Github user mitchell852 commented on a diff in the pull request:
    --- Diff: traffic_ops/app/lib/API/Configs/ ---
    @@ -0,0 +1,1941 @@
    +package API::Configs::ApacheTrafficServer;
    +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
    +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
    +# You may obtain a copy of the License at
    +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    +# limitations under the License.
    +use UI::Utils;
    +use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Controller';
    +use Date::Manip;
    +use NetAddr::IP;
    +use Data::Dumper;
    +use UI::DeliveryService;
    +use JSON;
    +use API::DeliveryService::KeysUrlSig qw(URL_SIG_KEYS_BUCKET);
    +use URI;
    +use File::Basename;
    +use File::Path;
    +use constant {
    +   HTTP                                    => 0,
    +   HTTPS                                   => 1,
    +   HTTP_AND_HTTPS                  => 2,
    +   HTTP_TO_HTTPS                   => 3,
    +   CONSISTENT_HASH                 => 0,
    +   PRIMARY_BACKUP                  => 1,
    +   STRICT_ROUND_ROBIN              => 2,
    +   IP_ROUND_ROBIN                  => 3,
    +   LATCH_ON_FAILOVER               => 4,
    +   RRH_DONT_CACHE                  => 0,
    +   RRH_BACKGROUND_FETCH    => 1,
    +#Sub to generate config metadata
    +sub get_config_metadata {
    +   my $self     = shift;
    +   my $id       = $self->param('id');
    +   ##check user access
    +   if ( !&is_oper($self) ) {
    +           return $self->forbidden();
    +   }
    +   ##verify that a valid server ID has been used
    +   my $server_obj = $self->server_data($id);
    +   if ( !defined($server_obj) ) {
    +           return $self->not_found();
    +   }
    +   my $data_obj;
    +   my $host_name = $server_obj->host_name;
    +   my %condition = ( 'me.host_name' => $host_name );
    +   my $rs_server = $self->db->resultset('Server')->search( \%condition, { 
prefetch => [ 'cdn', 'profile' ] } );
    +   my $server = $rs_server->next;
    +   if ($server) {
    +           my $cdn_name = $server->cdn->name;
    +           $data_obj->{'profile'}->{'name'}   = $server->profile->name;
    +           $data_obj->{'profile'}->{'id'}     = $server->profile->id;
    +           $data_obj->{'other'}->{'CDN_name'} = $cdn_name;
    +           %condition = (
    +                   'profile_parameters.profile' => 
    +                   -or                          => [ 'name' => 'location', 
'name' => 'scope' ]
    +           );
    +           my $rs_param = $self->db->resultset('Parameter')->search( 
\%condition, { join => 'profile_parameters' } );
    +           while ( my $param = $rs_param->next ) {
    +                   if ( $param->name eq 'location' ) {
    +                           $data_obj->{'config_files'}->{ 
$param->config_file }->{'location'} = $param->value;
    +                   }
    +           }
    +   }
    +   foreach my $config_file ( keys $data_obj->{'config_files'} ) {
    +           if ( !defined( 
$data_obj->{'config_files'}->{$config_file}->{'scope'} ) ) {
    +                   $data_obj->{'config_files'}->{$config_file}->{'scope'} 
= $self->get_scope($config_file);
    +           }
    +   }
    +   my $file_contents = encode_json($data_obj);
    +   return $self->render( text => $file_contents, format => 'txt' );
    +#entry point for server scope api route.
    +sub get_server_config {
    +   my $self     = shift;
    +   my $filename = $self->param("filename");
    +   my $id       = $self->param('id');
    +   my $scope    = $self->get_scope($filename);
    +   ##check user access
    +   if ( !&is_oper($self) ) {
    +           return $self->forbidden();
    +   }
    +   ##check the scope - is this the correct route?
    +   if ( $scope ne 'server' ) {
    +           return $self->alert( "Error - incorrect file scope for route 
used.  Please use the " . $scope . " route." );
    +   }
    +   ##verify that a valid server ID has been used
    +   my $server_obj = $self->server_data($id);
    +   if ( !defined($server_obj) ) {
    +           return $self->not_found();
    +   }
    +   #generate the config file using the appropriate function
    +   my $file_contents;
    +   if ( $filename eq "12M_facts" ) { $file_contents = $self->facts( 
$server_obj, $filename ); }
    +   elsif ( $filename =~ /to_ext_.*\.config/ ) { $file_contents = 
$self->to_ext_dot_config( $server_obj, $filename ); }
    +   elsif ( $filename eq "ip_allow.config" ) { $file_contents = 
$self->ip_allow_dot_config( $server_obj, $filename ); }
    +   elsif ( $filename eq "parent.config" ) { $file_contents = 
$self->parent_dot_config( $server_obj, $filename ); }
    +   elsif ( $filename eq "records.config" ) { $file_contents = 
$self->generic_server_config( $server_obj, $filename ); }
    +   elsif ( $filename eq "remap.config" ) { $file_contents = 
$self->remap_dot_config( $server_obj, $filename ); }
    +   elsif ( $filename eq "hosting.config" ) { $file_contents = 
$self->hosting_dot_config( $server_obj, $filename ); }
    +   elsif ( $filename eq "cache.config" ) { $file_contents = 
$self->cache_dot_config( $server_obj, $filename ); }
    +   elsif ( $filename eq "packages" ) {
    +           $file_contents = $self->get_package_versions( $server_obj, 
$filename );
    +           $file_contents = encode_json($file_contents);
    +   }
    +   elsif ( $filename eq "chkconfig" ) {
    +           $file_contents = $self->get_chkconfig( $server_obj, $filename );
    +           $file_contents = encode_json($file_contents);
    +   }
    +   else {
    +           my $file_param = $self->db->resultset('Parameter')->search( [ 
config_file => $filename ] )->single;
    +           if ( !defined($file_param) ) {
    +                   return $self->not_found();
    +           }
    +           $file_contents = $self->take_and_bake_server( $server_obj, 
$filename );
    +   }
    +   #if we get an empty file, just send back an error.
    +   if ( !defined($file_contents) ) {
    +           return $self->not_found();
    +   }
    +   #return the file contents for fetch and db actions.
    +   return $self->render( text => $file_contents, format => 'txt' );
    +#entry point for cdn scope api route.
    +sub get_cdn_config {
    +   my $self     = shift;
    +   my $filename = $self->param("filename");
    +   my $id       = $self->param('id');
    +   my $scope    = $self->get_scope($filename);
    +   ##check user access
    +   if ( !&is_oper($self) ) {
    +           return $self->forbidden();
    +   }
    +   ##check the scope - is this the correct route?
    +   if ( $scope ne 'cdn' ) {
    +           return $self->alert( "Error - incorrect file scope for route 
used.  Please use the " . $scope . " route." );
    +   }
    +   ##verify that a valid cdn ID has been used
    +   my $cdn_obj = $self->cdn_data($id);
    +   if ( !defined($cdn_obj) ) {
    +           return $self->not_found();
    +   }
    +   #generate the config file using the appropriate function
    +   my $file_contents;
    +   if ( $filename eq "bg_fetch.config" ) { $file_contents = 
$self->bg_fetch_dot_config( $cdn_obj, $filename ); }
    +   elsif ( $filename =~ /cacheurl.*\.config/ ) { $file_contents = 
$self->cacheurl_dot_config( $cdn_obj, $filename ); }
    +   elsif ( $filename =~ /hdr_rw_.*\.config/ ) { $file_contents = 
$self->header_rewrite_dot_config( $cdn_obj, $filename ); }
    +   elsif ( $filename =~ /regex_remap_.*\.config/ ) { $file_contents = 
$self->regex_remap_dot_config( $cdn_obj, $filename ); }
    +   elsif ( $filename eq "regex_revalidate.config" ) { $file_contents = 
$self->regex_revalidate_dot_config( $cdn_obj, $filename ); }
    +   elsif ( $filename =~ /set_dscp_.*\.config/ ) { $file_contents = 
$self->set_dscp_dot_config( $cdn_obj, $filename ); }
    +   elsif ( $filename eq "ssl_multicert.config" ) { $file_contents = 
$self->ssl_multicert_dot_config( $cdn_obj, $filename ); }
    +   else                                          { return 
$self->not_found(); }
    +   if ( !defined($file_contents) ) {
    +           return $self->not_found();
    +   }
    +   return $self->render( text => $file_contents, format => 'txt' );
    +#entry point for profile scope api route.
    +sub get_profile_config {
    +   my $self     = shift;
    +   my $filename = $self->param("filename");
    +   my $id       = $self->param('id');
    +   my $scope    = $self->get_scope($filename);
    +   ##check user access
    +   if ( !&is_oper($self) ) {
    +           return $self->forbidden();
    +   }
    +   ##check the scope - is this the correct route?
    +   if ( $scope ne 'profile' ) {
    +           return $self->alert( "Error - incorrect file scope for route 
used.  Please use the " . $scope . " route." );
    +   }
    +   ##verify that a valid profile ID has been used
    +   my $profile_obj = $self->profile_data($id);
    +   if ( !defined($profile_obj) ) {
    +           return $self->not_found();
    +   }
    +   #generate the config file using the appropriate function
    +   my $file_contents;
    +   if ( $filename eq "50-ats.rules" ) { $file_contents = 
$self->ats_dot_rules( $profile_obj, $filename ); }
    +   elsif ( $filename eq "astats.config" ) { $file_contents = 
$self->generic_profile_config( $profile_obj, $filename ); }
    +   elsif ( $filename eq "drop_qstring.config" ) { $file_contents = 
$self->drop_qstring_dot_config( $profile_obj, $filename ); }
    +   elsif ( $filename eq "logs_xml.config" ) { $file_contents = 
$self->logs_xml_dot_config( $profile_obj, $filename ); }
    +   elsif ( $filename eq "plugin.config" ) { $file_contents = 
$self->generic_profile_config( $profile_obj, $filename ); }
    +   elsif ( $filename eq "storage.config" ) { $file_contents = 
$self->storage_dot_config( $profile_obj, $filename ); }
    +   elsif ( $filename eq "sysctl.conf" ) { $file_contents = 
$self->generic_profile_config( $profile_obj, $filename ); }
    +   elsif ( $filename =~ /url_sig_.*\.config/ ) { $file_contents = 
$self->url_sig_dot_config( $profile_obj, $filename ); }
    +   elsif ( $filename eq "volume.config" ) { $file_contents = 
$self->volume_dot_config( $profile_obj, $filename ); }
    +   else {
    +           my $file_param = $self->db->resultset('Parameter')->search( [ 
config_file => $filename ] )->single;
    +           if ( !defined($file_param) ) {
    +                   return $self->not_found();
    +           }
    +           $file_contents = $self->take_and_bake_profile( $profile_obj, 
$filename );
    +   }
    +   if ( !defined($file_contents) ) {
    +           return $self->not_found();
    +   }
    +   return $self->render( text => $file_contents, format => 'txt' );
    +my $separator ||= {
    +   "records.config"  => " ",
    +   "plugin.config"   => " ",
    +   "sysctl.conf"     => " = ",
    +   "url_sig_.config" => " = ",
    +   "astats.config"   => "=",
    +#identify the correct scope for each filename.  if not found, returns 
server scope as any
    +#undefined parameter based configs are designed with server scope using 
the take-and-bake sub.
    +sub get_scope {
    +   my $self  = shift;
    +   my $fname = shift;
    +   my $scope;
    +   if    ( $fname eq "12M_facts" )               { $scope = 'server' }
    +   elsif ( $fname eq "ip_allow.config" )         { $scope = 'server' }
    +   elsif ( $fname eq "parent.config" )           { $scope = 'server' }
    +   elsif ( $fname eq "records.config" )          { $scope = 'server' }
    +   elsif ( $fname eq "remap.config" )            { $scope = 'server' }
    +   elsif ( $fname =~ /to_ext_.*\.config/ )       { $scope = 'server' }
    +   elsif ( $fname eq "hosting.config" )          { $scope = 'server' }
    +   elsif ( $fname eq "cache.config" )            { $scope = 'server' }
    +   elsif ( $fname eq "packages" )                { $scope = 'server' }
    +   elsif ( $fname eq "chkconfig" )               { $scope = 'server' }
    +   elsif ( $fname eq "50-ats.rules" )            { $scope = 'profile' }
    +   elsif ( $fname eq "astats.config" )           { $scope = 'profile' }
    +   elsif ( $fname eq "drop_qstring.config" )     { $scope = 'profile' }
    +   elsif ( $fname eq "logs_xml.config" )         { $scope = 'profile' }
    +   elsif ( $fname eq "plugin.config" )           { $scope = 'profile' }
    +   elsif ( $fname eq "storage.config" )          { $scope = 'profile' }
    +   elsif ( $fname eq "sysctl.conf" )             { $scope = 'profile' }
    +   elsif ( $fname =~ /url_sig_.*\.config/ )      { $scope = 'profile' }
    +   elsif ( $fname eq "volume.config" )           { $scope = 'profile' }
    +   elsif ( $fname eq "bg_fetch.config" )         { $scope = 'cdn' }
    +   elsif ( $fname =~ /cacheurl.*\.config/ )      { $scope = 'cdn' }
    +   elsif ( $fname =~ /hdr_rw_.*\.config/ )       { $scope = 'cdn' }
    +   elsif ( $fname =~ /regex_remap_.*\.config/ )  { $scope = 'cdn' }
    +   elsif ( $fname eq "regex_revalidate.config" ) { $scope = 'cdn' }
    +   elsif ( $fname =~ /set_dscp_.*\.config/ )     { $scope = 'cdn' }
    +   elsif ( $fname eq "ssl_multicert.config" )    { $scope = 'cdn' }
    +   else {
    +           $scope = $self->db->resultset('Parameter')->search( { -and => [ 
name => 'scope', config_file => $fname ] } )->get_column('value')->first();
    +           if ( !defined($scope) ) {
    +                   $self->app->log->error("Filename not found.  Setting 
Server scope.");
    +                   $scope = 'server';
    +           }
    +   }
    +   return $scope;
    +#takes the server name or ID and turns it into a server object that can 
reference either, making either work for the request.
    +sub server_data {
    +   my $self = shift;
    +   my $id   = shift;
    +   my $server_obj;
    +   #if an ID is passed, look up by ID.  Otherwise, look up by hostname.
    +   if ( $id =~ /^\d+$/ ) {
    +           $server_obj = $self->db->resultset('Server')->search( { id => 
$id } )->single;
    +   }
    +   else {
    +           $server_obj = $self->db->resultset('Server')->search( { 
host_name => $id } )->single;
    +   }
    +   return $server_obj;
    +#takes the profile name or ID and turns it into a server object that can 
reference either, making either work for the request.
    +sub profile_data {
    +   my $self = shift;
    +   my $id   = shift;
    +   #if an ID is passed, look up by ID.  Otherwise, look up by profile name.
    +   my $profile_obj;
    +   if ( $id =~ /^\d+$/ ) {
    +           $profile_obj = $self->db->resultset('Profile')->search( { id => 
$id } )->single;
    +   }
    +   else {
    +           $profile_obj = $self->db->resultset('Profile')->search( { name 
=> $id } )->single;
    +   }
    +   return $profile_obj;
    +#takes the server name or ID and turns it into a server object that can 
reference either, making either work for the request.
    +sub cdn_data {
    +   my $self = shift;
    +   my $id   = shift;
    +   my $cdn_obj;
    +   if ( $id =~ /^\d+$/ ) {
    +           $cdn_obj = $self->db->resultset('Cdn')->search( { id => $id } 
    +   }
    +   else {
    +           $cdn_obj = $self->db->resultset('Cdn')->search( { name => $id } 
    +   }
    +   return $cdn_obj;
    +#generates the comment at the top of config files.
    +sub header_comment {
    +   my $self = shift;
    +   my $name = shift;
    +   my $text = "# DO NOT EDIT - Generated for " . $name . " by " . 
&name_version_string($self) . " on " . `date`;
    +   return $text;
    +#retrieves parameter data for a specific server by searching by the 
server's assigned profile.
    +sub param_data {
    +   my $self       = shift;
    +   my $server_obj = shift;
    +   my $filename   = shift;
    +   my $data;
    +   my $rs = $self->db->resultset('ProfileParameter')->search( { -and => [ 
profile => $server_obj->profile->id, 'parameter.config_file' => $filename ] },
    +           { prefetch => [ { parameter => undef }, { profile => undef } ] 
} );
    +   while ( my $row = $rs->next ) {
    +           if ( $row->parameter->name eq "location" ) {
    +                   next;
    +           }
    +           if ( $row->parameter->name eq "scope" ) {
    --- End diff --
    i thought you got rid of "scope" parameters?

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