol' => \$protocol_search ] } )->all();
    +   foreach my $ds (@ds_list) {
    +           my $ds_id        = $ds->id;
    +           my $xml_id       = $ds->xml_id;
    +           my $rs_ds        = 
$self->db->resultset('Deliveryservice')->search( { '' => $ds_id } );
    +           my $data         = $rs_ds->single;
    +           my $domain_name  = UI::DeliveryService::get_cdn_domain( $self, 
$ds_id );
    +           my $ds_regexes   = UI::DeliveryService::get_regexp_set( $self, 
$ds_id );
    +           my @example_urls = UI::DeliveryService::get_example_urls( 
$self, $ds_id, $ds_regexes, $data, $domain_name, $data->protocol );
    +           #first one is the one we want
    +           my $hostname = $example_urls[0];
    +           $hostname =~ /(https?:\/\/)(.*)/;
    +           my $new_host = $2;
    +           my $key_name = "$new_host.key";
    +           $new_host =~ tr/./_/;
    +           my $cer_name = $new_host . "_cert.cer";
    +           $text .= "ssl_cert_name=$cer_name\t ssl_key_name=$key_name\n";
    +   }
    +   return $text;
    +sub url_sig_dot_config {
    +   my $self        = shift;
    +   my $profile_obj = shift;
    +   my $filename    = shift;
    +   my $scope       = shift;
    +   my $sep = defined( $separator->{$filename} ) ? $separator->{$filename} 
: " = ";
    +   my $data = $self->profile_param_data( $profile_obj->id, $filename );
    +   my $text = $self->header_comment( $profile_obj->name );
    +   my $response_container = $self->riak_get( URL_SIG_KEYS_BUCKET, 
$filename );
    +   my $response = $response_container->{response};
    +   if ( $response->is_success() ) {
    +           my $response_json = decode_json( $response->content );
    +           my $keys          = $response_json;
    +           foreach my $parameter ( sort keys %{$data} ) {
    +                   if ( !defined($keys) || $parameter !~ /^key\d+/ ) {    
# only use key parameters as a fallback (temp, remove me later)
    +                           $text .= $parameter . $sep . 
$data->{$parameter} . "\n";
    +                   }
    +           }
    +           foreach my $parameter ( sort keys %{$keys} ) {
    +                   $text .= $parameter . $sep . $keys->{$parameter} . "\n";
    +           }
    +           return $text;
    +   }
    +   else {
    +           return;
    --- End diff --
    do you want to return nothing? or do you want to return $text which at this 
point only contains the header_comment? if nothing, maybe kill the "else" and 
just add return undef to be more explicit. or just kill the else entirely.

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reply appear on GitHub as well. If your project does not have this feature
enabled and wishes so, or if the feature is enabled but not working, please
contact infrastructure at or file a JIRA ticket
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